Have you ever...

Yes, I have been to: Japan, China, Germany, UK, Ireland, France, Greece, The Virgin Islands, Aruba, Istanbul, and a few other places.

Have you ever wanted to go to a different country but have not went yet?
Yes, I really wanna go to Germany, but I don't have a chance to yet. (And wow, you've been to A LOT of places xDD)

Have you ever wished you could keep a wild animal as a pet? (Like a lion, tiger, wolf, etc.)
Yes, I would LOVE to own a Florida Black Panther

Have you ever had to many pets at one time?
Oh yes, aside from my four dogs, my father bought fishes, hamsters and guinea pigs in which I don't really like them that much =w=

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an animal? (still revolving around animals, lol)
LOL! yea, I all ways wondered how it would be to try a Cat :)

Have you ever wondered if peoples animals really look like them?
Yes, I've heard of it but never actually see it, lol. It'd be really fun to see xDD

Have you ever wanted a game you're playing to be real?
Yes, quite a few games LOL! the #1 would be Lineage 2, the Dark Elfs are SO Dam sexy! RAWR! LOL!

Have you ever played any MMOs?
Ah yes, but it's a long time ago. I used to like Ragnarok very much before it was full of bots.

Have you ever dreamed that you're actually in a game (with all the power and everything)?
hmm, I do not remember my dreams often so not sure.

Have you ever wanted to sit at home and play games instead of doing anything else?
Yes all the freaking time. In fact I do it all the time! Even though it isn't something to be proud of...

As new ruler of the planet, what is the first order of buisness?
Enslave all the otaku haters :P

Have you ever wondered if the day will be a good day when you wake up?
Yes and so far it is not a good day, BUT! I am positive so I know it will go well :)

Have you ever wanted to just punch someone in the mouth for being stupid?
Yes I have :)

Have you ever went somewhere and ordered something and when you went to get it, it was the wrong thing?
Many times? HAHAHA. That's how clumsy I am. D:

Have you ever tried folding origami?
Many times? HAHAHA. That's how clumsy I am. D:

Have you ever tried folding origami?
Yes, but I am not very good at it, Jan is and she has been trying to teach me. Takes a lot of manipulation and hand coordination. She is very good at it tho.

Have you ever wanted to run away from life and just try to start over?
After thinking about it for years, No. I shall live with it.

Have you ever been convinced by others to buy something that you hate?
YES! LOL! Janet grrr, she had by buy something that I really did not like, but SHE liked it so I got it and wear it for her....but I think it is SO Ugly!

Have you ever done something to satisfy someone else curiosity even tho it was against what you believe?
Yep, it sucks too

Have you ever went to the Grand Canyon and said OK! nice hole in the ground, yay. OK Thrills gone and left LOL!?
Never been there although I think it would be cool to fly over via a helicopter or something.

Have you ever done deep sea fishing?
Yes, I go every year with dad we go for Dolphin (Mahi Mahi) not flipper.

Do you like to fish?
Not as much as I did when I was a kid. I used to go fishing almost everyday back then.

Have you ever told one of those "The one that got away" stories when talking about fishing?

Have you ever been busted by your partner doing something to yourself and they get all mad and said "All you had to do was ask!"? lol (Happened about a hour ago here....)

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I'll share the hentai content I have.
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please, if you still have it, reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
tintin0821 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hi, Could you please reupload this? Thank you.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Big thanks! Think you could upload this game? Someone requested it years ago but it was never upped.

Sirvipe235 wrote on Shine's profile.
Big thanks! Think you could upload this game? Someone requested it years ago but it was never upped.
