Have you ever...

Never have because I don't do anything to my self...... too lazy to do so :P

Have you ever been known to be a klutz?
No, but sometimes I do things and act like one so I get some extra attention from somebody HEHE

Have you ever had a very bad night of sleep and fell out at a important meeting at work?
Nope because I'm just a dumb factory worker :P I don't deal with meeting :D

Have you ever wanted to doing something that is wild?
Yes but it's been years since I have. Toned things down a bit when I became a father.

Have you ever looked at passerby's and matched them to anime characters?
Yes LOL! I have see people that look so dam close you HAVE to double take on them lol!

Have you ever let your partner experiment on you?
Oh yes yes yes :D

Have you ever thought maybe we say too much on here and maybe scare people off? LOL!
All the time lol but that's okay I'm sure a few will warm up to us eventually and if not we always have msn :P

Have you ever pictured what someone looks like only to see you was way way off?
Yep lol

Did you like my picture on MSN? That is it, you shall see no more as I hate getting my pic taken LOL!

Have you ever wanted to smash a camera?
Yes I did and I'll just get Jan to send me pics of you :P :D

Yeah I've actually smashed a couple of cameras before.

Have you ever feel like you was the odd person out at a social function?

Have you ever wanted to just go to bed, even tho you are not really tired?
Yeah I have a few million times :p

Have you ever felt like expressing yourself to a random stranger?
Not really "Expressing" BUT I HAVE "Exposed" myself to a total stranger before, does that count LOL!

Have you ever feelt that things are not really as bad as they are, you are the one making them worse in your head?
Not really "Expressing" BUT I HAVE "Exposed" myself to a total stranger before, does that count LOL!

No it doesn't count as I wasn't the one you exposed yourself to :P kidding :)

Not really because I'm not one who worries about stuff I look at the positive and the negative of all things. So if I feel an outcome is pretty bad then it is and vice versa.

Have you ever wanted to (or have you ever) run a marathon?
No, hell no! lol I am in pretty good shape, but no lol I do not like to run. You run a marathon every day, your kids keep you running :)

Have you ever craved pickled eggs? lol
lol yea I actually have wondered if it really went of or not LOL! BUT I have not opened the refer to be sure...LOL!

Have you ever looked through some of the stuff we have posted and went "OMG! I can not believe they said that?" lol
No it's more like "OMG why doesn't anyone talk to Kimmy and I, oh that's why I forgot about that post" :P

Have you ever started dancing in public when you hear a good tune?
Am a shy guy with no interests in dancing for people.

Have you ever been accused for harassment (yes sexual)?
Never have strangely enough.

Have you ever wanted to be accused of sexual harassment? :P
HAHA! not really lol

Have you ever been in trouble for being with someone and their daddy/mom did not like it?
Yes and I wore it like a badge lol but it didn't last with us.

Have you ever broken up a couple for meanness?
no because I would murder someone if they did that to me lol

Have you ever wanted to be the opposite sex for a day?

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I'll share the hentai content I have.
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please, if you still have it, reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
tintin0821 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hi, Could you please reupload this? Thank you.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Big thanks! Think you could upload this game? Someone requested it years ago but it was never upped.

Sirvipe235 wrote on Shine's profile.
Big thanks! Think you could upload this game? Someone requested it years ago but it was never upped.
