Have you ever...

Well, I haven't really done anything in groups after graduating from middle school two years ago. And if I remember correctly we didn't start any projects late, because teachers made us start them in class. So nope :)

have you ever had detention? why?
I dont hav a 3ds but it seems like it would hurt my eyes.

Have you ever finished 40 chpt of manga in one sitting?
Nope :D I've only read some manga online, but they're only perverted ones..
but it's a very small amount.
Though I've watched whole 2 seasons of Anime in one sit (except I had to go sometimes to get food, and go to toilet, or have a smoke) but still. It lasted long.
That's why summerbreaks are invented, so you can watch anime for little over 8 hours straight, and do nothing else. :)

Have you ever hit your toe on a chairleg?
hurts like hell...
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Yep along with other random accidents =.=

Have you ever microwaved a cd before? (it looks awesome but dun try unless u wanna lose that cd and maybe the microwave)
Yeah, have you ever microwaved an xbox 360? haha that makes some epic colours
Xbox 360... XD does it break? and nope havent tried

Have you ever microwaved a bag of chips (the bag anyway)?
no but i put a foil bag with a whole chicken inside into the microwave, i'd imagine it would have similar results

Have you ever went skinny dipping?
Nope XD dont wanna try it anytime soon

Have you ever microwaved grapes (cut off stem and cut in half) looks quite cool if it didnt screw over the microwave? XD
Haha, nope. I can only imagine that what kind of mess they make. :D

Have you ever made a bomb?
I've made those Mr.Muscle bombs when I was a kid. Awesome bang..
though I got into trouble becouse of those..
(a little explanation, it does not have any pyrotechnic things on it, so it won't do any flames etc.)
In jus gonna sat the grapes blow into a ball of plasma so dont try it at home :3
Nope never made a bomb before.

Have you ever stuck a whole pack of gum in your mouth?
Yea I once did many years ago in elementary school, stupid idea. Whole pack of Juicy Fruits gum..
I had a terrible ache on my jaw later.

Have you ever sneezed in public and "something" came out of your nose to wiggle outside??
it's ashaming..
Hmm i get paper fast XD and hope no one saw

Have you ever been overloaded with everyone suddenly giving you work?
Sometimes yes, but I've somehow managed to cope with them.

Have you ever felt your eyelids weigh a ton?
my does now, must not sleep yet..
Yeah but cant really do much about it, maybe take a quick nap and hope i can stay awake after.

Have you ever tried a one handed push up after reading manga? XD
What? Where did you get such idea from? Which manga?
The answer is no, I can't, even without the manga.

Have you ever have that FUBAR (Fucked-Up Beyond All Recognition) moment?
Happened to me today. All my plans have to cancelled.
yeah haha.
Have you ever taken on a bet that could possibly kill you?
Scoffing 5+++ chilli by the handfull *hides in corner and cries*
... it sucks
Nope no bets that could kill me... i like living.
@alex all those fighting ones where the ppl walk by and some dude is doing push ups and saying 1000+ xD
Have you ever been given wasabi and told it was green tea ice cream?
Nope, coz I know what wasabi taste, smell and look like.

Have you ever go to work on weekend, so just that you could download things from the internet?
Hmm dont work yet but i messed around at the volunteer place after finishing the office work

Have you ever missed classes/work for stupid reasons?
Yup, back in my collage days. Me and a buddy of mine playing Counter Strike at the cyber cafe near our campus.
Somehow the game got intense that we forgot that we got another class at that time.

Have you ever swim close to a shark?
Nope XD though it would probably hav attacked me thinking jellyfish or something if i had unless u mean whale shark :3

Have you ever pet a tiger before?
Yes, it was a quite hard experience for me. There was a little cute puma and a little tiger. It must have been 4 or 5 hours, but I was considering myself as corpse whole time. However, after all those minutes I can easily say that pumas are more offensive than tigers. I was too relaxed, if you compare me with a fleeing person, but I can say if you saw them from outside, you'd probably say: "cuteness overload!".

And, have you ever throwed out yourself from a moving car?
Nope cuz i like living and not getting hurt.

Have you ever fought off hordes of random monsters in a search for the holy grail? XD
Hah, nonono.. I'll live my life till I die.. so no holy grail's for me :) (did I even remember correctly that if you got the grail, you'll have eternal life?)

Have you ever found out that your friends were talking about you behind your back?
Me? nope.. I haven't heard them myself.

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