lol, ideal strategist, or ideal recluse? :P
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:dispirited: Your such an amazing person. If only I was there. I'd support you anyway I could, and can. And since I have a good memory and as mentioned elsewhere a tendency to making lists, I could be your Memorizer! as well.

The pressure of society and peer pressure from parents/people around you, ..sigh, it's really a conflict that tears at you from both sides, forget what they want. If only I could mend your wings and make it feel like you could fly. We'd fly to different places and forget where we'd been, even traveling around in circles and lol'ing about dejavu's. Seeking out strange rare places and people.
I've heard about the "asian logic" before, all their far distant family members and what not. I don't think they will have to worry about going extinct. But no use in telling them that, since they already have it hardwired in their mind that things should be a certain way I presume. I guess it's an old obsolete tradition back in older days when families where on their own in the world, and bigger meant better in many different ways. I get they probably want you to marry and have many grandchildren as well as being successful, it is a classical internal conflict in todays society.
But who cares about what others do, don't let them take charge of your fate, if you disappoint them because of it, you don't have to feel guilty, you owe it to yourself to love yourself that much, And THAT, you must do ! The worst thing in life is's bitter. So bitter thats it's better to do the "right" thing and end up failing miserably because at least then you don't have to deal with unforgiveness towards yourself, that really is the worst of the worst you can put yourself trough. That can truly be angst inducing, regrets that are or seems impossible to get undone.

Do you want me to dress up as an alien and come and abduct you onto my spaceship so we can go see strange new worlds together ? Then no one would know even know what you might be doing, and not be able to say or even think what you should or shouldn't do. btw the spaceship got one of these dream recorders/entertainment systems so Samy can be hooked up too it while he sleeps and all his dreams can be watched on the big flatscreen like a movie. It would be quite fun abducting people.

I was wondering previously if they had convinced you to give up your own career choice for the benefit of the family business or something more "profitable", how are things going in those regards, bet you probably heard the saying that you need to be practical, especially in these financial "unsure times". Think about the future and whats sustainable ect.

I realize something that when you've said you would wish to be accepted for who you are, it's really not so much about general people like myself or any of us here is it ? but most of all your own parents isn't it ? I'm confused about it though, cause they seem like a source of love simultaneously as the biggest stress factor. Is their love conditional or unconditional ? Or...well I guess they might love you unconditionally and that's just making you feel even more guilty when you think you are disappointing them. /hmm I hope I haven't already asked that before.

I would wanna hear more about your dreams if I could, with no details left out...You know I would be all for that, if you remember me saying so. But you got a to-do-or-die list now, and I don't want you to die, so just have fun and do what comes naturally.

You really couldn't recognize him ?
If you really meant it literally....and he still looked like his old self even. Unusual, but okey with me,

I see, then be single, and follow your heart. What would you like to do in life~? If your dreams are bad when you sleep, I wish you may compensate for that by having many wonderful dreams while your awake, and that nothing will clutter or take away your hopes in those dreams. You don't even have to realistically reach them if it comes to that, just be true to your heart and be moving in their direction, thats all it takes, and it is your right to do so.

A certain gwee mentioned he would melt if you got married, I was gonna say I would become Pyre's twin if that happened, but really I'd just die of jealousy. Never the less, I would fully support you also, and overcome it and be happy if it would make you happy. But if not, then I wouldn't want you too marry, even if it was with me.

P.s. I'm sure there are more guys around here that also would paint themselves to look like rambo and shinobi's and make a marriage crash 'strike force' in case you need it.

I don't mind that you be my 'Memorizer'. Another alias. xD

I just want those close to me get along and be happy. They have problems of their own... so I don't mind too much now that they don't like the real me. If they can at least like a little part of me... I'll be very happy.

No regrets! Girls be ambitious!

And let's discover UFOs!

My parents wanted me to be a pharmacist or nurse because that is a steady career and makes money... So, I suppose you can say they didn't really support my choice in art. They just 'lived with it'. Lol~

I'm reminded almost every day that my parents and the elderly are people I must respect. In return for my parents who gave me life and raising me... I must 'pay them back'... not money of course. xD

My father still looked the same... I think. I only remember that a slightly dark man (due to staying in the sunlight almost everyday. He went to Cambodia.) rang the door bell. I opened the door and wondered who he was.

I was almost scared because he suddenly placed his foot inside before I let him in and I asked "Who are you?". He thought it was a joke... it wasn't.

I don't mind telling you my dreams, but I mostly remember the last two or three. The other four or five are forgetful. I know that I dreamed those four or five because I wake up every other hour or half an hour.

However... yeah... my 'To-Do or Die' list has higher priority. Maybe we can just reveal bits here and there as we casually chat like we usually do.

True to my heart. Thank-you, I will~

Marriage... I'll just be the runaway bride. xD
Hmm seems i wasnt able to finish typing cuz teacher caught meh in class... XD

Ahh... ok..~ Happy tears x3 But yeah... we'll always welcome you back whenever you decide to~

Repressed feelings and desires... So you need somewhere to sort of release.. but i dont really understand how that would lead to suppressed memories...

Hmm... too young imo... should really finish their education before doing too much more >< Relationships... can usually wait...

Lol im sure quite a few are relieved and yet saddened that you dont want a relationship ;p

Sounds a lot like that movie where the guy forgets everything every day... @_@ Has to put notes all over and record everything to "remember" it... Except that was a love story and you just said you dont want a relationship xD

Dont mind that they dont like the real you... they dont know what theyre missing ;p

Lol so from a house to a ship to a ufo~ Quite a jump in technology x3

Art... hmm... what are you doing with your art..?~

Runaway bride sounds fun... hehehe~ And it turns into a theme at your marraiges xD Random group of people that break through the windows walls floors and ceilings to run off with the bride xD
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Last post for you Sam~

/me wonders what Sam looks like when caught~

Thank-you again. I'll always be there with open arms for you as well.

Repressed memories were mostly caused by me trying not to be emotionally hurt... and probably trying to make my parents happy. I ignore my true desires and be the obedient princess.

Sorry if it sounds confusing. Even I don't discuss this kind of issue much. I just keep it inside.

I don't want a relationship... yet. I really like my peace and no strings attach feeling. If I do have a relationship, it will be the man I know I will marry and never divorce. We will live laughing and without lies.

That movie sounds familiar. I either read the synopsis or watched it. Can't really recall~

I tried various communication skills with my friends and family, but no luck. Oh well~

When people just want quick sketches of their favorite photograph or want to make something nice for their birthday cards... I draw for them. Little things here and there. :3

If I do become a runaway bride... I'll eat the cake first before I run. xD
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Lol ehh... well teacher mostly just told meh to close the laptop lid so i couldnt keep typing x3 Nothing major... which i think you were imagining x3

Well... i guess your mother disliking how you were on AS so that might have been part of it? Dunno..~ Emotions... always so complicated... I wonder... what are your true desires though?..~ All that randomish stuff like covering me with cheese and dunking me in coffee? xD

It fines..~ The confusion is probably from the fact that i cant directly relate to your experiences... I understand enough though..~

Lol hope you find someone who will cherish you for who you are x3 And even more of a reason to not rush..~

I saw it on tv but i think it was something like 50 first dates? No probably not... I think my sis was comparing it to that though...~

Hmm... maybe theyre just too used to the "you" that they normally see... change can get scary... seems like your real self is quite different from the mask you usually wear...

Oh okies x3 Do you make art to sell and stuff?~ Commissions and the such..~ Or well... are you still in school?

Lol why not take it to go? /me imagines the shinobi group carrying the table off xD With a couple of them trying to knock over the groom at the top of the cake :XD:
Marriage at 25 huh.. It not early nor late if you ask me. But the time's only there when you yourself decide it..
I mean, you can only marry someone you know him well enough and is someone who accepts you for who your are. Because you will spend the rest of your life's together (well that's the plan!)
I'm currently 22 and in a relationship for 5 years..But I don't think I'll be marrying anytime soon.. My parents are a little bit old fashioned when it comes to that so I'm pretty sure sure they'll be asking me when I'm getting married in a year or so =/
And not forgetting the financial side of it..

If the time for to marry has come, please let me know. I'll happily bake the wedding cake for you :3
(I wouldn't mind being the ring bearer too.. :x)

I see you've been through quite a lot these past few months. Don't let it get to you. Make sure you take some time to relax, it's important to stay healthy, both physically and mentally ^^

Anyway, I' ALL are happy that you came back to ASF. The gates to the forum playground is always open.
I need to find myself a good Gate Guardian prevent unauthorized access from outsiders =_=

Do take care My Lady~

Well, I can your situation full understand, because I'm also 25 year old, where actually in normal wise already since so 2-3 year married would - and 1-2 kids plus there to: But I think, that this thinking from last century is, everybody has self decide, if she/he in a close connection be will/want, and for the rest of her/his life with the one be will. - I can you only recommend, that you should still quiet about that after think, and not with the things rush - you're still young.

And yeah, the thing with babies... Well, in that region are you also not too late, because I've also no child yet - Well, my parents say always, that I already with the planning for a family make should (Well yeah, some from my former classmates have already a or more kids, and my cousin - what in same age is how I - has already a 5 year old son), but I let me not with that bother - is should freely decision be, not forced.

And yeah, if the time for you really arrived is, that you to whom go (marriage), the let me also know: Because I'd for you really a big cake make, okay?...:goodtea:~>

Notice: Don't let you push.
Two minds better than one~ I was gonna say, eyah I'll be your ram and you'll be my processor but umh lol. But seeing as a "memorizer" would memorize and record stuff, maybe that makes me a scribe of some sort. neh not important though. Things have a way of working themselves out at times. I can be anything as long as I retain the ability to learn.

humh do they/someone use guilt as emotional blackmail ? I remember some guy once making a joke about the title of a jewish book, it was titled: "how to get you child to play the piano using nothing but guilt" Elderly woman fills the role of that certain 'stereotype' or what ever I should call it(the martyr). For example where there is a family gathering, and then when the children don't behave or do/act like she wants, she'll get terrible migraines or headaches, and make it so that they know she is getting it because of them indirectly. In a kinda subtle manipulative way if you can imagine. If it was made to be a sketch of illustration then typically the father would top it all of by stating,"now look what your doing to your mother".
I can't really judge if this is a good advise or not, but if they really are just going to be like that and not change, not now, or seemingly never,(and I doubt they would, or else they would have already) I think you should maybe consider 'giving up on them changing that' and spare yourself the pain, yet you have this small hope in you don't you, because you really want them too :/ and need them to, if they would just acknowledge who you are, and love you that way, even if they have their opinions of certain things it would give you such rest, the knots in your heart being unwind and might be able to heal. But having to keep up appearances even among your own, and your own home, is like not having that place of rest and peace, no safe family den to retreat too. Tiring....
Throw in bonds of obligation on top, and it's burdensome....And you are very loyal, I can tell. They've probably raised you to be as well, and if I'm not mistaken it's also thoroughly ingrained in your culture. But don't let them suck the life out of you or anything, cause people who are already doing that, are not very likely to stop on their own accord. They won't even understand always when they cause an other person to break down all together... Okey but, I'm thinking and understanding with what I got, there's so many things I don't know and questions I'd could ask but..

It sounds like they don't like you at all,(the real you) do you think that if you found that love somewhere else that it would be enough ? or is it just something that you really must have from them. I fear you might just end up trying your very best to please them, and in the end still not get what your heart truly needs from them, and the more you invest in trying to do so, the more you will loose, unless by some almost miraculous occurrence everything changes....But do you feel that lucky ?
How is your art/school given up on that now ? If it still is going.

They remind you +_=

Heh, how did I just know he went to Cambodia, he's a curios guy that father of yours btw. But frankly probably one thats affected you greatly with his ways of behaving in the marrige, you seen all of that after all.
I don't know what to make of the event you forgetting who he was, now that I think about it, coping mechanisms and stuff, and repressed memories mentioned. Heavy stress causing things to be pushed away and buried in the subconscious affecting memory...that does ring a bell with me. Possible connection maybe. Hard to be accurate. No joke...awkward moment :g
Still those dreams, I wanna ask but. I wanna leave it in your hands, I'm already typing such long posts, and I don't want them to be too heavy, or make you fail your list and die like said.
Then, YES please, I would love that, Just like old times :cheerleader: I wanna see you happy handing out desserts and possible loli's if you still do that . Just like the old times. I haven't been this happy since way back then you know that. And I owe it all too you, and so, I just hope all of us here can return the favor, being the best friends any of us can be. Thank you for being you. Your awesome.

So we got stay classy from before, mixed in with stay true. Stay true and classy it is :P

p.s. since you don't seem to use Vm's that much, I wonder if it could be used simply for one purpose only, spamming your profile with pictures as gifts and nothing else, no !? bad idea ?
They would end up being the same type of notifications as likes, they'd only be there for leisure. Okey maybe I'm just going bahahah-silly willy now. nm ^^

Then I'll pick you up in the ufo ofc. You'll discover ufo's, have no regrets, and be ambitious !

p.p.s wear super dark sunglasses at the weeding, there WILL BE BRIGHT LIGHTS)
do you wanna wait until he puts the ring on first ? oh never mind. Cake is what matters.
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How many "Gwees" are there? >:V
So I searched and searched for anything gwees on the internet....sry I found nothing funny at all xD
I did say certain though :h
lol, ideal strategist, or ideal recluse? :P
The crying hermit. thats it. Hey do you remember that time in ......YOUR LATEST THOUGHTS when you gave out special cookies to me and sammy ?
Sounds a lot like that movie where the guy forgets everything every day... @_@ Has to put notes all over and record everything to "remember" it... Except that was a love story and you just said you dont want a relationship xD

Lol so from a house to a ship to a ufo~ Quite a jump in technology x3

I've seen that movie....But it was not about dating 50 woman ! at least not the one I saw, and he used tattoos to remind himself. maybe not the same one then.

Oh....:confused: Somehow I am either in that state of mind right now..or I missed the house and the ship...was there a house and a ship ?

I've probably sucked up a bit more than I intended for when practicing abductions in my spaceship... I'll check the storage compartment and look for a ship, I'll def not want to be dragging that around...horrible fuel economy ><
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The crying hermit. thats it. Hey do you remember that time in ......YOUR LATEST THOUGHTS when you gave out special cookies to me and sammy ?

I gave out cookies? I'm pretty sure I've done that more than once, but I don't specifically remember the occasion you are alluding to. Were they cookies baked with sadness and filled with despair?
These where special genki least thats what you told me !

Sadness and despair ...................that doesn't sound very genki too me !! your tried to infect me with your tears:donow:
These where special genki least thats what you told me !

Sadness and despair ...................that doesn't sound very genki too me !! your tried to infect me with your tears:donow:
Oh genki cookies sound familiar!

/me cooks you a batch of ちょう元気なクーキーズ!食べて食べて!幸せになりましょうよ!
I can't read that...for now ignorance will be bliss ! ................:full:

Actually I never tried reading it until now, I should be able something, then you bash me with kanji >< Ah moar cookies. I'll care later, even though there is probably something fishy about them. That is if it's even really cookies I'm stuffing in me.
I can't read that...for now ignorance will be bliss ! ................:full:

Actually I never tried reading it until now, I should be able something, then you bash me with kanji >< Ah moar cookies. I'll care later, even though there is probably something fishy about them.

"... batch of super-Genki cookies! Eat some, eat some! Let us become happy together!"
So I searched and searched for anything gwees on the internet....sry I found nothing funny at all xD
I did say certain though :h

The crying hermit. thats it. Hey do you remember that time in ......YOUR LATEST THOUGHTS when you gave out special cookies to me and sammy ?

I've seen that movie....But it was not about dating 50 woman ! at least not the one I saw, and he used tattoos to remind himself. maybe not the same one then.

Oh....:confused: Somehow I am either in that state of mind right now..or I missed the house and the ship...was there a house and a ship ?

I've probably sucked up a bit more than I intended for when practicing abductions in my spaceship... I'll check the storage compartment and look for a ship, I'll def not want to be dragging that around...horrible fuel economy ><

Hes dating the same woman over and over again and its all like first dates because he forgets everything in the morning so he only has records which he has to review every morning in order to remember everyone~

Before when everyone was talking about moving somewhere with ojou sama~ :runhappy: First it was a house then it changed to a ship so we could visit random people along the way~ ;p
hahaha OKey :P Well the ship can still be used after a ufo abduction, you how those things work right, they just suck things up into that bright white light. Maybe then some of the people onboard didn't even notice if they where sleeping, so if I dumped it in some small lake or pond inland they'll wonder how they got there, along with they 600.000 ton artic research ship.

It might be fun for the girl dating naughty she could be :D And the next day he doesn't remember, she could just tell him a different story each day, day she's his neighbor, other his sister, and yet an other his parole officer. The sky's the limit. (sky on this forum that is)
Hmm youre making life quite troublesome for those researchers ;p Will we have dozens of cows randomly wandering on the ship as well and any random crops that we decided to steal? ;p

Well she didnt actually know about it until later and i stopped watching to do hw shortly after she misunderstood his reasons for recording their conversation so i dunno what happens =w=
Oh COWS...those are essential for mysterious ufo abductions..I learned that early on, especially from watching scully and "muldy" xD
Well I'd rather not have a bunch of grazing cows around the ship to be honest hmm don't want the place dirty, unless its cows that have been potty trained >< I didn't think about stealing crops either, hmmm. All your crops are belong to us ???
Don;t me give me anymore ideas plz, you sure you won't do anything overly crazy if I let you steer the ship while I sleep or take a shower :bubblebath:

Oh I see. Where there bad men chasing them also in that movie ?

/me even forgot about the crop circles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :punched:

Now I see what you might have meant.
Okey, here's the drive stick. I need to go back to ufo school.
Our comrade has fallen to his depressions so we must go on to honor his last wishes until he gets back anyway :samuraihero: So where to go first :runhappy: Should be fun to drag Atlantis from the bottom of the sea~ :runhappy:
I was perfectly happy napping and taking excessively long showers, until I thought I heard a loud flush and looks out a window only to see something the size of a small continent tugging behind and this :

Well, on the bright side, we could maybe start our own nation/empire now, with our very own continent.

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