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Hmm i dont like clocks either =.= such annoyances... and mine is especially annoying >.<
So you liked the ending? xD I read the manga before so i knew that it wasnt how the anime shouldve ended so i disliked it quite a bit :x Was going so nicely and following the manga before that...
Manga is generally better imo (comes out faster and doesnt get twisted by anime though sometimes the twists make the anime more interesting)
Dramas need a lot of special effects if they want to be anywhere near as good as the anime/manga xD The only one that i really watched was Death Note... Quite different :/
Carts wha? Nunally chained seems a little... Hmm shouldve made it a double rainbow xD The Code Geass anime was quite different from the manga(s) and ended up quite nicely~
Havent really played much VN but i read LN every so often xD Mostly anime and manga atm~
Hmm D Gray Man... I should go dig that up xD I dont remember Allen being all that sadistic though :/
Now that i think of it Alucard from Hellsing is quite sadistic i think :3
Hmm lets change the sudden bursts of intelligence to power then xD Tons of characters with that cliche moment where it seems like theyre about to die and boom theyre suddenly overpowered :/
Intelligence without good use... Makes me think of the guy from The World Only God Knows xD Unless you count perfecting every test so he can play games in class as good use of intelligence lol~
It's not that I liked the ending. I was caught up in the artwork and effects to notice anything else at the time. After it ended, I realized, "That's not how it was suppose to end." I can be pretty naive.~

I do like those anime twists. The anime fillers kill me, but some are funny to watch.

Maybe I'm such a 'purist' that I don't like too many special effects or CGI.

In the anime, when C.C. is riding a cart of hay, most people suspected Lelouch's head to be hidden in her bag. It's a reference to School Days.

Too busy noticing Alucard's badass ways to care if he's sadistic. Yeah, that's true though. He is pretty sadistic.

That burst of power can bring them out of life and death situations. Although, some power up too fast or the author doesn't showcase a process of that power-up.

That is a good use of intelligence. He's using his time wisely to create harems and capturing the innocent souls of 2D young ladies while gaining experience for the real world. (What am I thinking?) -_-
I pretty much noticed the differences from when they fought that odd chain (which is basically when they started rushing everything to get an ending :x)
I havent really watch an anime with much fillers (that i noticed) Havent poked naruto or any of the others that people say have too much fillers :/
I dont really mind cgi myself (as long as it looks decent which asian dramas havent really been doing that greatly with)
School Days... I saw that a couple years ago randomly and i thought it was horrible =.= Dislikes that guy quite a lot...
I really should get around to watching Hellsing xD Read most of the manga (not sure where i stopped)
I dont really like those power up cliches :x Prefer them to be as strong as they started with throughout the battle cuz its more "realistic" unless there was actually premonition that they had hidden potential or other stuff like that :/ Someone mentioned that they liked it when the protagonist had similar powers comparatively with everything else in that world instead of being the special person with that special overpowered ability/item/etc. and i found myself agreeing to some degree...
Lol but he doesnt actually get to keep the harems cuz they all forget about him :p I keep wondering what would happen if someone took a picture of him and one of the girls or why no one in the school ever seems to remember his interactions with the girls :/
The rushed endings are a true disappointment. I'd rather have no ending or an open-ended ending.

I tend to skip fillers. Gintama was one of the few series I didn't skip. It was just too funny.

Asian dramas are just like any other medium. Some like it, some don't. I mostly watch it now if a certain actor/actress I like is starring. Even then, the direction or storyline kills it for me.

No one liked Makoto. Maybe that's too harsh. The majority hated Makoto. Still harsh I think. XD

'Similar powers comparatively with everything else in that world'... that's a nice perspective. I feel myself agreeing to that. At the same time, I feel like I read that somewhere before.

That is funny. To be harem-less... kind of sad really.
If only they ended it in a way which might leave hope for another season... :/ The way Pandora Hearts ended wasnt all that nice... Ive been watching somewhat shortish anime (less than 30 eps) which dont have much fillers if any xD
Hmm i pretty much prefer anime to drama :3 My sis watches tons of korean dramas though (and whatever american stuff that i dont even bother to remember) :/
Hmm would you say Makoto's death was deserved? xD
I read it somewhere so not too surprising if you read it somewhere too lol :3
Hmm the girl i like might have a reverse harem but has no idea lol xD Harems are much less fun to deal with in real life :x
People rage when the ending is not true to the original. I saw some hate for Eureka 7's ending.

I've been watching slightly older anime. (Rune Explorers, Hikaru no Go) The current ones I watch on and off.

Korean dramas vs. anime. Anime wins. As it should be.

It was a blessing for Makoto. :D

Real life harems... too messy. Although, if and only if there's a way to manage them, hmmmm...
Havent seen Eureka 7 either xD
Ive been watching anime randomly (going for finished series with decent ratings)
Lol a blessing xD Sure~
Harems are way too much trouble xD Too many tough decisions :x I would say its nearly impossible to manage it~
Eureka 7 is a good watch. Love the OP/ED and BGM. People loved it... just not the end. I believe the spin-off is currently playing.

'Finished series with decent ratings', I go for the 'finished and recommended not to watch or low ratings.' I like to see why it has such negative reviews for myself.

There are plenty of blessings like Shirley from Code Geass. Some haven't received my blessing yet.

I watched a Thai drama where the man built separate rooms and houses for his wives. The women all tried to kill each other in the end. It was stupid to begin with.

Hypnotizing your harem may work... sort of.
Hmmm thats already on my to watch list xD
I usually try not to watch ones with really horrible ratings :x If there was some good ratings then it might actually be a decent watch that didnt suit everyone's tastes so i might try...
Hypnotism doesnt actually work out that well xD Unlike what most of the population thinks hypnotism can be broken out of at will and whatnot but theres also some effects that could last :/
There seems to be a good amount of anime in your 'to watch list'. Can't argue. I have plenty in my 'to read list.' Those Korean web comics are actually pretty good. They've been more people translating web comics nowadays.

Some anime with the decent ratings seem to be fair and honest with their judgement. Reviewing anime or anything else can lead to bias statements. There are sites that offer good reviews, but I visited some other sites that barely mentioned the anime and just blabbed about his/her character instead.

Hypnosis has been used for many things. It's even tested in medicine as a pain reliever for cancer.

Monogamy is your only safe choice I guess. There are some shows where I think the harem is too large or I just think he doesn't deserve it like Hayate no Gotoku.
Hmm i did say i started watching anime last summer didnt i? xD Thats not too long ago lol~ School hasnt been helping the progress much either :/
I try to stay unbiased until i see the actual anime but if everyone is saying similar things then theres probably a reason :x
The effects of hypnotism could be duplicated without but mehs :/ Dont know enough about hypnotism to say too much about it~
Hmm Hayate no Gotoku is funny enough to me xD Never really cared for the harem aspect of it although it adds to the comedy at times~ I guess he never really had any real accomplishments worthy of the harem though :/
My anime watching declined as well. It's all good. I've watched for a little over ten years. Time to sip tea and talk about the good old days.

I heard people loving certain things or I read positive feedback about some series. After all these years, I still haven't hopped on the Naruto or One Piece bandwagon yet. I guess they're just too over-popularized for me.

Who needs hypnotism. Just scare them with the good old sawing in half routine.

His accomplishment is cross-dressing and looking cuter than some of the other characters. My poor Nagi... duped by that no good butler.
Hmm i dont think my anime watching will decline for a while xD
I read the Naruto and One Piece mangas (didnt know they were all that popular till later) and i like One Piece quite a bit :3 Quite creative with everything~ And the animes are just too long so im delaying for a while...
Hmm dont really know how the sawing in half routine really works unless you mean that "magic" box with two people xD
Lol i really doubt Hayate will ever get to pick anyone and it would probably end similar to Negima where they dont say who he likes~
My priorities have increased, but my love for anime is burning passionately strong.

So many unique elements in One Piece. Quite good indeed. For Naruto, I just jumped all over the place. Reading things here, reading things there. (I didn't read in order. I stopped following it anyway.)

I was thinking more of the one with dummy legs on one end and your body scrunched up in the other end. Then lock it, throw away the key and leave the person scrunched up in there forever. Hmmm.... I think I got the routine wrong.

Oh yeah, Negima ended right? Heard about that. Used to follow his Love Hina series. In the end, I prefer my reverse harems... bishies. :3
I dont have too much priorities atm :3 Quite a bit of class/homework and whatnot though :/
Followed Naruto but lost track of where i was... One Piece is actually a decent read so im following it pretty closely~
I thought it was two people scrunched up xD Hmm when people actually get locked up~ Thats when the chainsaw comes in :3
I mostly read Negima for the awesome magic and stuff xD I dont think it shouldve ended where it did though :/
Love Hina was my first romance related manga xD
I have more traditional priorities. Too bothersome. XD

I'm actually following Bleach. It will be ending, so I want to know how he's wrapping it up.

Shall we do it Texas Chainsaw style or Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? style... so hard to choose.

I remember reading Negima for the artwork. My first romance related manga was probably Fushigi Yuugi.
Hmm traditional... priorities are always troublesome xD
I also have no idea where i am but i started the new arc xD Bleach couldve ended a couple times already... :/
Haruna style ftw xD
Yes the artwork in negima is quite nice :3 The artwork for the anime and the anime itself were somewhat lacking my comparison imo... the artwork for the fan made negima had much better artwork (and i couldnt find the whole manga for negima neo so i cant complain about how much it deviated from the storyline~)
Any priority can give you headaches. But it must be done! Maybe I can slack off a few.

Some argued Bleach should have ended after the Soul Society Arc. To each their own. I just want to see more Rukia.

I like guns. Gunslinger Girl style would be nice... without the enhanced body. Then it wouldn't be the same I guess.

Manga with good artwork always draws me in even if the storyline isn't that decent. There are some manga with less detailed artwork, but good storyline. Mangakas sure do surprise me sometimes.

Which reminds me, I was duped by Fractale's artwork. I thought the manga and anime would be the same quality of art or similar, but I was so wrong and disappointed. Same goes for Kure-nai. I feel sad now.
Hmm im slacking too much probably... :x
I dont really mind that it continued but i really thought that bleach ended after they beat Aizen... It took me a while to find out otherwise xD
I didnt read enough Gunslinger Girls to really know how it works but suree if you say so~
Artwork is pretty much the first thing that is noticed with a manga so i would say its pretty important... Sometime the artwork distracts me from the actual story xD
The ratings for those two seem decent.....
A world of slackers~ I'd like to see an anime about that. There's anime for NEETs, so why not? XD

People still wish for Aizen to be back. I don't mind whatsoever. Beelzebub and Fairy Tail are also good reads.

I have a slight fetish for guns. Swords are awesome. Chainsaws are in a world of their own. Wish I had one.

Artwork is typically the main focus to attract readers. However, nowadays, people tend to look for substance than a pretty face. That 'lack of originality' has increased as some might call it. To me, if I like it, I like it. Give me a Mary-Sue... as long as she's a wearing cat outfit! :3

Those two series are good. It's just the anime versions came up with their own version of the art instead of at least looking similar to the original. The quality is nice... it's just... I'm picky! XD
Lol so many animes with neets xD Arent they sort of like slackers?~

I didnt really care for Aizen myself but it was a decent arc :3

Im reading Fairy Tail and ill add Beelzebub to the list xD

I prefer swords cuz it seems more fancy xD Guns are decent i suppose though who needs a gun when you got magic :D Chainsaws... never really thought about it :/

Im going to judge books by their cover no matter what people say xD I try not to but they should have a decent looking cover if they want it to attract attention :/ Substance doesnt really happen until you start reading and so i cant really judge that till later... Its quite hard to be original considering how everything has pretty much been used and everyone is trying to think of something new...

So theyre not bad? You made it sound like they were xD Not looking like the original... Sometimes its not too bad (manga art isnt always great) but a complete change would bother me too... Im not too picky atm cuz i dont think i know enough to be picky xD
I was thinking more of the ones that slack at work or don't complete the task given to them, something like that.

It feels like I keep adding to your list. XD

I guess I like the sound of a barrage of bullets... I saw a clip of a man being cut by a sword; it was painfully awesome to watch. (I'm such a sadist) Magic huh... I think it's too convenient for me if I'm born with it or naturally gifted. I like to struggle to become stronger.

As long as they can expand a cliche and make it interesting, it's a pretty good feat.

They can change the story all they want, but the art is the most important aspect for me! *cue flaming background*

(I'm such an art connoisseur... sigh)
Hmm im pretty sure theres some random action comedies where the protagonist values his/her own enjoyment over the job xD

Youre adding stuff but my list is plenty long as it is xD

For ranged weapons i prefer arrows over guns xD Cutting people with swords... I would prefer it to stay in the story for me :x Theres too many naturally gifted protagonists that fight less gifted enemies and and just kinda massacre them all :/ Struggle is usually better (or you would end up getting the crap beat out of you like the Accelerator in To Aru Majutsu no Index) it teaches you everything that could go wrong so youre prepared when it does go wrong :/

Theres some cliches which i would say have been used too much without any obvious twists... Too predictable for me :/

I value art quite highly myself (if i cant tell good art from bad art then ive wasted the last 8 years of my life...)
It would be better to just be the Messiah and make cellphone calls when we want something done like in Higashi no Eden. The ruler of NEETs... not a bad way to live.

I never make lists. That's why I tend to forget a lot. XD

If I could, I'd like a bazooka gun. :3

My poor Accelerator! (I have a love/hate thing for him.) I do like how characters show off their toughness only to be beaten in the end. Teaches them valuable lessons. I love how some don't get it and come back for more.

Predictability isn't any fun. Well, for me, if the journey was a good one where I laughed or cried then I don't mind a few cliches here and there. I thought there was some show where they used every cliche, and parodied it to the extreme. It was very funny. I wished I remembered~

People can watch stick figures nowadays because the content is funny or they can relate to it. I must say... they are funny to watch. XD
Hmm everything at my command would be somewhat boring after a while...

Someone i know never makes lists either >.>

Bazooka gun... much too dangerous to give to you :scared: you already have all those paintball guns

Well... if they come back too much they could be a nuisance :x But yeah its kinda fun to watch them get beaten repeatedly~ esp if they come back better xD

Theres certain movies/anime where you could basically just predict half the events that are going to happen cuz its all cliche stuff... Hmm parody of cliches would probably be fun xD

Lol all those really random stuff where you have no idea how it got popular but it did~
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