okay here is my entry, sorry about the quality of the image, i'll post a better one tomorrow
Kami is a half-man half-animal creature, or like he is called in his world, a middle-beast, middle-beasts have a great agility, intelligence, and depending in the animal they are, strenght. There's a special force in his world called "The Guild", it's composed of only middle-beasts, they do things like transport of rare things and protection of important people. Kami is half-cat, so he have an incredible speed, and agility, and because of that he was the leader of the shadow squad, a team of the four fastest members of the Guild, they were like ninjas, their enemies died without even knowing what happened, the four were long date friends. They never failed in any mission and because of this and his name, kami is called God. But one day he receveid a mission that would change everything in his life, they was supposed to kill a group of terrorists, nothing unusual, but they was already expecting them and prepared a trap, only kami, the leader of the squad, was let alive as a hostage, the guild rescued him but the lost of his friends was a great trauma for him. He leaved the guild and decided to live a normal life... until that happened. The End~
here's kami in a morning after eating until he passed out.
"but what about the chopsticks?"
you must be asking
the red chopsticks with balck strips he have are also his weapon,(yeah he eat with the chopsticks he kill people, crazy guy) they're a gift from his friends and he's always with them. i will not post a close drawing of them cuz i just realized that i lost my eraser