NO! I would not want to be like that. I couldn't be that smart. Like Oppenheimer, genius and father of the atomic bomb. Look what his brains made and are being used for now.
Have you ever wished to be in a Zombie apocalypse?
No. I shave everyday always have :) well since I started shaving that is haha! That is why us girls have a 2.5hr prep time, didn't you know this? We have to do the 3-S's (Shit, Shower, Shave) Then it is another 1.5hrs on Hair, Makeup, The Perfect outfit for the day, and BAM! we are ready!
Have you ever had to wait on someone longer than expected?
Yes I was actually driving to a friend's house one day (it was a weekend around 12ish) and I seen a car with a couple of motionless people hanging out from the wreckage.