Have you ever...

Lol I do, I wish they have a Saber one xD

Have you ever bought a figure you need to hide it away from parent? xD
Hunger Games~the Capitol keeps their power by forcing the districts to send one boy and one girl to fight for their lives in the hunger games. there are a total of 12 districts meaning 24 people to fight for their lives. so basically, it is a story that is full of bloody stuff. but it is a young adult novel, so it really gets away with just and adventure thingy.
Ain't there an anime with the similar story concept which were made several years ago? If I'm not mistaken, they were send to a planet which the flora and fauna are hostile.

Yes I have, but it's not a figurine, but something much bigger. It's a *Classified Information*.

Have you ever listen to the audio of a movie while studying?
Example - play a VCD on a radio/VCD player without attaching it to a TV.
I sometime listen to songs in the background but not often.

Have you ever try to rub something off but it just won't come off xD?
Dirt in my eyes, or finger prints in my ipod.
have you ever been mistakenly seen as an older person?
xD I'm always told I'm 5 years older than my actual age. Been told I'm 18 when I was 15 and grandparent always ask me what year uni I'm in when I'm 16 xD

Lol those are just funny times XD

Ever wanted to punch a really annoying person who piss you off 24/7?
Yes I have. Luckily(or not) I didn't.

Have you ever go out with a friend, and got people mistakenly thought you were with a (tomboy)girl?
I have a friend who, in our teenage years, like to wear baggy(like jacket) and have a haircut like Megumi Morisato(refer Aa! Megami-sama)
No really, I don't usually get on with girls and even when I do most of them have quite long hair so ;P

Have you ever tried to rage quit from a game because the game was "trolling" you?
I'd kick the game if that happens, luckily the only games i play as of now is VN's

have you ever forgotten you own name (in a moment of time)?
Hm...I have an alternative name, Velean in story, Arturia on internet and Jack in real life. But I never like not remember them, just confused sometimes xD
Answer "No"

have you ever experienced with a 99.9%download, then it fails?
It have become part of my life. When it happen so often, your only reaction is just sit there and stare at the screen for a while before you download it again. It just become one of those thing where you no longer able to get mad anymore, unless you goes mental.

Have you ever been to any big Scout/Boy Scout/Eagle Scout event?
The biggest Scout event I've been to was the State-level event.
Never been a scout before, just DoE ;P

Strike Freedom or Freedom (Gundam reference)?
Strike Freedom, better than Freedom After it got shot down.

Ikaros or Nymph? (Sora no Otoshimono)
Ikaros - coz she looks more lady-like.
*BTW guys, how come this topic "Have you ever" turned into "This or that"?

*Back to topic*
Have you ever post different answer on a wrong tread? LOL
Nope, not yet. Planned to, after I finish DL-ing Ichigo Mashimaro.

Have you ever bought something that's expensive, but only use it once, then not using it anymore?
Well all my Limited Editions Saber only been out of the box once...though is not really really expensive (But I treasure it a lot, even though my new Saber isn't even out of the box yet, gotta un-box her someday, but the box looks so awesome that I don't want to unbox it) Hm...How about my birthday watch last year my parent gave me, a Seiko that cost over £400, I only ever wore it once, but is lovely.

Have you ever bought a Limited Edition Figure?
Nope, coz they're expensive and most of the time, by the time I found out about the figure, it already sold out or fully booked.

Have you ever have a near miss accident while have a on-road driving test?
Nah ... i pass my test flawlessly~

Have you ever had trouble parking your car?
Never parked one before so no xD

Have you ever bought something that is Limited Edition related to anime?
Only at side parking maneuver.

Have you ever attend a Bachelor party?
^ Limited Edition side parking maneuver? :S

No, I'm still in college ;P

Have you ever wanted to become a politician to change the country when you were young?
No, never liked to be a politician

Have you ever been forced to eat something you don't like?
Not at gunpoint, I'm not. Why eat something you don't like, it will only waste food.

Have you ever been sent to the principal/headmaster's room for doing something bad?

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ChoomMoka wrote on Shine's profile.
https://gamerch.com/biim/714171 Do u happen to have the game from this blog? thx in advance
GhostHD wrote on wretchedegg's profile.
Hi, did you maybe have some work of these creators:

- bttファンクラブ
- skb
- Kiramekuhoshi / 煌めく星

mostly from btt would be my interest.
