Have you ever...

I sorta do that every so often and then hope no one noticed XD

Have you ever spent an hour chewing on a piece of jerky?
Never done xD. But i think after that your jaw is like a rusty piece of metal.

Have you ever done something you tought it was a dream? For example one day my mom woke me up and told me to get the cat that was on the roof. Sleepy as hell i went to the roof and took him inside the house. Then when i woke up i thought had dreamed it.
I dont think ive had an experience like that but i have a considerably large amount of dreams where i find myself in a suspiciously similar place/situation later. One of the latest would be my dream of my dad smacking the wall telling me to wake which actually happened shortly afterwards.

Have you ever dreamed of being in a game?
A couple of times.

I always put my self in the most desperate situation of the "game" possible. (My imagination, when it works, is very, very powerful. It controls so much realism and detail for these kinds of dreams. More than several occasions have experienced realism to the max like this. One time in the "game" dream, I had a pineapple grenade tossed at me and I didn't clear it in time. The explosive force picked me up and threw me about 15ft. I woke just as I landed on the floor.)

Have you ever wanted to own a Buster Sword or some other weapon from an anime?
Yeah, it would be awesome to have a weapon from an anime. I saw a friend with a buster sword before and as for what weapon i would want i would grab that transforming weapon from recast since there is too much to pick from and that is kind of all in one XD

Have you ever gone diving?
Script as in gaming script (like coding and whatnot) or movie/story script? I do a little bit of both so I guess yes.

Have you ever met a star? (i.e. from t.v. or a movie)
I met You Ming or however his name is spelled (tall chinese basketball player i think?) but not any movie stars or the such

Have you ever done something that you think is complete idiocy now that you look back?
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yup yup, especially things back in high school (wtf was I thinking)

Have you ever bartered anything?
Yes, do it every now and then. I go camping as a re-enactor, so that comes with the camping.

Have you ever wished you could have been with the A-team?
I dont remember if i watch that but i dont really want to go to war anytime soon so i guess i wouldnt want to.

Have you ever wanted to go slap some sense into an anime character?
All the time, yet the women still want him.

Have you ever had deja vu the next day because of a dream the night before?
I've seen some dreams where I example talk to someone, and the person asks something exactly the same as in the dream.
Very very weird feeling :D

Have you ever had a really fucked up day?? you know when every god damn tiny thing, no matter what it is ends fucked up.
Ive had horrible days but not quite as much as you seem to be describing.

Have you ever been in a lemon eating contest?
Never, and i didn't know something like that is done.

Have you ever mixed cornstarch in your pool if you have one to make a non-Newtonian liquid? So you could run over it? XD
I dont have a pool but that sounds like it would be fun, until we have to clean anyway XD

Have you ever put something down and walked away forgetting to take it?
Yes. I tend to do that quite often :)

Have you ever got a stick under your nail?
yes x.x it's too damn painful.

Have you ever wondered what to ask? :P
Yeah it happens quite often but then i just shove something in the space anyway.

Have you ever gotten lost due to random distractions on the street?
Yes, I have no sense of direction whatsoever, (Not really, when other people ride with me I play dumb, but when I'm alone, I'm blazing trails on the road.)

Have you ever insulted a ref at a sporting game?
I felt like it cuz he decided to be blind that day and said i did something obviously didn't. Then theres those other refs that seem to favor the other ppl...

Have you ever done martial arts?
Yeah when I was 10 but then I bcs my mom thought that made me weaker (wth ? )

Have u ever insult your teacher ?
Yep and that jus kinda continues on a downward slope =.=

Have you ever not found items that you needed and found it immediately after you didnt?
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Yep! one of the many wonders of the world is that when you're looking for something, you can't find it. But when you search it, you find the thing you were searching long time ago and couldn't find it.. haha :)

Have you ever dedicated your weekend just for watching anime, playing eroge etc. ??

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