Have you ever...

Yes many mice lol

Have you done anything in your life this far that you completely regret that you have not made a menz for?
Honestly I don't regret anything in life. I've done some bad stuff in the past and even though I did that stuff I don't regret it nor would I do it differently if I could. I am a firm believer in learning from your mistakes which in my opinion makes you all the more wiser.

Have you ever been to a rock concert?
Too many to count way too many.

Have you ever wanted a way out of a situation but there is just no way out?
Sometimes, guess it depends on the situation.

Have you ever gone to a concert that you was so excited about only to see that the opening bands did a better show than the main act?

I have Ted Nugent opened for KISS during the farewell tour and he blew them out of the water.
Yes, i've once been in a concert, i only was there listening the starters, and then get the hell out of there..
luckily the tickets were so cheap i bought them with pocketmoney.

Have you ever told a secret that shouldn't maybe been told?
Nope, I don't think I have done that or maybe my memory fails me te recall something like that.

Have you ever done karaoke with your friends?
Yes i have.

Have you ever got praised you have a good singing voice?
*I got praised when we were singing, that was very surprising :)*
Yes but I still think my voice raises Demons instead of Angels.

Have you ever went to get something you knew was there, and it was gone?
Yes, it's common to me, when you need something i can't find it where it was and when i don't need it i found it somewhere..

Have you ever listened to a music you know other's near don't like it and you turn the volume knob east?? :D
*doing it right now, i bet you guys would like to see my sisters face now when she's visiting here*
HEHE! Yes I have done that as well, lol normally I put on headphones, but sometimes I do it just to be spiteful. Mainly when Janet's brother, his demon spawn, and wench are here, I sit up stairs in my office working on AMV's with the music SO Loud, that it shakes the windows, and pictures off the walls lol.

Have you ever wanted to take a trip to the beach but could not go because it was a nasty day out?
Not really its always hot and sunny here ><

Have you ever said something out loud by accident ?
HEHE Yes, when I was typing earlier Jan asked me when my appointment for my Jeep was today to get the stereo installed, and I asked her "Why is your brother the demon spawn and wench here or going to be here soon?" and the wench was standing behind her LOL! OOPS!

Have you ever hated waiting for a appointment time to come?
Yes >< Since im usually the really early but yet impatient type. So ill be like wtffff why isnt he here yet or why isnt it my turn !!

Have you ever framed someone ?
hmmm, well yea I guess I have haha

Have you ever wanted to meet someone you think is really cool, but have no way to get to them?
Oh MY gAwd Yeshhh ! i want them i my house i wana own them and bring them to school and show off to all my friends!!

Have you ever dream with in a dream?
I dont know about that one, I normally do not remember my dreams too much, but I am sure I prolly have.

Have you ever wanted to give someone a hug just because you think it would feel good?
yes i loe hugs i like to hug hug hug SQUEEZE!!! :P
Have you ever wondered why isnt life like animes? :P
Yes, it seems like would be SO much easier at times if it were.

Have you ever gone to an Anime Convention?
Yes I have many in my days. My last one was in July 1-4th in LA I went to Anime-EXPO 2011 it was fun, there is so much to see. Shows, AMV and Cosplay contests, artists, so much to see and do.

Have you ever wanted to go some place but everyone else said NO!?
Yes LOL!

Have you ever sat there and felt out of place because everyone was waiting for you to do something LOL!?
Yep, wery common in my life.. i just want to be sluggish all day and do nothing, i've gotten in trouble many times becouse i haven't done something i should've done.

Have you ever had someone flattering you?
Yes lol

Have you ever went to get a "few" things at the store and went over board and bought way too much?

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ybz378938171 wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
would you please re-upload RJ01159920 RJ01148813 RJ01150525 RJ01153106 RJ01133471 RJ01146160 in mexa ? thx
I'll share the hentai content I have.
TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please, if you still have it, reupload this game? Thanks in advance.
tintin0821 wrote on Nihonjaki90's profile.
Hi, Could you please reupload this? Thank you.
Sirvipe235 wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Big thanks! Think you could upload this game? Someone requested it years ago but it was never upped.
