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^^ There is only one qestion I whould like to ask you Eucliwood I tried Attaching a pic to my reply.... but everytime I try I get invalid URL or if I try from the computer I get Invalid File... do you know what it is? cuz I give al my pics in JPG
Hmm to put an image in the reply you have to unclick the Retrieve remote file and reference locally box~

Angel beats is quite a nice anime if a bit short...
??? I dont understand what you mean......
and yeah angel beats was short .... I want it longer>.<
lets see okay when you will press the "Image" there will be two options either from computer or from URL okay from the URL there is below a tick mark remove it then insert the URL then volla the picture will appear:thumbup:hope it helped~
Yeah.... It did^^ Thanks
Hello Mato and welcome to Anime-Sharing!

Good luck and we have fun!

We hope you enjoy your stay here with us at A-S.

:bigeyes: I am so happy that people reply to me so much^^ :bigeyes:
Hi Mato (*´∀`)ノ!

Welcome to Anime Sharing \(^o^)/
Hope you enjoy and have lots of fun


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*ehehe* It is to be expected if you reply back. I am obliged to reply to you after all since I wouldn't like to leave a person on a loose thread. Only a very few still write in their introductory thread =]

How are you finding A-S at the moment? Is it to your enjoyment?

[MENTION=25346]Uninstall[/MENTION] Thanku for welcoming me^^

[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] Yeah It's a really friendly forum^^ I am glad to be here
Hmm yeah i want the relationships to develop more D: Angel beats needs an extension... i wouldnt mind if it was just adding episodes like with haruhi... as long as theres no endless 8 thing x.x

Btw your siggy isnt showing ;p Says hosted on zerochan and not showing it~
Glad to hear that =]

And I currently am seeing the same problem as Sam. :goodtea:
[MENTION=27362]AhGwee[/MENTION] [MENTION=8332]samyeung46[/MENTION] What do you mean is something wrong with me?

[MENTION=26445]Ralium[/MENTION] hmm I am admiting your a crazy person *Why are you huging me?*:wtf::punch::punchout: (sorry I overreacted^^)
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We've never said there's anything wrong with you but we for some reason can not see your signature. What we could see is an image saying, "Hosted on zeroochan.net Use the share links provided instead!"

O.O but like before did you see a picture with Guilty Crown? like the first time you seen me?
:deadsad:why mato why:dontleave:whyyyyyyy~

simple they are saying that no one can see you signature you should upload your sig into another site im guessing then edit the sig and insert the url from the another website~
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Nah dont see any image... :/ Certain sites try not to let other sites link to their images or something...
its alright mato if you would like~ i uploaded my sig from tinypic.com ,hope this would help you
Is my pic Visible now and Decalcomania says we are not allowed to chat here....about stuff on welcoming thread
I am not suprised people dont want to do intruduction threads that way:vulture:
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