Yes and No, I do not really worry about it tho, I mean some people think the internet is a place they can "Act out a fantasy" and they do so. Then you have others that are the same on the net as in life face to face :)
Have you ever had to deal with the power company saying you owe them, even tho you have proof of the bill being paid to them?
Yeah and that's why I hang on msn and irc channels usually because when I run out of thoughts I just hang out and chat with people about anything and everything :)
Have you ever disappeared from a site you was rather popular on? (Done so a few times in the past and never returned)
No I got nailed for speeding once NOT like Jan did, but was pretty bad 20 over the limit, the cop asked me "Do you know how fast you were going?" I said "No sir, you want me watching the road or my speed?" he laughed gave me a warning.
Have you ever hit someone on a bicycle with your car?
Yep.. When I was flying in a night flight. >.< Crap..
Have you ever had a very bad day that you keep doing the wrong things or keep doing it accidentally? (I'm in that situation right now) My hand is getting so big that it keeps touching the track pad and so i keep overiding my own sentences. >.<"
Nope.. just that I've no idea what's going on with me and the trackpad right now.. Maybe typed too fast then it accidentally whacked it while pressing space bar... weird...
And yeah Today is my day.... Not working at all! D:
Yes I like fishing, I am not very good at it, but I do have fun when I go. I go with my dad at times so he is not out on his boat alone since my mom does not like being on water on a boat. :)
Have you ever wanted to try something new, but it was not what you expected when you tried it?
Yep, there was this happening in the town, and everyone was drinking a little.
And I had my head full and police snatched me into their car from the crowd. They did that to many people though.
Luckily they were so busy that they didn't make any problem out of it, they just drove me to my place and said that go to sleep.
Sorry if interrupt, but do you upload comics? If yes, can you please upload this comic, author uploaded it on fanbox, but fanbox delete almost all posts, and kemono stop working in the same time, and almost 2 years i try to find it somewhere else, but useless, Thanks in advance, and sorry for bad english.