Have you ever...

Yes unfortunately :(

Have you ever been so drunk you peed in the closet?
*A friend of mine her husband did that once*
Never have. Been drunk a lot in my life but was fortunate to get to the toilet when i needed to :P

Have you ever wanted more attention but couldn't seem to get it?
Yea I go through that sometimes. It sucks lol!

Have you ever had to tell a lie to someone to keep from hurting them?
Yeah even though I'm typically a very blunt person and tend to just tell it as it is.

Have you ever lied to someone just for fun? (like how some people lie online about being someone they are not, for example)
Yes and I liked it but it's been years since I have played.

Have you ever played Jai Alai? (seeing as how you are from Florida and it's a popular game there and all)
No never tried it. Been to a few games tho.

Have you ever played Golf?
Does putt putt golf count? lol Yeah I've played in high school but never got into it.

Have you ever played frisbee golf? lol
No after seeing what Jan and others go through no way lol! I could not handle that.

Have you ever seen a Shuttle launch in person?
Yep, seemed to run in the family. Love to be a pilot for a A-10 Thunderbolt II.

Have you ever turned your brain over?
Nope. I live where very little civilization is.

Have you closed a door on someone's nose?
Yes. Currently wanting to move to Japan or France.

Have you ever gone on a world tour?

Have you ever woke up, went out to get the newspaper and just ended up standing outside for a few min because it is a beautiful morning> :)
Yep, best thing straight in the morning, when it's bright red morning glow.

Have you ever been suprised when you woke up and look out from a window, and noticed that the first snow had came?
Nope! It does not snow in Florida, last time it snowed here if memory serves rite was 1976, and it lasted a whole 1/2 inch for 1hour lol

oops lol

Have you forgotten to ask a question and just answered one?

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ybz378938171 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
would you please re-upload RJ01141716 RJ01146498 RJ01150335 RJ01153620 RJ01163717 RJ01167361 in mexa ? thx
mobius0417 wrote on Shine's profile.
✨Shine✨[240726][HOOKSOFT] シークレットラブ(仮)豪華限定版 + Tokuten Voice + Bonus (Crack)

Please re-upload
material wrote on Shine's profile.
This game has been updated to v1.0.6 and some CGs have been added.
Could you please upload the latest version?