If you could create your own harem, who would be in?

Maybe adding Chinami from Hoshizora no Memoria would be a good thing for my harem.
I don't think I'd be up there as a harem king. The title I believe would go to [MENTION=2736]WsE[/MENTION]. :goodtea:
Hmm Check wont be able to have a harem for long... Wse has a harem of sorts... Ojou sama isnt going to be a king now is she? ;p Why am i even there? O.o Im not winning this~

Anyhow too much fighting over ojou sama... just let her choose who she wants... /me spirits her elsewhere~
Overcoming trolls~ Hmm sure...
Hmm yes~ I spent hours and hours going through those pages... xD Bound to find something interesting~

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