If you could create your own harem, who would be in?

Lol for being a global mod? xD

How I keep track? I have an encyclopedia with all 114 monster girls.

I could provide proof.

Hmm im pretty sure that choice wont work well for you~

Encyclopedia O.o So you just want that harem? xD
I guess it should be only restricted to WsE. :goodtea:

/me will keep note of Illyasviel~ :runhappy:
Ralium wants me in his harem?! xD

Eh... go right ahead, but it might or might not work out. Who knows~ ;3

WsE, you're just so cool. ^^ A real man you are.
Hmm so why 6? xD Why cant it be 10 or some other normalish number?

I dont think the other 60 or so would like it ;p
Maybe the females will fight one another if it gets too big.

Besides, in most VNs, 6 seems to be the standard.
umm umm......i didn't mean for renano to be in my harem but since she approved oh well:evillaugh:

:cheering:yay all hail monster girls
Ryougi Shiki (Kara no Kyoukai)
Cal Devens (Requiem for the Phantom)
Sakagami Tomoyo (Clannad)
Sion Eltnam Atlasia (Melty Blood)
Izayoi Sakuya (Touho)
Sasara Kusugawa (ToHeart2)
I guess the harems will keep on growing especially with more anime, VNs, etc. coming.

Unlimited harem works~
^ I don't think I'd be able to contain all that~

I'd probably die since I get nosebleeds regularly~ :goodtea:
lol. just picked some that i like.. ofc id go and take everyone home~ :goodtea:

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