[ILLUSION] Honey♥Select (ハニーセレクト) - Discussion & FAQ

Very new to Honey Select in general, just got the game up and running yesterday. If requests are against policy I apologize, I haven't seen any rules like that.

I think Sefi is one of the hottest H-game females ever created, and the prospect of using her in HS makes me tingle in all sorts of unprintable ways...does anyone have a character card of her or know where to find one? I would make her myself except that I'm not too savvy with modding Illusion games.

her card came with the game. you can always call her in game for hscenes (use the 100% save to unlock it)
Really? But she's not in the menu in the rooms that I access...do I need the 100% save?

She's not in the normal menu to select girls to have sex with. While you're in your room (with the character creator and room edit options), choose the third option, which is "See/Call Sitri," and then after you do that, she'll show up. The option to have sex with her is the fourth option.
Is there any way to manually sort the clothes in creator/studio? Any time I add a mod, it just goes somewhere random, and I have to dig through hundreds of items to find it.
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She's not in the normal menu to select girls to have sex with. While you're in your room (with the character creator and room edit options), choose the third option, which is "See/Call Sitri," and then after you do that, she'll show up. The option to have sex with her is the fourth option.

OP said "Sefi" (from Yuusha), not Sitri... To OP I'm sorry, I don't know of any Sefi character cards. You could be the hero and make one...
I'am assuming you're talking about in game. You have to remove the girl from the room to save or it'll create a new save. So no matter how many times you save, when you go into the game and choose a girl, it'll always be the first girl you made not the most recent one.

well that's different, it's a workaround. making the shiny slider into the alpha one using transparent textures.

Hi, I tried what you said with removing them from the room, but it still does it. It keeps putting them back in default underwear and bra. It's annoying. Even when I change them to a new bra or underwear they still change back to default white ones.

In Honey Studio 64, I can't show backgrounds (background images but not maps) by the button on the top of the screen (BG - 1 - Show).

Any idea ?

I thank you in advance.

In Honey Studio 64, I can't show backgrounds (background images but not maps) by the button on the top of the screen (BG - 1 - Show).

Any idea ?

I thank you in advance.

Did you tick to allow the use of background?

Load no map to see if they are working.
I don't understand : I don't load a map, I ticked the "Show" button and I selected a BG but nothing happens. The background image don't display in Honey Studio. They works in Character maker, but not in Studio.

But may be I do something wrong ...

If somebody has an idea, I thank him in advance.
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I don't understand : I don't load a map, I ticked the "Show" button and I selected a BG but nothing happens. The background image don't display in Honey Studio. They works in Character maker, but not in Studio.

But may be I do something wrong ...

If somebody has an idea, I thank him in advance.

I can't remember which mod, but one of the studio mod will not allow background images
I can't remember which mod, but one of the studio mod will not allow background images

4K mod by plastic mind. If Donews has a grey background each time he open the studio then I have a bad news for him. 4k mod reduces the camera range and background
4K mod by plastic mind. If Donews has a grey background each time he open the studio then I have a bad news for him. 4k mod reduces the camera range and background
Keep in mind that the issue only applies with his newest version. If you're using the version from 12/22, the backgrounds work fine.
I thank you for your answers.

I have 4K mod by plastic mind and the last version of Honey Select.

So I forget backgrounds images ;)
So, is there any new things going on in HS?
I'm start to thinking game is fading out due to lack of hair and clothing.....
I've found that using "Swallow" during a blow-job orgasm appears (I don't have a game/code reader) to increase the Subordination score. Through trial and error, using it on personalities that shouldn't be able to get maximum Subordination according to the math in the Feelings System page on the wiki are able to get there after several sessions of having the girl swallow.
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Doubt so...the expansion pack pretty much says "This is it" for official support.

At least modding is going on vigorously now.
Welp, apparently, that is not the case!

Trust me... I'm just as surprised as you probably will be, upon seeing this! O_O

Many thanks to kurikinton69 on HF for roughly translating the text & gorang for delivering the news:

"New massive additional disk for Honey Select - Charamake UP! (hair styles, clothes, accessories, chara synthesis (??), new personalities, multiple H, extreme maniac H, and a new studio! - info to be released on Friday Feb. 17".

Not that it's a good idea to judge based on a promo image, but these two girls do look different, don't they? New head models, perhaps? Who knows...
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This hasn't happened since AA2...

Good thing I have the unmodded game backed up...

PS: Don't tell me they are bringing *THAT* thing from PlayClub back again...that was some EXTREME stuff.
I was about to post a rough google translation... yepp, it's real! Biggest news is "new studio", but we can make assumptions based on the picture easily. "Multiple H" is also mentioned so I'm guessing 3p and the like, altho the picture suggests some sort of yuri (a man can and must dream). Maniac H is also mentioned, but I wonder how much more maniac HS can get, honestly... I hope we're not getting PC levels of depravity (remember that optional patch huh?) Well, at any rate, we don't have to wait much for new info!
God I can't believe it... Illusion is ACTUALLY going to deliver their "better studio" promise on release...
Rejoice pervs!!!
I am not too optimistic about it. Didn't they said the same massive thing in December patch only to find out that they were 4 repeated animation, 1 hair, few clothes and two stages and the company said it's a HUGE update!!!

Vrl0ver delivered the PC animation of 3Ps. The new patch won't disappoint me.:D cuz I am not too hype.

If they really delivering a better studio. They should include stuff like Animation Sync, FK system, Skydome day/night cuz some really needs it.
It's all going to come down to what info is released this friday. They never claimed 12/22 dlc to be "massive" tho. And the early previews were pretty straightforward about what we were getting. That's why nobody was hyped about it.
But they're promising tons of stuff here... new positions, personalities (plural), customization options... and a "new studio". That sounds like a total remake to me. The more I think about it, the more hyped I get.
Some early deductions:

-That picture looks indeed like one of PC's 3p animations, in which the girls actually kissed. So don't hold your breath for yuri.
-What could possibly be added to a "new studio"? Mostly all the stuff we're missing from PC Studio... item binding and FK sound very possible. I really hope the 3-axis nodes come back, those were masterpieces and gave total control. Coupled with FK, sky is the limit in posing.
-Expect an holocaust in the mod department. ID's will get jumbled, at the very least, and at worst they might completely change how they handle items/maps in the studio. Many mods could also become obsolete. But with the current passion levels of the mod community, we should be able to rebuild in no time.
Oh wow I had no idea HS is getting another DLC. I don't know why but I assumed the one in December would be their final one. A new studio huh? Well this has surely piqued my interest. I'm keeping my expectations low though since it is Illusion after all.
Oh wow I had no idea HS is getting another DLC. I don't know why but I assumed the one in December would be their final one. A new studio huh? Well this has surely piqued my interest. I'm keeping my expectations low though since it is Illusion after all.

More like another Expansion Pack...seeing that it says "Disc".

We wait for Friday...

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