Guardian RP (OOC Thread + Sign up)

『I think I already have all the stuff I need to write the character profile up but I still haven't decided on a name...』
『Well, I have a few variants but not sure whether I should use them... There is Mirai cause she looks like Mirai from Seisai Resonance (but no cause she isn't Mirai), there is Mimi cause she is nekomimi + cause I'm called that by Ruby (but no cause Ruby said he wants only himself to call me Mimi)...』
be creative, pick a name and jumble it about if you have to, its how i make my own alias's when going places i don't want people to know who i am XD
Hmm... so why dont people post their characters here anyhow? xD Its sort of... well itll go on the first page?
『I will post mine here though? When I write everything down that is xD』
『Ugh... Seems like my story will be much longer than I expected...』

*1 hour later*『Finally finished the race explanation... Now to write character's story...』
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『[MENTION=25147]MokouX13[/MENTION] ; Oh well, here I go... It won't fit into a single PM thus I'm sending it like this... No, seriously, prepare... Its really long... Sorry for making it so long...』

『Name: Silvy』
『Guardian's name: Krol' (self-named) - number unknown』
『Race: Nekobito』
『Age/apparent age: unknown/16』
『Btw, l' is soft sounding L. I don't know how to explain if you don't get how it sounds... Just try typing and "ль ль" (1 ль is the needed sound but it pronounces too quickly) in google translate with russian language turned on than press Listen...』
『Once upon a time, in the city of Listaval there lived a certain pack of cats. Unlike normal cats that usually hunt and live alone, these ones were always together. They lived helping each other out. Originally pack had about 5-6 cats. But in years it grew to over 30 of cats. Getting food for everyone became much harder. They needed to steal more food from humans. And since the amount needed was pretty big, humans finally noticed it. And thus a person was paid to get rid of them. That man became their new food. Cats realized that rather than stealing food from humans they could make humans into their food. But foolish humans only thought that the man ran away with their money and didn't know the truth. Thus they hired another one. That man became food too. Thinking it was another thief lazy people finally sent one of the merchant bothered by cats. He of course became food as well. Finally realizing that something was wrong people decided to ask a man that was known as a powerful magician to get rid of the cats.
Thought reluctant to depart from his research, the mage decided to enter an abandoned house where cats were rumored to live. There he saw something unbelievable. Inside the house there were marks of fire on the stone ground, there were some sort of sticks that looked as if something was impaled on them, skulls of people they ate were displayed on shelves and cats themselves were wearing clothes on them while trying to learn to walk on 2 legs. Mage was first shocked and couldn't move. But next things that he felt were not fear or anger, but interest and curiosity. The man was honestly amazed by cats that were copying humans. He felt that it would be a huge waste to kill them here. And whether feeling that he doesn't want to harm them or because he is a mage and is obviously stronger than them or for some other reason, cats didn't attack that man. They just went to his legs and looked up at him. As if begging him to teach them more. Thus man decided to throw away his current research and focus on teaching these cats. He had lots of money from the times when he adventured across the land so he could afford buying lots of food for cats.
At first, man was confused and didn't know how he should continue aiding these cats in their quest to become closer to humans. But then he just decided on trying everything he could. He decided to start with reading books about humans to cats. He thought this method will most definitely fail, but unexpectedly, when he took out the book and started reading, all cats surrounded him and listened. The first book was about early ages of men that taught about how humans learned to walk on 2 legs and began using tools with their hands. It took a day to completely read the book to cats. The night was close so he returned to his house and went to sleep. On the next morning, right after getting up he took another book and went to the cat's house stopping by the market to buy food for them. Yet another unexpected sight awaited him. Cats were now trying to pick up bones of previous victims with their paws. Some actually managed to do that by extending their claws. And some cats were already easily walking on their 2 legs... The mage understood that reading books to them was the right decision. And thus, day after day, he read lots of different books to cats. Each time cats sat around him always listening from beginning till the end.
But, soon he understood, making cats understand the concepts of humanity won't help them pass the certain wall that will still be in the way of cats becoming humans. Their body. Even making cats able to read and write didn't make them being able to talk. Their cat's throat didn't allow them to form the same sounds and words thus even when they tried to speak it was hardly understandable. Teaching them magic also didn't do much. The spells they could use were extremely weak. But the cats kept asking the mage to help them become humans. Man started thinking about what he could do. And thus again he tried doing everything he could. Mating with cats didn't help. Making cats mate with other humans he kidnapped from the streets didn't help. But eating those same humans seemed to bring some sort of result. From eating humans, their bodies seemed to grow a bit. Thus he kidnapped people night after a night and fed them to cats. But it just wasn't enough. There must be some way, mage thought. And then he finally remembered that he was a mage. If something cannot be achieved through normal means, he could just try to achieve it through magic. It took many days and many sleepless nights of research. Many people left that part of the city and shops got closed because of other people disappearing. Those who didn't leave soon became cats' prey. But finally that time has come. The mage somehow made some magic stuff that allowed cats to evolve into humans. He brought it to them and tested on one of them. It was a complete success. A cat who ate that stuff turned into a human-like creature but still retained many features of cats, like fur, claws, ears and tail. That cat could speak since the mage taught it how to from when it was still a cat. It seems that cat also had much more magic in it's new body because of what was used on it, thus when it tried using one of the weak spells taught to it before, the effect was much more powerful than even what mage could ever do. He decided to name these cats Nekobito (猫人) for they were cats and humans at the same time. The mage immediately went to make more of that magic stuff. And just in a single day, all 30+ cats safely turned into humanoid creatures. On the night of that same day, the mage became their food.
The cats who were now free, moved out of the city and traveled till they found a perfect big forest to call their new home. They made their houses and lived there for a month. But then they noticed that it was difficult finding enough food for 30+ of them in this 1 forest. Thus, they decided to split and live separately. Many pairs left and went separate ways from that forest. Some went living and working to cities. Some just went and traveled across the land. Some left in search of other forests. And some remained living in this forest... Many years passed since then. Many things happened in that time. Some of those things were nekobito becoming even more human-like losing their fur and long sharp claws. And another of those things was the coming of the guardians.』
『 Silvy is a descendant of nekobito who remained living in the big forest through all those years even after the appearance of guardians always protecting that small forest. They lived in the middle of the forest where guardians usually didn't come often. And 1 guardian that did come, was defeated and made pact with by one of the people. By learning how to deactivate this guardian from it, it was passed down from generation to generation to the strongest of the nekobito tribe. But one day, when Silvy was small and only just learned how to hunt on her own, another guardian entered the forest. Most of the tribe went off to defeat it when it approached their village. Before heading off Silvy's parents told her to not leave the house no matter what happened. Thus, she could only watch as the guardian killed her all of the tribe's people and destroyed the tribe's guardian. Afterwards that guardian looked deep into Silvy's eyes as it stood in front of the house on the tree. But then it turned away and went off taking the head of the tribe's guardian away in it's big coffin it had on it's back.
Time passed and Silvy grew older. She lived all alone in that forest hunting for food and continuing to protect the forest like her tribe always did. All while training both her body and mind. She wasn't taught magic by her parents before but she found lots of books in tribe's mage's room and learned it herself. She was only focused on getting stronger to be able to protect the forest and so that she won't die as her tribe did if that guardian comes again. She didn't even bother counting how many years passed and there was also no calendar or stuff like that in the tribe so she didn't even know how old she was.
It seemed that the tribe was extremely well versed in wind magic. They found ways to use wind magic for almost everything, from object strengthening and projectiles to radar and even weather prediction. A year before now Silvy finally became able to create a radar that could completely cover the whole forest which was tens of kilometers wide. She spent most of her days sitting on the top of the tree with the radar turned on. It helped her increase the amount of magic energy she could store in her body and strengthen her concentration.
Half of a year passed. In this time the radius of radar increased only by 5 kilometers, but she learned to subconsciously keep the radar on at all times even while sleeping. Using her radar she caught quite a few humans who violated the forest and hunted them down. One of them had the map of the outside lands but she didn't care about it much. She was the last protector of this forest now so she didn't plan to leave here anyway. One night, when she was sleeping, something entered her radar. The point on the radar kept approaching her house in a straight line. When she is asleep, range of the radar become much smaller. Whether that someone knew of this weakness or they simply decided to come at night and surprise her, she didn't know. She quickly got up and prepared to fight. She decided to circle around the target by the trees and attack from the back once they approach the house but when she went left, the point on the radar changed it's direction as well. She understood that it means it's target was definitely her. Thus, she lured it out to the place where it was easier for her to fight. The target simply followed without ever changing it's pace. She went out to the place where her tribesmen once fought against a guardian. Trees in that area were all crushed so it was a small opening lighted up by the light of the moon. She sat down on the remains of her tribe's guardian that were all covered with moss now and waited for her pursuer to enter the moonlight while casting strengthening spells on herself.
In just a few minutes it entered her sight. What was slowly chasing her appeared to be... a rabbit? Or not. Though it certainly had rabbit's head, it's body was human-like. It was also giving off this aura of being something else. The same one that all guardians gave off. The guardian looked at her, smiled a bit and while saying 『Found you.』 made the blades on it's chainsaw-like sword spin. The battle started.
[I have the battle story and dialogues between Silvy and guardian in my head as well, but it will become much longer if I write it all down so I'll just skip them ;p]
After an hour passed, victor was decided. It was Silvy. Her right arm was very injured and burned and claw on it broken, Many trees around themselves were cut down too, but she still managed to defeat the guardian. The defeated guardian laughed and proposed Silvy to make a pact with it. It told her that it's name is Krol' and it didn't really care about "herself" being a guardian and that "she" mostly fought only other guardians since they are strong. But it also told Silvy that "she" was of no match to more stronger new X-Types and EX-Type of guardians alone, thus "she" was seeking a strong person to make pact with "her" so that they can fight stronger enemies together. Without thinking for even 10 seconds, Silvy rejected the proposal. She only ever wanted to live in this forest thus she had no desire to venture outside and fight. Krol' was shocked by unexpected answer and just stood their with opened mouth. Silvy returned to her house, treated her wound and went to sleep. Radar told her that Krol' was still standing in that same spot. While she was sleeping she felt "her" approaching the house but she felt no enmity from "her" so she ignored it and just slept. On the next morning, almost the first thing that came entered Silvy's vision was Krol' sitting near a tree covered by lots of different birds with "her" same slight smile...
For another half of a year Silvy lived like that with Krol' sitting in the same one spot during all that time each day asking her to make a pact with "her" each time getting rejected. Thus another 6 months passed with Silvy training. But then one certain day. Another point entered Silvy's radar. It acted the same way as with Krol' slowly moving towards her. Seeing as she noticed it, Krol' said while still having that same expression 『You better run, its an EX.』. But Silvy still didn't run. She only prepared to fight. 『It's useless, you won't even be able to land a single damaging hit. I know it.』. But even then, she still didn't run. The quakes of guardian approaching. 『Hmmmmm... You know, now you want even be able to escape even if you run fast enough. Unless you make a pact with me.』. The guardian showed up. It was that same guardian that attacked the tribe long ago. It looked straight into Silvy's eyes just like before. But this time, it's look felt different. As if to prove, immediately afterwards a beam shot out. It went at her body. She didn't have time to evade. But it was blocked by Krol''s chainsaw-sword.
[Oops, I'm kinda adding to many details again >_< Skip ON]
In order to escape Silvy was forced into making contract with Krol'. While they were escaping from the forest, even though EX itself didn't follow them it still kept shooting it's beams at their back until they exited it's vision. Krol' took all the hits to "herself" thus got severely damaged. Krol' showed Silvy the direction she should be moving at, told her to go to town there and find someone who could repair guardians and disappeared into her shadow. She didn't want to leave the forest but she had no other choice. She went in direction Krol' pointed towards.
In some time, she finally reached the town. Kimvastav was written on the sign near it's entrance. She was attacked by a band of bandits on her way here but she easily dealt with them and snacked on them. She asked townspeople for directions and soon found a place she was looking for.』
『Location: Safe House in Krimvastav.』

『Appearance: Silvy, Krol'

『Personality: Tends not to show emotions on her face. A bit stubborn. Lacks common sense.』

>A cat so can understand/speak with animals, see in darkness and better hearing.
>Various strong wind magic (person) and strong fire attacks (guardian).
>Very strong at close combat.
>S-Type attacks that are very effective against physical armor.』

>Very weak against fire magic (person).
>Incompatible elements (guardian might hurt person if accidentally hit her).
>Bad teamwork.』

『Magic power: Strong wind currents that carry everything in their way. Wind shield that covers a person with a layer of wind that pushes back everything that touches it. Wind weapon enchantment making the blade longer, bigger and sharper while still being weightless. Wind radar able to scan everything around owner (normal actions radius 20km, battle 5km, sleeping 3km, concentrated 50km). Weather prediction...』
『Guardian's battle style: Fights at amazing speed while analyzing enemy, destroys their armor and attacks their weakspots directly.』
『Person's battle style: Uses fast moves to evade enemy's attacks and tries to use them against themselves. Tends to attack enemies from their blindspots.』


『Also sorry for double post...』
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No worries, and from what I see. Its fully fine. I'll put it up tomorrow since I'm way too tired to do this properly... ^w^;
『Good then... Its just that I sometimes have troubles shortening it all up. Basically I just wrote it all down the way I imagined it xD』
Oh its fine, I like reading about people's characters no matter how long it is.
『I can add the battle too if you want xD I kinda made a list of powers by what I imagined them using in that battle ^_^』

『Also, I think there the same distance problem with Hishimaki, Krimvastav and Listaval xD』
No need to, its long enough as it is. More then fine.

Not all roads are straight roads you know?.. :x Alot of roads on Mobius have to go around things in order to make them safer.
『Somehow I knew you would say no xD』

『I see, so its not the distances between cities in straight line but distance of the roads... Its fine then ^_^ Although it became hard understanding what is where. >_< Also, roads to forests?』
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Hmm wonder how long mine would get.. xD But ill try and keep it from getting too long as well... =w= When i have time to work on it anyway ><
Yep, roads to the entry of the forests. And the fact its hard to remember what's where is why this thread also exists.

And its okay Sammy, just take your time like I said.~
『Well, I think it would actually be better if you make some sort of map with black dots and names of places so that people at least know what is in which direction... Its not really that important I guess so if its a pain I suppose you can just ignore this request...』

『Looking forward to whatever Samye writes ^_^』

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