Have you ever...

Yes, but i don't like to burn books. Don't know why, its a shame.

Have you ever wanted to kill somebody? (doesn't matter the reason).
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Have you ever promised to go to some place even though you're not interested at all?
Yeah. It would have been much more productive if i sat at home did homework and watched anime.
Have you ever dreamed of anime?
Yes, and a little bit more. I saw 178 episodes of bleach in one week and a half. Luckily it was during my vacations, so i had no problems with my study.

To continue the idea, now the contrary. Have you ever slept 24 hrs in a row, or more than 24 hrs.?
Nope im pretty sure the longest i slept was around 16 hours. More sleep would mean less anime so i wouldnt really want to sleep 24 hrs or more. XD

Have you ever tried to continue a dream after waking up?
Yep, becouse if I ever dream about something nice and something good's gonna happen, I always wake up just when it's about to happen. :D Though I've never got the dream to continue..

Have you ever been sleepy as hell, but forced yourself to stay awake?
yes, i've, i tried stay awake to study for tests.
have you ever think u'll become c.e.o of big company like microsoft?
No, i'm not smart enough.

Have you ever thought of moving from the home of his parents? (if you still live with them, if not..... i don't know, answer it xD)
I stay at dorms for weekdays and go home during weekends so i have semi moved away. Before college i didnt really think much about moving away.

Have you ever done something you knew was going to go badly?
Not really, i like to avoid problems and be calm most of the time. In other words, things that not require any efford at all xD

Have you ever cut your finger while cooking?
I cut my finger peeling an apple if that counts. Otherwise i dont really cook.

What is the weirdest meal u ever had?
yus, when grand theft auto san andreas came out xD. bet my brother i could beat it in one play.... i won xP

have you ever played a video game 24+ hours straight?
Nope. I played as much as i could, but not 24 hr straight.

Have you ever finished more than 20 episodes in one sitting?
If watching a whole 2 seasons of Naruto while reading the manga with it counts...then yes.

Have you ever been so prepared for watching anime that someone else thought you were a little "weird"? (e.g. Naruto: You're wearing his sleeping cap, eating ramen, wearing orange and quoting your favorite characters cash phrases all at the same time.)
no lol but it would be kinda funny to see it

have you ever participate in a food contest?
I was in an ice cream contest before because i wanted the ice cream and i did some lemon eating thing with someone before so yeah.

Have you ever wanted to play an instrument because of an anime?
not because of an anime but i wish i had learned 2.

have you ever learned to play an instrument?
I learned a little clarinet in 5th grade and i want to learn how to play a string instrument and the piano.

Have you ever had dejavu?
Oh yes I've had those. I think they're one of the weirdest feelings you can get.
Btw; I've read somewhere that scientics have noticed that it can happen if your other half of the brain is momentarily a bit slower thinking than the other half at that time, it makes the deja vu thing :D haha!

Have you ever hurt yourself with a cheese slicer? :)
I did couple of years ago. We have this very sharp slicer, and I held a cheese in my hand, and sliced it with the other hand. Then the slicer went "whoosh" and I sliced almost 1cm wide bit from the tip of my thumb. And I had to go to go and show it to a doctor becouse the bloodflow didn't stop. hahahaa
And I still have a small scar on top of my left thumb :)
mmm.. the questions is already answered... ~__~

well if that questions is hurt with cheese slicer than the answer is No~~~
because it doesn't to sharp n if little carefull you should be finee..

have you ever lazy eating food all days because chatting/playing games.?
Somewhat unclear question is it too lazy to eat or eat all day because ive done both to some extent XD

Have you ever seen a shooting star?
Yes... But I think they are just helicopters with really bad pilots...>.>''

Have you ever almost had near death EXP?
Haha no :)
it would be awesome though.

Have you ever said something to someone, and then you noticed that she/he was asking a question from someone else.
I did that today, I felt stupid :D haha

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