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[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION] It's totally fine. Thank you for the welcome. :)

[MENTION=26148]perrypig123[/MENTION] Hello there~ I'm only at that level because I spam, chat, leave messages, press the thanks button, and press the like button often.

[MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] Otaku - reclusive, but pretty smart
Apple - red and sweet, but should be eaten in small bites to savor the juiciness
Cinnamon - fragrant subtle spice, if used too much can be hindering
Oatmeal - can be plain and watery so needs something for more flavoring and substance
Applesauce - smooth and slightly mushy, that mushiness gives it a baby food feeling
Cheerios - it's good for your heart but needs a balance between it and milk to be enjoyed to its fullest. If eaten plainly or eating the original brand, it should be held back because you'll miss the sweetness you can receive from adding just a little apple and cinnamon.

I keep drawing my teachers as devils~ :3

My neighborhood consists of mostly Asians There are others, but mostly Asians. For them, if they're bored or feel like it, they'll just eat whatever. :/

I sort of make a schedule/organizer to decide which hw needs more priority.

It's only based from what I've read about blood type relating to your personality. The Japanese tend to use blood type so often that I was just curious to know what mine was.
Smooth and slightly mushy... *pokes myself* hmm idk xD

Hmm do the teachers see? xD Or do they not notice even when you give it to them or something~

Lol eating random animals out of boredom xD

I have it in my head and do the stuff that would take time and the stuff that is due soon... of course my memory fails me quite a bit and there goes late stuff :x

Hmm so much stuff to determine personality :/ Currently studying about personality and stuff in psychology xD
Mushy - mostly meant you have a tender side to you~

I give it to them with the drawing anyway because I make the devils smile and wear dresses so the teachers don't suspect anything much except for a wild imagination.

No one says anything about the animals... I think it's because there used to be a lot of strays. Not so much anymore.

Things tend to fly over their heads... makes me want to do that stunt with the knife and apple where you throw the knife directly at the apple on the person's head. XD

Psychology is good if you're in art... business as well. Need to sell those artworks if you want to live. XD
Hmm sure... Mushy... *turns into a pile of applesauce*

Lol does it look similar to them? xD

Yeahh animals in asian communities xD Tend to disappear~

That... dangerous little stunt :x Unless youre good at aiming... but still...

I find psychology to be quite fun :3 This is only basics though~ But its fun none the less xD I just like knowing random stuff and this is giving me lots of random knowledge that i will probably never use~
Hooray! I get to eat applesauce! :3

I add the basic distinct features like if they're bald or wear glasses, but they look like cartoons so they think it came from a cartoon instead.

That's good then... more room for the world and less room in our bellies. XD

I just want to try that stunt. I know I'm not at good aiming. I've done enough school events to know I'm not good. XD

Jeopardy! would be good to test that randomness~
Oh noes she wants to eat meh again :scared:

Lol no suspicion at all?

Hmm i guess xD Not too clean though :x

How about having some dummy instead of a person...

I dont know enough randomness xD Most of it is about arts anyway~
It's good. I have piles of applesauce at home for those late night munchies I get. :3

Like I mentioned, I'm a manipulator. Those teachers trust me and love my modest act. >:3

Eh... they've eaten worse. They came from other countries to settle here to get money and all that good stuff. Lots of immigrants here.

If the dummy bleeds, sure. I'll take the dummy~

Hmm... all this random talk makes me want to read randomc again... I miss reading those blogs~
But ill probably go bother your tummy again~

Hmm yes its fun to be teacher's pet~ So much benefits which i get whether i use them or not~ The downside is that i have to continue being near the level work i was at when i got it~

Yeah most people here are immigrants xD

Dummy bleed.... i dont think... well if theres random blood packets in it...

Theres a random blog? xD
Is there a reason why you even want to be in my tummy in the first place?~

Hmm... they trust me enough to let me hand it in the next day if I don't complete it by the due date.

Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? ~Immigrants. XD

I would like ketchup seeping from it's skull as I throw my potato knife at it.

Randomc or Random Curiosity is just an anime blog... but I thought there was a real blog for random nonsense.

If you like Rainmeter Skins, Google Chrome Skins, Wallpapers, Winamp Skins, and other little goodies... here is my favorite site for a little randomness. (Mostly anime/manga/doujin/vocaloid skins)

randomnessthing <--- Click me. You know you want to.
But im not the one eating people...

Hmm they probably would let me if i asked~

Oh where oh where can he be~ oh wait i mean.. ehh hes... gone... to a very far place... forever... and will never be back...

O.o Dummys dun have a skull do they? Well fine... not blood packets... catsup~

Must... not... click.... *click* hmm that wasnt so bad :/
Yeah... gingerbread men are pretty yummy~

You're a good person. They'll let you.

With his ears cut short and his tail cut long~ Hmm... I know what they mean by cut, but I can only think of animal abuse. XD

With a little salt if you don't mind~

I don't like to mislead people to wrong sites. If I tell them where something is or make promises, I tend to make sure it gets done.

Did you really click it? I like that site very much.
Hmm oh well im not gingerbread i dont think XD And yeah theyre pretty good~

Teachers trust meh enough xD Trusted me to have the same excuse as another student and let me get away free while the other one doesnt get to xD

Oh where oh where can he be~ Lol i wonder why xD

Salt with the catsup?~

Hmm i try to do similarly xD Promises are to be kept if possible~ except for those where they force me to promise something =.= those can go sit in the drain... that isnt a real promise in my book...

Yeah i clicked it xD
Blasphemy! Ginger is God! (Not the South Park ones)

Hmm... you must have hypnotizing abilities~

Those immigrants! XD (I only know that version. There's this site that adds I think he went down to the building site to see what he could see)

Sometimes I like it salty~

Hmm... I wonder what they forced you to do~

Hooray! I like it when people click on links and don't get trolled! :3
O.o Are you trying to turn me into gingerbread...

Hmm nah~ Its just that i seem too innocent and seems like i would never lie~

And in his mouth~
Was a globe so bright~
I wonder what could it be~
You mean this? xD

Ketchup is sorta salty isnt it?

Nothing of importance~ in my eyes anyway~

Hmm and then theres the rick rolled stuff :/ I hav no idea whats so horrible about it...
Will you? :hapgirl:

Those are hypnotizing abilities~ Basically, that's your charm point.

Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone?~ (Yeah! That one. I didn't know there were more words.) XD

I hoped they stuffed you in a dress~

Hmm... I actually kind of like his song.
Nuuuu she wants to eat me again :scared:

I dont get how thats hypnotizing exactly...

Oh where oh where can he be~ (quite a bit more xD)

:surprised: Ehh... nope....

Lol and its just another song to me xD Nothing more nothing less~
Hmm... onions do look tasty.

It's hard to find people who seldom lie and have a slight innocence to them... charm point.

With his ears cut short and his tail cut long~ (Must have seen the wrong barber or groomer)

That reaction makes me want to see you in a dress~

Very sultry... Hmm... I want to listen to more 80s music.
I thought you said you didnt like onions? o.o

Its rare? o.o Well i dont talk much so i dont really have to lie anyway... just be quiet for stuff that i dont want to lie about...

Oh where oh where can he be~ (maybe thats why he ran away xD)

B-but im a guy...

I listen to any music sorta... except that popular american music bothers me now cuz my roommate loops it over and over throughout the night so i really dislike it now... I also dislike all that talk of sex and use of inappropriate words which seems to be in every song... some songs talk about stuff that takes two seconds to think up an argument against all that random stuff in the lyrics... would like them to have put more thought into it =.=
Raw onions... bleh... but if they're cooked in any way... they are scrumptious. >:3

I've meant enough people... lying is just like air. You breathe it in and out... so naturally.

I last saw him by the bulldozer playing and running around but I just can't see him there anymore~ (Bulldozer!) XD

Which is why I listen to more Japanese music... more meaningful. ^^
Ehh so youre going to cook meh and eat meh :scared:

Lies are going to be bothersome in the future so i would prefer not to...

He just cant seem to be found~ Yes bulldozer xD I wonder what happened~

Yes its meaningful usually xD And the stuff that make no sense usually have a reasoning for it like a random anime or something~
Do you prefer onion rings or sauteed onions with mushrooms and peppers? Basically, be eaten cheaply and greasy or be eaten in a delectable fancy way? :3

Hmm... that's good then. Keep that mindset and no problems will arise.

Perhaps the man over there will know he may have seen him go by~ (The man driving the bulldozer!) XD

Ah... the influence of anime is quite astounding indeed.
Saut... wait why am i answering :scared: nuuuu i dun wanna be eaten :runaway:

Yeahhh itll prevent quite a bit im pretty sure :3

Who knows where~ he might have decided to go~ (hmm so youre hoping for the bad ending? xD)

Anime is fun~ And those songs created for the anime have a reason so yeah :3
You'll be eaten one way or another! :desire:

I guess I'll leave the lies and sticky situations to my friend here who is still hungry. :bloodthirsty:

But we've got to give it a try~ (One of the few times where I prefer bad endings... that dog is nothing but trouble, and so is the kid that lost the dog. They should have bulldozed together.) :rant:

Hmm... those anime songs are what made me try to understand Japanese in the first place. :goodtea:
Ill run to the moon :sleepmoon: I should be safe there... i hope...

Hmm so scapegoats to deal with everything you dont want to xD

Oh where oh where has my little dog gone? (O.o both of them...)

Lol same for me xD Well it was anime and the music~
The moon can't support that big head of an onion~

Hmm... onion scapegoats... so yeah! XD

Oh where, oh where can he be?~ (Both.Of.Them.)

Anime songs... also made me practice speaking it too... I still suck. XD
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