Greetings friends around the WORLD..YOU THINK YOU, THE END OF THE WORLD

Yeah i saw that xD lol~

Hmm kinda hard to not be artsy to some extent with the time i spent in art~

My professors are somewhat lenient and would let students turn in stuff later for points off~
[MENTION=14962]Nazrirun[/MENTION] I know~ Would you like a bomb? :3

Anima is easy to please though~ I think...

Embrace your art powers! Only those that have experienced the arts can feel that agonizing anxiety!... not that I want you to cut off your ear or anything~

Hmm... it's nice your professors do that, but I prefer to get full points so I always hand mine in on time. Sometimes I receive praise if I do because there would be few students who did pass it on time like 'you see there everyone, she can do it, why can't the rest of you get it together?'. I love that!
Bombing more innocents~

Hmm is he? idk lol~ i guess he could be :3

I dun wanna cut off my ear either... or eat paints and try to suicide and fail to some extent...

Lol so be the model student and screw everyone else over~ I try to get stuff in on time but i get confused and all that about due dates... so i dont...
Hmm... was he innocent? :3

Answer accordingly and amuse him, he'll like you! Would be my advice to catch Anima's heart! :)

Hmm... I like how you're feeling terrified about cutting and suicide~ :3

Well, it's my bread and butter to screw people over~ Besides, they know me anyway. No hard feelings.
Im not sure if he was innocent but oh wells xD He might not have been~

Lol we talk whenever so were not exactly strangers~

Hmm well cutting off ears made me think of Van Gogh so yeah.... i think he was trying to suicide wasnt he? Except he shot wrong and just kinda bled to death...

I suppose xD Im not exactly making it easy for the students under me either being near the top of the class in terms of test and stuff~ teacher wont give extra points if people do too well xD

So this is my random sketch that i tossed together in a couple hours for this odd lil contest~
Two random pictures i took of the chopsticks~


The little sleeping birdy that was supposed to be a phoenix~


The three little chibis that should probably be larger... sharpening failed... anyone wanna guess where they came from? :p
Staring out into space~

Looking around a bit~

Sitting curled up with hands around her knees~
The chopsticks were made from the wood of the Yggdrasil and blessed by the Gods~ It was further enchanted by Merlin, Gandalf, and Dumbledore in a legendary meeting only described of in the scriptures. Sauron, Voldemort, Darth Vader and the Mage of the Beginning caught wind of the meeting and decided to ambush them and steal the chopsticks. During the battle they twisted the enchantment placed on the chopsticks and were overwhelming with the sheer size of their cannon fodder army. Harry potter, Negi, Zero, and L appear at the last moment (of course) to turn the tide of the battle. It was then deemed too powerful and sealed into an alternate dimension where a Bloody Black Rabbit found it and started playing with it, destroying the abyss in the process. After the rabbit escaped the abyss, it tossed the chopsticks into a large lake where a hand shot out and grabbed it right before it hit the water. It was later found in the possession of a magical goldfish and given to a small fuzzball like creature that collected acorns. The small fuzzball gave it to a giant sleeping fuzzball which later dropped it during one of its nightly flights on a top. A girl in wolf's skin picked it up while hunting and gave it to some magician when he was passing by in his castle. Another magician that could transform into a dragon sneaked into his castle and tried to steal it, but was noticed and dropped the chopsticks in the clash that ensued. A young witch flew by during her deliveries and found it while looking for the cat doll that she had dropped. Curious about the magical aura she took it along. She gave it to a friend that studied plants to see what she would make of it. The friend took her glider and was returning home when a thunderstorm struck and she found herself on a massive levitating city. She ran around the empty city in awe when she bumped into a large robot. Surprised, she stumbled back and didnt notice that the chopsticks had fallen from her bag. It laid there for years till two young pirates came and found it. They brought it down too Earth along with a little stash of treasure. No one really knows what happened after that but i found it in the attic and thats the story that was passed down through our family. There seems to be many abilities activated by certain actions most of which i havent discovered but i found that i could summon creatures mythical or not from the shadows~

[MENTION=6030]nr345[/MENTION] My art except its nowhere near what i would call finished xD Ill go post other stuff elsewhere~
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And a new legend is born!
That was an epic tale that described how the Sacred Chopsticks came to existence, their powers wasted on the hands of a spammer. xD

Also, loved the second little fairy. :goodtea:

So far, we had "scientific", practical and fantasy descriptions. We could start to speculate what kind of description Deca will be posting. lol
I will post a sketch of my chopsticks later on in the day. Only because I have been so busy that I haven't started :l
[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] Hmm... I wasn't expecting such a story belong to your drawings, yet I see that you are drawing with all passion inside o'you. I'm very excited about your PAINTING works now.
[MENTION=6030]nr345[/MENTION] Hmm its not too great imo :/ Good for the hours i spent on it but nowhere near finished :x The story is just a random thing for this little contest xD Could probably have worked on the story quite a bit more~ My paintings arent that great either i dont think... Havent really painted purely for fun before cuz i find painting to be more time consuming than the other mediums so i prefer the others if possible :x
I enjoyed that strange and elaborate tale. It gives your chopsticks a whole new perspective!

Your art clearly shows what kind of person you are. It appeared to me quite smooth, concise, subtle, and focused. I like it very much.

The chibis are a nice add too. They show your imaginative and humorous side.

Perhaps we should make a list of judges... I still want to sing a congratulatory song... XD
Lol but the story was just randomly made xD Any guess where the second half of the story came from? :3 I dont think its too hard~

Hmm if you count the flurry of lines smooth :x The way i view it is that the flurry of lines represents my caution/reluctance to make a single decisive mark...

Hmm not too satisfied with the chibis :x Theyre too small... and actually i wanted a little pile more chibis just kinda being everywhere~ (the empty space bothers me somewhat)

Judges~ I guess we should~ *Kidnaps [MENTION=23970]x-Shiki-x[/MENTION] and shoves him into the spotlight*
The last half sounds like almost all the Miyazaki movies you watched combined into one...

Hmmm... smooth for me was how you applied pressure towards the paper and the texture of the overall piece... I probably need a close up to tell if you're reluctant or not.

If you want to do it... you can add more. I allow any participant to replace their previous one with a newer one if they desire. Only the new one will be judged though.

[MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] come here and receive a cookie!
Lol not all of them but yeah~ Miyazaki movies xD

Hmm i suppose :3 But the close ups didnt turn out too well... Im not really content with the shading and everything...

I think i would say im too busy/lazy atm xD

Who else to drag over~ We should probably have another page in the graphics section for this cuz everyone's stuff is buried :x
When I saw pirates I was thinking more of Pirates if the Caribbean.

Hm... I like it. You'll be a real contender to win. :3

Same with me... the tablet is nice, but I need more practice.

Ah... good idea! Hmm... I think I should be the one to make a new thread in the Graphics section... since I started it. :x
The last half sounds like almost all the Miyazaki movies you watched combined into one...

Hmmm... smooth for me was how you applied pressure towards the paper and the texture of the overall piece... I probably need a close up to tell if you're reluctant or not.

If you want to do it... you can add more. I allow any participant to replace their previous one with a newer one if they desire. Only the new one will be judged though.

[MENTION=12156]Hideki[/MENTION] come here and receive a cookie!

The end of the world is not yet to come, many things will still show up, They said the end was in 2012 which is NOT true.
I think we should make a thread in the Graphics Section. It's pretty difficult to look for the chopsticks that everyone has made.
Lol but theyre sky pirates :D Hmm maybe i shouldve shoved Pirates of the Caribbean in there :x

Ehh thanks i guess xD Sorta want to go back and do more and sorta dont :/

I wanna try using a tablet :x Could probably make some decent looking stuff... hopefully

Lol the go ahead xD Ill just continue with whatever hw~

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