Poor Hare, Im going to miss you
She saved Shu twice already and now he is going to the dark side again
Well, time to watch Shu kill off everyone now...
my prediction becomes reality.... remembering what they've did before to Shirley...

I knew it too...
Feared like hell when I thought whether that scene was a death flag trigger. I knew these people wouldnt let her off.


R.I.P Hare. Loving memories.
I sense the bad episode coming soon...

Hope my sense is really bad though. Shu!!! Don't.You.Dare.! D:
^ Pur engrish
I ma no betta

Worse, worst


But I really dont like the direction they are going now, 7 episodes to change things again and again is not gonna work for me.

I am okay with the direction the anime is going.
I no like this week's episode.

Bad bad I.G. agreed with Yoshino to do in another lovely and innocent girl.
Seriously mang, why they always gotta' kill off my favorite characters Q.Q
It's a freakin' cheap tactic to draw emotions out of viewers D:<
I didn't feel attached to the characters except Gai so didn't feel sad about Hare's death. I like where this is going. Shu the tyrant and dictator. I still roll eyes at Daryl's concerns over Tsugumi.

I didn't really have have a strong connection with the characters so I wasn't moved like the others. It felt a bit melodramatic for me to be honest.

The moment when Hare stalked Shuu several episodes ago, I had a feeling the girl won't live long so the recent turn of events was not a big surprise. It reminded me too much of Shirley's fate after all. :<

As for Shoe, he'll most likely revert back to Mr. Nice Guy once someone slaps him back to reality because Hare wants him to be a "good" king and not become like Hitler. XD
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Really guys? Really? Why can we never let the dead be dead?
Seriously, if you are going to revive characters you kill off, don't kill them to begin with. It turns dramatic moments into something cheap and ridiculous. >.>

Honestly I have mixed feelings about this show now. Damn plot is all over the place, they show one thing in one episode and move to something else in next without ever concluding the preceding scene. More people seem to like this than the first half, but I'm opposite...

Arisa getting killed by Inori (Mana mode) was quite abrupt, and Argo is in quite a danger now that Shuu has gone literally insane. Speaking of Argo, what's his deal? Gai was as much of a tyrant as Shuu is, yet he disapproves Shuu for being a tyrant. So he admired the ruthless characteristic of Gai but Shuu should stay idealistic and kind? Come on...

I like Shuu's new outfit, but does Yahiro really need the scarf and the coat too? Takes away the seriousness of this so called "kingdom" because they look like a bunch of Chuunibyou kids role playing. Also, is it just me or did that long haired douchebag have a different void that he did couple of weeks ago? Back then he had a small boomerang-like void and this week he had a couple of balls attached by a string...

Yea, I don't really know what to say. As of right now the show's taken everything I enjoyed about it and turned them upside down. With 1/3 left to go, I hope it gets better again before the end -_-
Members of the staff behind the show:

A: I want someone to almost drown and Shu showing whose boss. Any candidates?
B: We have a Souta, just draw him.
A: Agreed.

C: Shu looks awesome in new suit and scarf.
D: Why dont we give it to Yahiro too?
C: Great idea.

E: We need to have a casualty and a cliffhanger.
F: Let's do in the oujo-sama with Inori Mana.
E: Excellent.

G: Sexy abs.
Emiya Shirou: People die when they are killed.

Opps, wrong show. GAWD, I.G., wut the heck is wrong with you people...
Even though Gai is the only character I like, but to bring him back from death is herp derp. The death scene with Mana is one of the better executed parts of the show. Give me back my tears. I was expecting Inori to have a dark personality of her own, not Mana again. She still lacks personality like a zombie, granted that is her character type but there are examples executed better like Nagoto (Haruhi). With Mana and Gai back, we might have the same plot again and that is not the most exciting thing to see.

As for Shu, I think the problem is kaji yuuki being the seiyuu, he fits the character but sorta lacked the uniqueness of other seiyuu like Jun's playfulness or Daisuke's manliness. He is just there, nothing stands out so yea, I sorta don't get the 'oopmh' feeling with Shu's change.
Opps my bad. Preview-kun shows an alive oujo-sama.

Now I really have no idea what happened.
I think the biggest problem at this point is that I don't know what this anime is about anymore.
First half was quite straightforward. It was oppressive government vs. underground rebellion trying to liberate Japan, and a normal high school student getting caught in the middle of it as he grows as an individual.
Now we got the UN trying to obliterate Japan for some illogical reasoning, a character with the most awkward eyebrows ever that we still don't exactly know who he is or what his purpose is, a dead guy revived for a cheap surprise, and a main character who has gone completely insane but still somehow portrayed as a fallen hero because he manages to show sympathy at the last minute.

And the last minute rebellion by the students didn't really make sense. It would have made sense had they rebelled BEFORE being mass murdered in that battle since this rebellion was based on info that broken Void = death. It didn't even need to be organized, just let the anger take care of itself since they wouldn't have needed Shuu anymore either way after the operation was done. I guess they just needed an excuse to put Arisa in the throne again before her white knight arrived, although it's laughable considering she literally whored herself in exchange for background info.

Speaking of not making sense, why did Shuu even appoint those two thugs close by his side? That's like asking to be stabbed in the back...Oh, and good job Haruka. Way to protect your son, he just got his right arm cut off and is hated by whole Japan. I don't see how this can possibly lead to "protecting Shuu" outcome unless it's via some nonsensical storyline twist which this series definitely needs no more of. And take off your stupid mask, it's ruining your MILF factor.

Sigh. Come on I.G...talents behind Code Geass and Death Note, and it's nowhere close to being as good as neither of them. Not anymore anyway.
Poor Arisa - Thats why I hate rape and NTR so much, really poor girl. Aint virgin pure no more.

Poor Shu - Handless and powerless. Probably no more Inori too.

Poor Gai - White hair and crystal eyes and all. Must had a tough revival process.

Poor Arisa - Did I mention her already? Oh crap, must be still reeling in disgust what just transpired over this episode for her. The entire 'my body for your info' thing was just plain bad taste, especially with a guy like that, so similar to those hateful NTR scenes. She was just a plain good girl who got traumatised by a crazy attack from another crazy woman. Your regular plain girl who didnt deserve any of what happened. Come on IG, you made the attempt to pull her out of the story by throwing Argo's rescue efforts into a waste, this week she gets 'raped'. *PUKE*

Not gonna touch on other parts of the episode, this week left a very bad aftertaste.
Well to be honest i like this anime a fair bit, It may not be fulfilling it expectations, But its not horrible (In my opinion) Well.. This episode was a big WTF.. Inori just used some power like Mana's then is probably straight away before we get to see anymore being taken away by Gai. Shu's lost his power, His hand is pretty screwed.. I'm fairly interested as to where this anime will lead to.. As long as they wrap up some of the confusion i believe it wont be bad.
No, not a bad anime at all by any means. It's just disappointing considering how much it was hyped and all the talents behind this show.
This episode made me think of a chef working at a restaurant late at night, when he looks around and sees all the stuff he’s going to have to throw away when the restaurant closes. So he takes everything that’s left over, tosses it into a big pot, simmers it for a while and tells the front-of-house manager to add it to the “Specials” board. “What do you want to call it?” the FOH guy asks. The chef thinks about it for a minute, scratches his chin thoughtfully, and says “Let’s call it Guilty Crown.”

You know it's sad when the joker-looking guy that has no qualms murdering people seems to be the only good one in comparison.

I mean the guy follows orders but he's looking out for himself and wants answers.

Inori's transformation is pretty hilarious. No I mean seriously the design looks like something out of FF games.

As for Gai, Lolol Imma firing my mizzilez from my handz lololol With how I look now I can danmaku battle in Gensoukyou or something...
Bad writing at best. Seriously, when Inori had a flashback where Shuu was telling her "you are you no matter what you are", I literally facepalmed. Come on...it's like the writers wanted to give Inori a reason to protect Shuu even though he's been treating her in a pretty crappy way and just decided to add a random flashback because they couldn't be assed to re-do the whole relationship or come up with anything better. Hey yea, let's forget the whole ugly business where Shuu snapped at Inori and even called her a monster once because we need Inori turning into a female Wolverine to protect her guy.

No seriously, she looks like a character straight out of Marvel Comics and could be one of the X-Men.

So Gai somehow takes a few small random Voids and creates a giant ICBM out of them and quite literally f*cks a B-52 bomber in the head...Why don't they create a Ferrari out of scrapped tricycle, a shaver and a piece of paper while at it.

I still don't know why exactly Arisa is suddenly obsessed with Gai so much. I mean I know she was interested in him before she whored herself, but her going insane didn't really have anything to do with Gai himself. Stuff like this is so disappointing considering character relationships and mentality were one of my favorite aspects of Guilty Crown.

Also is Haruka planning to suicide?

Well, huge alliance shift either way. Daryl is now captive for protecting Tsugumi, Arisa is serving Gai, former Undertaker trio going against him, with Shuu somewhat looking determined, and Inori being captive. Yahiro and Souta nowhere to be seen, but I think it's safe to assume Souta is probably going to die from crystalization unless he somehow miraculously recovers at the end of the show. Too bad about Arisa's grandpa. I knew he was going to die (in hands of his granddaughter too) but he was a badass.

I hope, for this show's sake, that the writers at least give a convincing method to give Shuu his power back...A logical writing is in dire need considering stuff that's been shoved down our throats past few episodes.
Yeah I pretty much agree with the rest of you about Inori's tranformation. It was a lot more underwhelming than I was hoping for. I was thinking more along the lines of her walking calmly through the battlefield creating crystal lances and blades that ripped through the enemies like they were nothing, overwhelming them all easily until Gai shows up with something to take her down. The whole jumping around with spikes sticking out of her like she was a porcupine just wasn't that badass.

Well the one good thing I have to say about this one that it at least took it a lot easier on the angst angle compared to the last couple of episodes. Though in Arisa's case they went a little too easy. Considering how she spazzed out so much over just being attacked and injured by Inori, you'd think killing her own grandfather would totally unhige her. But she really did was grimace and then send out the endlaves. Her character is really starting to feel psychologically unbalanced. At least Shu looks like he's going to start acting like a protagonist again, instead of power-mad dictator convinced he has to be a merciless bastard or all the people he cares about are going to die just like Hare did.

As for that time Shu called Inori a monster, well if I remember right that flashback from this episode must have taken place before he did that, as they were at his home and getting along well. He didn't call her a monster until he started coming apart after failing to save Yahiro's brother and began having traumatic flashbacks to lost christmas, developed an aversion to using his powers and got thrown out of the undertakers. Sure, the way he treated her was terrible, but it seems likely that Inori understood that he was far from rational at the time. I kind of felt they were past that after the events episodes 11 and 12 when he comes to help her and gets over all that emo crap. And after that he was depending on her a lot, and made her his primary support after he goes off the rails and everyone turns against him. I admit it's a pretty one sided relationship with Inori supporting him and Shu depending on her, but I can at least understand if she cares for and sympathises with him, having seen how much he wanted to help everyone and how much he was suffering inside after watching Hare die and making himself the bad guy. I can understand if some people don't like it though.

And I think it's glaringly obvious how they intend for Shu to get his powers back, right? I'm sure it was mentioned all the way back when he first got the Void Genome, that there were three of them in existence. I'm sure I remember that, even if I only watched each of them once. So we have Shu's Genome which was lost when Gai cut of his hand and took possession of the Genome himself. We also know that the blonde mystery guy has a Genome as well, even if we still no almost nothing about him yet. So the rest writes itself. Over the next episode or two, Shu will start taking action for the sake of rescuing Inori who's capture was practically obligatory and came as no surprise to anyone. :rolleyes:
He'll prove that he can do something for himself even without having the Power of Kings, maybe reconcile with the Funeral Parlour despite having alienated them with his previous behaviour and convince them help him save Inori. And after some series of events he'll either stumble across the final Genome at the place they're trying to save Inori from, or our whimsical blonde mystery guy will pop out of thin air once again once he feels Shu's got what it takes and hand him the damned thing to bring him back into the game for the sake of his own unfathomable agenda which we probably won't discover until the climax of the series.

Call it a prophesy. If it doesn't play out more or less along these lines, I'll be very surprised and pleased at their originality. I'll be even happier if Gai actually has a convincing character development to explain his radical lurch to the dark side, rather than just going with being mind-controlled by the crystals after being reincorporated. Please! Otherwise I might as well be writing this stuff myself.
A moment of silence please for the passing of the guy with the most personality in the show....

R.I.P Segai. You are crazy. You are entertaining.

So now Shirou Shu can replicate all Noble Phantasms Voids?

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