Have you ever...

Nope I doubt Im interesting enough of a subject to talk about xD and yeah i think the grail give eternal life

Have you ever regretted reading a manga or watching an anime?
No I actually haven't, but I think that's becouse I tend to choose what I download very well.
I'll look for the trailer first etc. and then I've downloaded them for like..
*watching my anime collection size:
201 Gt (216 588 935 168 tavua)
643 tiedostoa, 46 kansiota
643 files, 46 folders*
And I haven't regret at all :P

Have you ever done something that you'll remember for the rest of your life?
Depends if i still remember it when im old and on my death bed XD cant quite say but ill probably remember something.

Have you ever slept in classes?
all the time. certain classes got me different amounts of Z's

Have you ever skipped class for no good reason?
Ehh yeah =.= I wouldnt usually but some ppls convinced me to...

Have you ever had a 4.0 (perfect grade)?
I haz :3 Im a smarty in class cus im too lazy to be dumb xD

Have you ever drank a big gulp of a fizzy drink right after you wake up and you've missed dinner @___@ It burns your stomach
Oh nopes XD well not after a real nap anyway and i didnt miss dinner.

Have you ever been motivated into doing stuff by a random dream you had?
yeah happens allot actually i like to write short stories or make sigs if i have an interesting dream

Have you ever eaten something live? willing or not.
Not sure but i dont really want to XD

Have you ever acted dumb just to get someone to go away?
Nope, it's just unnecessary. I'd say: "Please, get away from me." for to make it become permanent.

Have you ever tried to act like a hero in the movie you've just seen?
Random jump kicks at the air and blasting balls of energy? Yeah XD As for whether they worked... Not quite

Have you ever been inspired to do stuff because of anime/manga?
I once tried to apply to be a substitute teacher, but I canceled at the last minute coz I don't have the confident to teach students. It's all thanks to GTO.
Being a teacher, permanent or temporary, is a big responsibility.

Have you ever didn't take a bath for more than 3 days?
Well, let me give you a hand: "Have you ever stayed 3 or more days without taking a bath?"

Yes, I was have to, there was an earthquake and whole armageddon scenes around me and I couldn't think as well as I can. However, I stayed 15 days without even take a simple shower.

Have you ever thought to become an anime character and live that way?
Whoa, that's quite...epic. Where was that?

Indeed I have. But there was time that I envied my RPG characters' life, which looking kinda simple, interesting and secured(unless you got kill by high lvl monster). It was Ragnarok Online.

Have you ever got arrested by the authority?
Arrested, no. Taken home by police, yes :D

Have you ever called emergency number?
Yes, it happened right after the cybercrime happened, it took 10 hours they keep me arrested. That day was hell of a scary day. Epic for me.

Have you ever win a big prized award and what was that?
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It seem that you two post based on my question, judging by the time gap between you two.

Kore Wa: Nope. Never try it. Hopefully never needed it too.

nr345: I won 1st prize lucky draw back in my school day. Totally took me by surprise thou, coz I never thought that I was gonna win. My prize was a big hamper package. I shared the prizes with my classmates after that.

Have you ever try to reply a post, but having somebody post it 1st before you did? LOL, I knew somebody have.
Yep, happened quite often when I had just registered here a while back :)

Have you ever fell asleep when you were on computer?
Nope cuz i usually hav something to do. Almost fall asleep yeah tons of times.

Have you ever dreamed of world domination?
Have you ever fell asleep when you were on computer?
i do it all the time i'm actually looking for some software to add to my Miku assistant to wake me up if i fall asleep but there's really no way for me to enable my computer to detect it.
Have you ever dreamed of world domination?
not rly, maybe in a dream but not really aspired for it
*pokeys* no question? XD
Gave you ever attempted kicking straight up? (almost him head or did)
woops forgot to do the question >.>
Yeah i tried it and fell back and hit my head :(
Have you ever forgot to add a question to your post on the what if, have you ever or ask a question boards?
Yeah im pretty sure i did at least once XD and the other times i caught myself :3

Have you ever gone scuba diving?
yes! really fun, especially with friends and especially if you find sea cucumbers they're funny as hell

Have you ever went sky diving?
Nopes XD I like climbing to high places but im afraid of heights soo not really a good combination. If i went sky diving i would be freaking out before jumping.
Sea cucumbers XD i caught one on a fishing trip or saw someone catch one anyway XD

Have you ever done a flip before diving into the pool?

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