I completely take back every sentence I said that was good about the show being original way back.

Inori dropped off my charts too, someone can claim her~
I completely don't care about Inori in the first cour lol.
I know~

You are 'GAI-SAMA!'. ORZ

Well, with 3 more episodes, I sincerely hope they can close this show properly.
By 2nd cour, I think the only character I like is GUTSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Every character's image is broken already lol.

I hell think everyone is broken. I.G. had writing failure in this sense imo, weird pairings in Tsugumi x Daryl , Arisa x some random NTR dude who dies 1 episode later.

Shoe showing off new hand and Gai going 'WUT?!?! So its really SHU? you?

Oh come on, never saw him shocked anywhere before he hit his death flag, suddenly shoe getting back his powers was shocking? No wai~

I'll be honest, I'm probably one of the only people who thought this episode was pretty well done. And I'm not saying this because I've been a GC fanboy (which I'm not, considering I didn't hide my displeasure with past several episodes).

There was a lot of emotion in this episode, mainly between Haruka and Shuu as their real relationship is finally revealed. Funny thing is neither of them were mature enough to talk to the other about things that they would do for each other despite their courses of action always not being the "most acceptable" choice. But it does show a strong family bond that a third party can't break. You probably wouldn't want your mother to commit crime in order to protect you from worldly harm, but your mother wouldn't care. Because well...she's your mother. I bashed Haruka a couple of weeks ago for letting Shuu suffer what he has suffered, but now that her action has gained words, it's become plausible, at the very least.

Speaking of which, Mana being Haruka's daughter came as a shock to me. So Guilty Crown has been set up for inevitable wincest all along, and this finally completes that picture of Gai, Mana, Haruka, and Shuu together. You know what's ironic though, Haruka chose to kill her bio daughter (although she was nowhere to be found) in order to save her step-son. I think I can see why Mana was so f'd up, though admittedly, Mana still feels rather one dimensional to me.

The scene where Shuu pulled his own Void out was pretty amusing. So his Void IS the Power of the King. I think I can see why Segai was so obsessive with Shuu whereas with Gai he was only remotely amused; Shuu's "Power of the King" is the real deal. He's taken over Souta's virus along with his Void, which references back to Hare's story about the "kind king" who carried everyone's burdens and was condemned in return. There's only demise waiting for him at the end of all this yet he still proceeds to carry this burden. Shuu's "manned up" several times in this series but I think I like this one the most, as this truly spoke the theme of this anime.

As for Inori...what can I say. I'm disappointed at how little she has progressed as a character, if you can even call last week's "X-Men transformation" as a progress. I thought she was going to get some interesting twist in personality when she killed students few weeks ago but turned out to be just Inori in Mana mode. She could have truly been a fantastic character; it's not every season in shows like this where you get treated to a cutie sitting on your coffee table when you get home.

Lastly, Segai's death was pretty anti climatic. I thought he'd be one of the last character surviving but evidently I was wrong...I mean such a trigger happy character driving a dump truck trying to kill the main character is just a bad writing. I never liked Segai as much as the next guy (Kou), but he could have had more dramatic end than that.

Now I'm not sure how I.G. is going to turn this show around with the little number of episodes we have left. This was pretty decent episode (imo) but if they can keep this quality up (or do even better) remains to be seen...
As much as I ranted over the past few weeks for its poor development in the story and half-assed writings, deliveries and cliff-hangars, to be frank, I still cant find it enough to completely hate the show. Call it a past-fanboy stage syndrome for an idiot who was raging in interest before the show started, to only be disappointed by the poor writing the writers have given, and the destruction of the far more interesting characters throughout the story.

20 is probably one of the better recent episodes, where the whole truth behind Kurosu, Haruka and Keido got revealed. A pity that Mana and Shu's real mum got killed inadvertedly by Mana herself, whose twisted view that her little brother will be her soulmate. Their mum was hawt. Haruka's no slouch in that department, but watching her just popping the topic to her brother and Kurosu was kinda weird, but the kids were receptive of a 'new mum', or it seemed.

Needa explain Shu's void? NO~ Come on, everyone could already guessed. 'Hosting other voids temporary' = COPY void in my words. Cant you get more original I.G.? Its like you guys are telling everyone 'Lets give Shu all the voids!'. An already weak concept for a protaganist's trump card, I will wait and see how it plays out in the final 2 episodes.

World end and evolution? I.G., I trusted you guys to have been better than that. Hope you guys prove me wrong in your other shows, because I am still completely baffled by this.
You know... I stopped posting in regards to Guilty Crown because its quality went something like this:

Started off above average and imo overhated ---> actually got somewhat good ---> trainwreck ---> ??

Post Hare death, this series has been really bad and I stopped posting because it would have achieved nothing. Then comes episode 20 and I scratch my head because we actually got probably one of the best (if not the best) episode of the series. Unfortunately, it's placed EXTREMELY late and we only have 2 more episodes after this.

I'm actually really disappointed now. This episode shows that Guilty Crown IS capable of telling a coherent story without pulling the most convenient plot twists out of its ass, but for at least half of the series it decided not to. It shows "what Guilty Crown could have been". Sigh... why you do this production staff.

Ah well, credit is due where credit is due. Except for the very end where Shu went Jesus-mode again, the majority of the ep was some very good flashbacks, which had the unfortunate timing of being too late too little. Actually learnt a lot about Keido, Korosu, Shu's mother, Shu's foster mother, Gai and Mana, and they were ACTUALLY interesting and /gasp, made sense.
Second last episode doesnt give you the rights to anyhow animate flashy attacks I.G.. Havent you guys learned anything? The interaction between Daath and Shu was good, but the action was half-assed and some unknown beam attack in the end. Care to explain? No. You give Gai a super flashy arrow, combined from 3 voids and rained virus all over UN, and gave Shu a random beam. Oh no... I thought I can see some good endlave action in the endings, but no again. Shu randomly healing people to get more virus on face. Whats the point? I dont understand your(I.G.) motives at all.

Watching Inori and Shu's confessions were kinda bitter, and I.G., both do not link with one another. Give us something close please. Now then you reveal Gai was being hesitant and he is actually not all bad? Give me a break. At least stick with him being a complete bad guy till the end, why change now? You guys seriously cant write a proper story together.

Last episode. Preview was......

The episode was alright, but it left me wondering what the hell was Yuu and the whole Daath's point is. Maybe we'll learn more about Daath in the VN? I wasn't too fond of the proverbial apple scene.

I laughed with Shu leading on the Hover Scooter. It was unexpected, but then again, this is Guilty Crown.
The whole deal with Daath is pretty stupid. Aside from the unoriginality spewing out from its root, there was practically no explanation in why the hell Daath deems necessary that human species be wiped, or who or what exactly Daath is made of. And ffs I.G., try sticking with ONE solid mythological reference. Few episodes ago Hare set the show as representation of the "Kind King" story and latest episodes picked up on that and it was starting to get back on track (though rather late), then you randomly throw in this crap about Adam and Eve to make the show seem bigger in scale than it really is. EFF. YOU.

Now Inori's confession scene was pretty touching and it would have been my favorite scene in the show, IF there was still chemistry between Shuu and Inori. Like seriously, there was barely any progress in later half of the show, it was mostly Inori quietly following Shuu around. The couple of scenes in the flower garden didn't really help with the random interference from Mana that served virtually no purpose considering what was coming later. At this point Ayase has better chemistry with Shuu, which is sad considering how cute Shuu and Inori looked together back in episode 8 or so.

And I still hate what they did to Gai. First time when he died along with Mana and his last minute confession was touching. This time...I don't even know. They seriously should have let him rest in peace instead of bringing him back out of ass. Imagine Kamina being brought back to life after that most epic death moment in the recent history of anime in Gurenn Lagann. We are pretty much watching what would have happened if he was...
Well this is disappointing. Daath seems to be just a weak Seele rip-off. Mysterious secret organisation worshipping the goal of sacrificing mankind for the sake of taking humanity to "the next level of existence". Only Evangelion did it better. In Eva the organisation was a constant, looming presence in the background, never telling us much detail but always emphasised as the power behind everything. In Guilty Crown Daath was just mentioned every now and then but never seemed to do anything save for the Daath guy's obscure and generally unexplained actions, which had me anticipating some grand revelation about some master-plan he had been aiming for all along and some big surprise about his true identity. Instead he remained a non-entity. How boring.

As for the attack Shu used at the end there, I can at least fill in the blanks to figure out that he did it somehow by combining the Voids he had been given. Gai and Daath guy had been combining Voids recklessly all along without much regard for their resilience, destroying lots of them in the process. But Shu hasn't combined the powers of multiple Voids since the time they shot down that Leukocyte ages ago. I've been wondering if he was ever going to get round to it, though they could have bothered explaining it.
I hope the Ending of this season will be good. haha! i think what will happen next
shuu will somehow awake inori inside inori/mana and inori will sing her song to cure shuu's virus and shuu faces gai on full force and shuu and inori will be happy in the end. xD
anyway, I said, with a posed look. :3
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Final episode tonight. Please do the fans (if any left) some justice please, I.G.
Shu's attitude changed back to old Shu. Shu rejects Mana again, so Gai wants to kill Shu. Shu wins fight, and Gai tells him truth. Inori returns temporary. Shu activates Deus Ex Machina around the world. Inori die. Shu alive. A few years later, Shu get automail arm and drinks with friends. Happy end.

I spit.

Get my drift? Find a better writer next time I.G.


I.G. had everything right before the premiere, supercell's musc and songs with redjuice original character designs; solid production team, directors, screenwriter and other staff; a decent seiyuu cast; awesome sounding theme of the show; and lovable and delightful visual characters in Inori and others; and THAT HYPE before the premiere. Everything was right, until the actual thing hit us.

The show failed all expectations, failed to deliver a commendable storyline, failed to connect us with the characters, failed in character development, and THUS, this franchise/project failed in my eyes. Why? Easily summarised with the points I have below:

1. Ouma Shu - Never will I want to see anyone similar to this guy anymore. The early disappointment of his failed characterisation in the first few episodes drew many references to other characters, but I forgave because I thought he would grow. Half-way through, for 1 or 2 episodes when I knew he was better, I.G. turned him into a barbaric king, and got overthrown in the process. Everything after that was half-assed, crystal arm and copy voids, AND A AUTOMAIL AT THE END? Pfft, thats how to do a main character failure, excellent example. His complete reluctance in his "I dont want to get involved" to the end "I will kill/stop you, Gai." really just does not click. Granted with such a power in the series, I.G. failed to even cash in on his powers and showing some fancy stuff, while Gai's short reign as King brought extracting and combining voids for more abilities. Why? I dont know. Ask I.G.

2. Yuzuriha Inori - I will be subjective about Inori. I DEEMED HER AS THE ULTIMATE CASH BAG FOR FANSERVICE. Look at her design, listen to her voice/songs, look at that dress. Its criminal. Do some fanservice shots or release some promos with Inori inside, its bound to sell. What I.G. do? Nothing. Inori ended too, failing in the character development section, SHE DOESNT EVEN HAVE enough lines. Why do this to her? Poor girl already poor for falling for a complete idiot in Shu, cant you at least do something else? Giving her some guerilla like skills in battle and eventually Mana in the end, she is just a subject of 'We need plot. Let's use her.' kind of thing. Poor girl eventually lost all her charms as a character to me in the end.

3. Noitamina block expectations - Say noitamina and everyone should expect something. In this case, everyone over expected. GC failed to solidify its hold on the noitamina block, deemed as unfit in certain cases. Personally, no comments whatsoever, but being late night show, it should give a darker and have more unconventional plot twists. GC probably had little to none.

4. Failure of usage of more interesting sub-characters - Sub characters were more interesting in the show, and I.G. completely failed to make use of them. They killed Hare for absolutely nothing, and it just went to increase my hate/love for the screenwriter who previously killed my Shirley in Code Geass. Poor girl did nothing wrong, falling for a complete idiot (again) was bad enough already, they made the death to tell everyone 'When void broken, you die', when everyone discovered it 5 minutes ago in that very episode. They kill Scarface, Eagleman and the poor spectacle guy in the end. Eagleman forever remains good for me, saving Haruka and firing missiles in the most craziest methods. Scarface was a good antagonist, going his way to backstab people just for his personal enjoyment, it was fun watching him even when he did repulsive things. The entire funeral parlour was wasted, characters like Ayase and Tsugumi was just dieing to let them into the action, so I.G. threw them to school. Dont know what to say further. And, my poor Arisa. Overthrown from her position as student president, then traumatised by a Mana-possessed Inori, and lastly whoring herself while plotting a coup de tat with help from Gai externally. The whole whoring thing left an incredibly bad aftertaste in my opinion, it should have never been done, especially not with a stupid randomly drawn character who dies the very next episode. Arisa's character got completely thrown out of the window, poor girl made to look and suffer so much in the end, I felt it was the most unnecessary thing done in the entire series.

5. Voids - Everyone has it, but why Shu didnt use even half of it. Some voids were also too 'at that point', eg. Ayase lament about her inabilities, so Shu gives her legs. Think. Dont write anyhow.

Overall, can only say I am completely disappointed. I cant even bring myself to recommend the show to my friends and others. A failure of epic proportions, its really for the best no one picks up this show, even at 22 episodes, its not worth any time invested to watching and UNDERSTANDING what the writers want to tell you.
The thing I notice the most is that the production team failed to build a proper time schedule for the making of this show. This last episode was the solid proof of this. This show has never been particularly good at balancing the amount of questions and answers, but creating more questions in the last episode is just fail management.

Seriously. Several weeks ago they inserted random interaction between Tsugumi and Daryl JUST to leave this newly created relation hanging by a thin thread until the last episode where they exchanged couple of lines before Daryl's Gespenst (how is this name not copyrighted?) blew the f*ck up. NOTHING ELSE. Really? And for that matter why the hell did Daryl even want to kill Tsugumi when he was the one who saved her? It makes no sense. And speaking of Daryl, he was saved by that commanding officer. Did they even explain why exactly they were that close? Nope.
What about Kenji? Did they explain why he was on Gai's side? Nope.
Let's take a loot at Keidou. Remember when he failed to "propose" to Inori and that guy from Daath (do we even know his name was? wtf?) did "something" to him that knocked him unconscious? Did they explain what exactly happened to him? Nope.
So they introduced this new awesome toy called "Void Genom Emulator" that generates some kind of hax barrier (kinda like Shinkirou's Absolution Field in Code Geass) that easily gets destroyed by Ayase's End Rave. What exactly was it supposed to do? Who knows...

Here's a pro tip for you I.G., if you think you won't have time to fully extend on a subplot, DON'T PUT IT IN.

It almost seems like I.G. has a fetish with characters that have personality disorders. Take a look at Gai. He started off with a solid character base already built in, ruthless and fearless leader. He dies and comes back, this time all messed up, killing innocent people on the way. But hey, they can't let him die as an evil tyrant, so they'll add some half assed last minute revelation that attempts to paint Gai as a "good guy" again although he's told Shuu some things that aren't necessary at all for what he's really trying to accomplish. When they changed his personality for the third time, I knew Gai was still just a mere stepping stone.

That brings me to my next point. What. The. F*ck is with deus ex machina in this episode? Really? I watched that Inori scene twice to make sure I wasn't dreaming and sure enough, I wasn't. So Shuu practically pulled out void from that little crystal flower that supposedly represents Inori and magically rendered all opposing faction's electronics useless? /Facepalm

That Shuu scene was even worse. Shuu magically collects all the Apocalypse virus from around the world into his body while making some cheap effect of automatically returning borrowed Voids to their owners. But it doesn't end here. Oh no, Inori somehow takes all the crystal he's collected and gets shattered. When the main character makes a resolution to stick his life out in exchange for power, YOU DON'T STRIP HIM OF THE CONDITION AND SAVE HIM VIA DEUS EX MACHINA.

Final thought
Now with all that said, Guilty Crown was not by any means, bad anime. I always say this but if a show keeps you watching to the end, there is something about it. It was the case with GSD. Everyone hated it but everyone watched it to the end. That is not an attribute related to bad anime. No it wasn't good by any means either. It had flaws, it was mostly illogical and downright retarded at times, but compared to real bad anime, it is still watchable.

I think it was Kou who said this, but in the first half of this show, the best thing to do is to just watch and not think. Thinking is a losing game in this show. It will drive you nuts. But if you just enjoy the ride as it should be, I bet the show would become a lot more pleasant. Unfortunately I could not as thinking is in my nature.

Ultimately, character interactions and psychologies were what I used to enjoy from this show (this part died after Hare was killed). Shuu, although now with flaws, is still my favorite main character this season. Watching him taking on responsibility as the Genom user and as a normal teenager was quite fun and he turned out mature in the end.

One thing that this show did superb on was music. Euterpe is still my favorite anison from the last season.
Overall, the music was very well done.

This show was superb up to the first half...how I.G. even managed to screw up so bad to completely take it upside down and ruin what would otherwise have been a good show still boggles my mind.

My score:
★★★/★★★★★ (numerically 2.5)

HAHAHAHA.*The cake is a lie joke*

I just feel nothing. Usually an anime leaves me with something to reflect on in the end, but this literally gave me nothing to consider. It was just a bunch of zany aimless stuff that happened mimed out by a bunch of blank slate characters whose personalities, goals and relationships could be swapped out and swapped in for whatever it was that they wanted to do in a given week such that we never had reason to care about any of them.

PS: Funell has best ending. The whore didn't die. ( ´,_ゝ`)凸 @Director

Popcorn entertainment. Good music. Nice visuals. SUPER DERPY WRITING.
I was disappointed. Talk about a stupid ending. Even though Inori dies, it was still nice to see her express her feelings towards Shu. Too bad he wasn't there to see it.

7/10 - It wasn't amazing but it wasn't bad either.
I was willing to ignore many the fail parts of Guilty Crown, I loved the anime despite it all.... But this ending is just wrong.. I Can only hope the visual novel does what could of been an amazing series justice.
The ending honestly felt rushed... for the assistant director to be the director of Code Geass i'm pretty disappointed. Guilty Crown really had a chance to be good though a lot of the plot seemed to mirror code geass. It was disappointing honestly how the second half ended. If you just watch til episode 12 than the anime is awesome. Anything after that will just become a huge letdown.
Well, since this will be my last post for Guilty Crown, I only have one thing to say :


What about the music ? I think it depends on personal taste...


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