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Lol coke isnt all that awesome imo xD Taste nice and all but its too unhealthy

Fancy parties >.< Tuxedos were made annoyingly =.= Cant raise arms above a certain height... Always wear t shirt and sweats everywhere cuz i really dont like jeans all that much :x Who cares is everyone else wears it :/ Its uncomfortable... I like fancy foods though xD Informal gatherings are nice~ Lol yeahhh your foot sure~

Hmm reminds me of that random 20 page lab that i gave my chem teacher xD She didnt like it much :x I prefer detail myself :/
I'm a fan, admirer, lover of certain things, but I don't like to call someone wrong for getting the details wrong or for believing in something else. I do enjoy reading the rage of those devotees though... fuels my fire to be more wrong while wearing bullet proof vests and safety suits just in case.

Fancy food... not my thing. It's probably because I became use to plain white rice with just a little soy sauce. Just that satisfies me. If you like it, go right ahead.

'Lol yeahhh your foot sure~' if I could, it'd be a bomb. I mostly pretended to bump into people I don't like and step on their foot with my heels sometimes. The best time was when I pretended some guy was being 'too pleasant' with me and I told my father. Lol, I loved the look on his face when my father told that guy's father what happened. Serves him right for bothering me. XD

There there *hugs* Your pain is understood. 'Less is more' they say... that quote still haunts me. -_-
Hmm yeah... being wrong should just require a little correction... no need to rage at them for whatever... i suppose rage is fun to read as long as its not directed at meh :x

I have rice every day basically xD I would like a decent quality to my food if possible... (better than most of the cafeteria food anyway) Its nice to have a bit of fancy stuff every so often~

Hmm im usually not physical with people whether i like them or not... no one really bothers me and i dont really bother anyone either (on purpose... sometimes my random oddness bothers them =.= ) Lol being unpleasant with you xD Sounds like something that wouldve been fun to watch~

Less is more... it doesnt really work for most stuff but when it does i usually screw up and end up with more is less :/ Something to do with how my mind set is...
My parents know what my real personality is like so they always do a quick check on me (not a body check) XD when we're outside in public. The usual... stand/sit straight, legs together, mouth shut (because they know the first thing I'll utter will be sarcasm), don't point, and to take small bites. Bleh... etiquette.

It's probably because I go to parties too much so I have no appetite for fancy foods. Rice is my best edible friend~ :3

'Random oddness' Lol, I'd probably get along with you. They only bother me because I appear like a quiet timid wallflower. Boy are they ever so wrong. XD

What's great about all that detail is even if you didn't use all of it beforehand, you can always use it later for a different project. It comes in handy if your mind is blank and can't come up with new things.
Lol i dont care for proper etiquette and break it at times~ As long as people are not outrageously attempting to ruin everything and have some basic common sense aka knowledge of societal values and the such then theyre fine~ or if theyre being crazy then as long as it doesnt bother me~

Hmm best edible friend xD I suppose its the thing that ive eaten the most too :3 Usually have a bit of rice whenever i can help it~ You sound like an ojou sama if you arent actually one lol

Hmm i pretty much am quiet and timid :x Unless they find something to get me to react to them... then its different :/ Hmm get along... im quite socially awkward >.<

I usually dont find ways to use old stuff though i have that research/ideas in mind if i ever do :/
Common sense and basics are certainly useful. At home, if I can, I just eat things with my hands. My mother actually uses a fork for a pizza and I laughed... she of course didn't like that.

Rice is everybody's best friend. :3

I grew up similar to an oujo-sama lifestyle. Not rich or snobby just very sheltered. My parents just bought me anything I wanted because they didn't want me to be outside. My father knows almost everybody in the city. He's not some big shot, just a friendly guy that helps if needed so people like him and invite him to parties. My mother grew up kind of strict so she is strict on me. If possible, she wants me to wear a dress everyday XD, but we came to our understandings.

I'm sure we'd get along. Just chatting like this takes my stress away. :3

I used to keep a dream book to jot down my dreams so I can use them later for papers or drawings. Perhaps since you make lists, jot down your ideas. They might come handy later. You never know.
Yesh~ Back to the basics cuz sometimes a child can do stuff that adults cant~ Hmm i use chopsticks mostly but not for pizza xD

Yay who could not like rice~ It doesnt have a flavor that makes you sick of it after eating too much :3

Lol came to understandings xD Hmm you sound similar to someone i know (everything she wants bought for her and sheltered) :x Except i feel her parents really shelter her way too much... They try not to let her cross streets alone, take buses, go out with friends or go places at all, etc... Hmm i never actually ask for anything and my sis is about the opposite (wastes money, spoiled, quite bad tempered :x) Strict upbringing tends to cause the children to do similarly :/ Parents have some effect on how a child chooses a partner and everything... Being friendly is good xD People will help in exchange~

I like random chats with people online but irl im quite shy and quiet >.<

I have most of the more vivid dreams in memory but those fade over time... Theres a particular dream i had when i was 10 or so that i want to turn into a painting but i plan to spend tons of time on it which i dont have at this time... I guess it would be smart to jot down ideas xD
Lol, my mother doesn't like dirty hands so she uses whatever utensil available to help her eat.

That's true. Rice tastes good as it is or with something accompanying it. It's quite versatile. (used for sweets/drinks/as a glue/paper etc.) Hard to not like rice. :3

I can relate to the sheltering like the person you mentioned. I really tried to voice my feelings to my parents that's why I can go out a bit more. My parents didn't let me cross the street until I was 13 I think. I remember my friends from school followed me home after I left the bus because they noticed I didn't hang with them after school. My parents weren't really happy, but they let it slide since we're still kids. They're really good friends though. Made me happy that they cared. :3

Don't worry about that. There's always a way to connect with someone. I once met a shy person, but I noticed how she glanced at the other's drawings since she's new in class. I just 'accidently' slipped my drawing on the floor and had her pick it up. When I went to retrieve my drawing, I commented on her drawing which she was covering with her hands. From there, we just got along and became friends. Not all my tricks are for evil you know~ XD

Just jotting a few things can clear your mind. Nowadays, I don't really like to dream. They disturb me sometimes, so I try to watch anime or some comedy shows to make my mind at ease. Thus, leading me to dream about what I recently watched. XD
Hmm i dont really like dirty hands either but theres always washing afterwards xD

I like accompanying rice with stuff :3 One bite of rice and a bite of other stuff~

Hmm but this friend of mine is 18 i think xD I guess i should tell her to do similarly and ask her parents the lol~ Might help :3 Always good to have caring friends around to help with stuff~

Hmm of course you could probably use that trick for evil in a different context :p Most of the people around here arent quite like you... The ones i talk to here would probably be more of an acquaintance than a friend... And im probably not going to have much better chances of making friends when i dont dorm anymore... So thats about it for my uni life >.< Still have some contact with friends elsewhere though :3

Yeah :3 Dreams tend to be influenced by thoughts from recent events xD I like dreams personally... I try to drag on dreams that interest me by staying in bed and refusing to leave xD
Cleanliness never hurts! :3

Yes, good balance. You are the perfect example of how rice should be eaten.

Getting your feelings across is doing yourself a great favor. Show your spirit!

I understand. Temporary relationships not expanded or built off of anything can be deemed acquaintances. It's good you still have contact. The problem with me is, if I lose contact with someone for about 3-8 months I guess, I tend to forget who they are. So if I see or hear from them at least once a month or something, I won't forget. XD

Lol, I did the same. I refused to leave, but the 'dream me' knew I had to wake up eventually. That 'dream me' can be so annoying. XD
Yeahh i guess xD Cleanliness would make the world a much better place with less diseases and stuff... if people finally decide to stop having such horrible hygene :x

Lol yay for examples xD Sometimes it doesnt work out well though... dont have enough or one or the other :/

Hmm but ill probably be called a horrible influence lol xD Now if only i could actually get in contact with her... msn doesnt work out well for some reason or another :/

I dont really completely forget people :x Try not to anyway... Kinda hard at times but i poke at random people every so often and have little chats xD

Hmm or mr alarm clock starts screaming because he wants to be bopped xD Such a masochist~ But yeahh dream mes can be bothersome :x
wow...reading some nice stuff here. made me think about the world and myself~
realized i never did the greetings --> visit games/spams...well, you already do >.<

was brought up kinda sheltered as well, but i guess its fine as well.
i eat most stuff with with chopsticks since i like the feeling of having them in my hands. i dont really like using my bare hands, will do it though with certain dishes (pizza, burger blablabla)
well i already forgot a lot of people from my grade from school (we were about 100, so its only natural right (-_-))
i easily forget faces and names. only remember a couple of people. remember my friends of course, even though we dont actually do much stuff together anymore. keeping contact is nice...

blabla thats it of my random blathering~
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Of course theres nice stuff there :p Theres like 80 posts worth of random conversations xD
My friends call me off to do random stuff every so often :/
never have my phone turned on. thats why they dont call me anymore (my fault i know)
they like to party though...i hate parties...not the alcohol btw ;)
guess i have to ask them myself to hang out again~
Hmm i dont party and dont drink...
They have no other way to contact you? o.o
Was talking to shiki xD
Hmm Welcome to AS pokemaster~
Should make your own intro thread but oh wells :3
Hey! I'm new!
Hopefully i can share my interests with all of youu

Hello and welcome. Please spam. XD

Shiki-sama enjoys our conversations. It's nice to discuss different things once in awhile whether it's personal or stupid. XD

My laptop killed itself. XD I installed some programs and then it went into system restore. Working well now. :3

I was also watching Jeopardy!. Still wished he had the mustache~

~Love my mango smoothie
My laptop has a habit of killing itself every week or so :/

I never watched much jeopardy xD

Hmm can i haz sip :3
Killed every week? XD Did you try to do a disk clean-up or defragment it? Having it killed that often is not good.

BOMB! How can you not watch Jeopardy!? Lol, jk. I grew up with game shows so I watch them pretty often, old or new.

Of course! Have a sip~ It's one of those healthy organic smoothies found in the fresh produce and organic section. I go there often.
I basically restore it to factory default every time so it shouldnt have too much problems but it does =.=

Hmm ever watched ninja warrior? :D I liked that one but i only ever saw one episode...

Yay sips~ Organic tends to taste different for some reason xD
Hmm... I'm not a tech expert so I can't tell what the problem is.

I saw some clips of Ninja Warrior. I feel excited watching them do what they do. That adrenaline rush! XD

Some people don't like that 'off' taste of organic. I don't recommend drinking mixed up weeds or grass though whether it's organic or not. Nasty is nasty.
Hmm yeahhh i have no idea what the problem is either :x

Ninja warrior~ I want to go on that show just to climb around lol~ Would be funnnnnnnnnnn xD

Yeah weeds and grass :x not going to try that dont worry lol~ I dont mind the taste of organic :3 Its all food in the end xD
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