Your such an amazing person. If only I was there. I'd support you anyway I could, and can. And since I have a good memory and as mentioned elsewhere a tendency to making lists, I could be your Memorizer! as well.
The pressure of society and peer pressure from parents/people around you, ..sigh, it's really a conflict that tears at you from both sides, forget what they want. If only I could mend your wings and make it feel like you could fly. We'd fly to different places and forget where we'd been, even traveling around in circles and lol'ing about dejavu's. Seeking out strange rare places and people.
I've heard about the "asian logic" before, all their far distant family members and what not. I don't think they will have to worry about going extinct. But no use in telling them that, since they already have it hardwired in their mind that things should be a certain way I presume. I guess it's an old obsolete tradition back in older days when families where on their own in the world, and bigger meant better in many different ways. I get they probably want you to marry and have many grandchildren as well as being successful, it is a classical internal conflict in todays society.
But who cares about what others do, don't let them take charge of your fate, if you disappoint them because of it, you don't have to feel guilty, you owe it to yourself to love yourself that much, And THAT, you must do ! The worst thing in life is regret.....it's bitter. So bitter thats it's better to do the "right" thing and end up failing miserably because at least then you don't have to deal with unforgiveness towards yourself, that really is the worst of the worst you can put yourself trough. That can truly be angst inducing, regrets that are or seems impossible to get undone.
Do you want me to dress up as an alien and come and abduct you onto my spaceship so we can go see strange new worlds together ? Then no one would know even know what you might be doing, and not be able to say or even think what you should or shouldn't do. btw the spaceship got one of these dream recorders/entertainment systems so Samy can be hooked up too it while he sleeps and all his dreams can be watched on the big flatscreen like a movie. It would be quite fun abducting people.
I was wondering previously if they had convinced you to give up your own career choice for the benefit of the family business or something more "profitable", how are things going in those regards, bet you probably heard the saying that you need to be practical, especially in these financial "unsure times". Think about the future and whats sustainable ect.
I realize something that when you've said you would wish to be accepted for who you are, it's really not so much about general people like myself or any of us here is it ? but most of all your own parents isn't it ? I'm confused about it though, cause they seem like a source of love simultaneously as the biggest stress factor. Is their love conditional or unconditional ? Or...well I guess they might love you unconditionally and that's just making you feel even more guilty when you think you are disappointing them. /hmm I hope I haven't already asked that before.
I would wanna hear more about your dreams if I could, with no details left out...You know I would be all for that, if you remember me saying so. But you got a to-do-or-die list now, and I don't want you to die, so just have fun and do what comes naturally.
You really couldn't recognize him ?
If you really meant it literally....and he still looked like his old self even. Unusual, but okey with me,
I see, then be single, and follow your heart. What would you like to do in life~? If your dreams are bad when you sleep, I wish you may compensate for that by having many wonderful dreams while your awake, and that nothing will clutter or take away your hopes in those dreams. You don't even have to realistically reach them if it comes to that, just be true to your heart and be moving in their direction, thats all it takes, and it is your right to do so.
A certain gwee mentioned he would melt if you got married, I was gonna say I would become Pyre's twin if that happened, but really I'd just die of jealousy. Never the less, I would fully support you also, and overcome it and be happy if it would make you happy. But if not, then I wouldn't want you too marry, even if it was with me.
P.s. I'm sure there are more guys around here that also would paint themselves to look like rambo and shinobi's and make a marriage crash 'strike force' in case you need it.