Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

Yeah you might be in the minority Atlas. :P

But I'm glad you enjoy vanilla Aojiru and can still try out his other stuff. He went way too far with the guro infested Fuka something to me, but yeah... otherwise Inyouchuu at its current level is perfect. The whole impreg angle has always been what sets it apart from normal tentacle hentai to me and I love it. Shoku freaked me out the first time I saw the CG back in the day, but it slowly sucked me back in and took me down the dark path. :8
I have the rips of Nuppu Nuppu, but I don't have ether from Zettai Majiki. D:

I'm not exactly that vanilla, but certainly I enjoy some odd fetishes. e_e;;;;;;;;;;;
A modern Inyouchuu game that displays the kanji correctly?! What sorcery is this?

If the preview in the remake is to be believed, Sui's breasts has been used to birth insects since the first game, which means that it's second nature to her now. I do like the updated artwork for the characters, though did the main characters always live in a crummy apartment?
Yes, they make a point at the start of each game to tell how the black cat brigade is located in an old and small apartment and even so they always struggle to pay rent =P
Sui probably is the best mommy. :P

Haha, the apartment actually looks almost exactly the same to me. Wait... are Mikoto and Yamato living together?

I guess I'm just realizing, but are the characters never actually attending school to go to school, but usually undercover in these? I guess Mikoto, Takeru, and Yamato would be undercover, with Sui being an official student?
Yes, in this game(just like the original) they enroll in the school to work undercover (kinda loke they also do in kyou with the hospital) and there they meet Sui who is a normal student and says she met Takeru before she disappeared.
Just to clarify, It seems like they usually go to school, just not in this one where the game is set.
Also yes, Mikoto, Takeru and Yoru live in the same Apartment.
Random trivia:
Apparently the reason they are always in debt is that they cause too much damage during their missions.
Despite having no problem hunting demons, Mikoto is terribly afraid of ghosts, which is why Takeru goes investigating on her own.
Yamato is a huge pervert and always ends up fighting with Mikoto over something silly.

edit: hey, we are at page 69! lol
btw did anyone notice this time around they are censoring the uterus in internal shots? I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case in kyou, although in goku they had moved away a bit from internal shots.
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I'm notice that too :P look like tinkerbell doesn't know how to balance the x-ray shot or something ? While kyou is full of this shot is absolutely gone in Goku...

Also should we celebrate this 69 page with some kind of AMA ? (That not the same as the old one I'm started)

I want to see your guys question too. (Finally some of my hard work is passed so I can have a little time with inyouchuu again :D )
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That's pretty funny about the rent, poor reckless Mikoto.

I'd be up for another AMA if someone makes it!

I guess we should have a rules too like 1 person should ask 10 questions and others answer it

The question will list in the post below and anyone interest can reply to post the question. Then we can start the AMA!

69 Pages & Inyouchuu Remake AMA

Old AMA topic that already asked on page 40 You can duplicate it if you want but I'm not recommended it :P

1. How did you discover Inyouchuu ?

2. Most favorite and dislike character with reason ?

3. If you can have sex with one in real life what you will choose and what you will do to them ?

4. Best inyouchuu merchandise you want or dream of ?

5. If you can meet Aojiru and Tinkerbell developer team what you will do ?

6. Best scene in the game ?

7. What you want the story to continue ? (After Goku or before aswell)

8. Tell some trivia you found in game or story.

9. If you can suggest one character how they should be ?

10. If you a demon boss in game and all girls in the game try to kill you. How you fight them back ?

My Question for this AMA

1. What is your dreamed girls spec ? (Personality & Traits)

2. What sex life or style you're dream of and reason ? (eg. Have sex one time a day or excited sex style etc. you can explain)

3. If you have a girl friend (or any girls you can fuck) where do you want to have first sex with her and reason ? (eg. In your room or out door in the forest ?)

4. Will you try weird sex like inyouchuu game and why ? (Only the thing that possible in real life! like anal ,sex toys or fisting don't try to kill your girls)

5. If there suddenly all inyouchuu character appear at your house to investigate the demon case what will you do ?

6. Next game after inyouchuu shoku-remake you want tinkerbell to create ?

7. List the character with largest and smallest oppai! (Can include the breast expansion)

8. If you really meet our lord Aojiru and then it's appear she a beautiful jap girl what will you do ?

9. Best weird fetish in the game you like ?

10. Worst weird fetish in the game you hate ?

My Answer for this AMA

1. What is your dreamed girls spec ? (Personality & Traits)

- Girls that have ouka personality but a bit more cheerful. I'm love the smart girl that kind and gentle also she can have a lot of sex with me :P
Beautiful japanese girl with long black hair is my trait! it's very good if she also Miko.

2. What sex life or style you're dream of and reason ? (eg. Have sex one time a day or excited sex style etc. you can explain)

- I love to have a variety of excited and creative sex through out my life if that possible. From vanilla and happy sex to BDSM and those weird fetish. BTW Harem life is what I'm always dream of.

3. If you have a girl friend (or any girls you can fuck) where do you want to have first sex with her and reason ? (eg. In your room or out door in the forest ?)

- In my room of course and then I will try to have sex with her in other creative place such as swimming pool ,beach or roof of the building.

4. Will you try weird sex like inyouchuu game and why ? (Only the thing that possible in real life! like anal ,sex toys or fisting don't try to kill your girls)

- Of course! If that creative and not to much like using sex toys and rape. I love to try anal first because most people say is more thigh than the main hole! (Just kidding!)

5. If there suddenly all inyouchuu character appear at your house to investigate the demon case what will you do ?

Hmm my house doesn't have any demon actually but I will try to lure them in than try to trap and have sex with each of them. Sui and the twins must be my first pray!

6. Next game after inyouchuu shoku-remake you want tinkerbell to create ?

- Continue of Goku of course! Also more twins story! and any game that send the inyouchuu cast to others special place like the sea or onsen again!

7. List the character with largest and smallest oppai! (Can include the breast expansion)

- Smallest is Rinko ,Largest with expansion is Sui but if measure by the body size is turn out to be Ouka from Goku breast expand scene!

8. If you really meet our lord Aojiru and then it's appear she a beautiful jap girl what will you do ?

- Try my best to work with her or at least have a talk with her about this game.

9. Best weird fetish in the game you like ?

- I'm love all cum and fluid fetish (Bukkake ,Gokkun ,Nakadashi ,Lactation etc.) and extreme penetration fetish (From cervix to ass hole) in the game. Also like the guro, BDSM, scat and urine fetish if not too much

10. Worst weird fetish in the game you hate ?

- Breast expansion seem weird to me!

Murderous Int's Question

Of the three main girls Sui, Mikato and Takeru if we had to lose one of them forever to never be in the series again in future works which would you pick?

- Takeru. I really hate tomboy trait even I still love her scene which usually involved rape but I'm still send her out BTW.

progste's Question

1) Between the main three (Mikoto, Takeru, Sui), you have to choose one to be your wife, one to be your sexual slave and one to throw at the tentacles to watch, which do you choose?

- Sui is the best girl to be my wife she is nearly a true Yamato Nadeshiko I can have fun rape her and drink her milk too! Mikoto will be my slave she's best for that Maybe her duty is too clean my dick and take care of Sui scat :P Takeru is tentacle wife of course she really love that. (Another reason is she not virgin anymore)

2) Same choosing three from the rest of the girls (including the white cat brigade and other secondary characters)

Ouka as my wife for sure! Shy, Unbreakable and Forever virgin! this mean I can rape her in every style I dream of. Even guro! Kikuka is my slave in this case with the same reason as Ouka plus she is she have lot of sexual attire! and I will throw rinko to the tentacle. Just want to see how loli can broken up in group of tentacles

3) Ouka or Kikuka, which is your favorite?

- Always Ouka she is my waifu :3

4) Which was the first Inyouchuu game you played(if you have played them) and which do you like more?

Kyou Omake SS is the first one I play. Is also the first one I got from progste <----- Thanks a lot :) But I want to play the twins hime so much TT

My fav is all Kyou series! but Hime as I say before is the best!!!

5) You are a demon and you just captured Mikoto, what do you do to her?

- Have sex with her from vanilla to BDSM and then guro. When she's completely broken up I'm going to use her as a bait to lure others girl and then send her to give birth to my bug.

6) Favorite tentacle/monster type?

- Pink small tentacle that can penetrate anything even nipple and Frog demon monster that live inside the twins womb! (I'm just jealous of it!)

7) You have 30 seconds to invent a new character, go!

- Girl that like Ouka + Kikka but older and have bigger boobs (Like old twins sprite design). She using sex as her power to fight demon and also the twins older sister. Her power is to create sex toys and others naughty stuff to fight back demon and can control some kind of tentacle too!

8) Is there a character from any other game or series (hentai or not) that you would like to see in inyouchuu with all that implies?

- I'm love Yamato from kancolle too. Would be cool if the cast from this game encounter inyouchuu tentacle too. (Even some of dojin also already have tentacle fetish)

9) What do you think of "normal" sex in tentacle hentai?

- A sex with human or happy sex. Example scene is Sui and Yamato in nurse office from the first game and Yamato with Kohaku in Goku.

10) Dear Santa, for this year's tentacle christmas i want...

- Sex doll of all character in Inyouchuu series! Highest detail as possible!!!

11) flat chest vs. small/medium breasts vs. big/huge breasts vs. "modified into giant milking boobs by tentacles" brests, which is your favorite?

EchelonV's Question

1) What is your prediction for the Inyouchuu 6 storyline/scenario?

2) What fetishes would you like to see more? Less of? Or expanded upon?

3) What would you change about any of the girls, if you could?

4) Do you like when Yamato is involved, or not?

5) Who do you like more between Nightmare and Meioki?

6) Would you rather be Yamato or one of the Demon Bosses? Your choice wins and gets the girls (Good or Bad Ending).

7) What setting for the dark content do you like most?

8) Battle of the legs! Which stockings style do you like most? Mikoto white, Sui pantyhose, Rinko mismatched, or the twins black knee highs?

9) Two of the girls are lost to lust and fuck one another like crazy, who do you pick and is one dom and the other a sub, or they change it up?

10) Design a Demon Boss!

- Small/medium breast (ฺB and C cup) I'm also like large breast that not too much huge (Like D cup)

Suggest your own too! So others can answer.
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Yeah, it means they sent the master file that's gonna be written on discs to be sold.
My precious game is being made!
ExCaddie replied to my room pic haha.


"Thank you very much! No RT chest is out"

Not really sure what "No RT chest is out" means, but they probably got a kick out of it.
I guess that makes sense for their twitter. No way I can censor my room, too lazy... it would take a lot of Photoshop censors. XD

Adorable! Can't wait to see those clothes ripped off... haha. Did you guys remember this one of her from Kyou? It was another weirder image hidden around the sites:
I feel like Rinko got all the worst scenes in goku, full of gore and snuff, hopefully she gets some better stuff this time around.
In general though I think they should make her talk more during sex scenes, she usually just moans and says "no" which gets repetitive and i think i don't like her as much as i should for that reason.
here is the mikoto pic btw
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Zesss here are my answers:
1. What is your dreamed girls spec ? (Personality & Traits)
I like variety so i don't really have a dream girl. Though I tend to prefer characters like Rinko's mom with a serious yet motherly charm, but then I can get behind sweet hearts like Sui hence the answer.
2. What sex life or style you're dream of and reason ?
None, I just like to see what each creator offers in his hentai and what resonates with my sexual appetite.
3. If you have a girl friend where do you want to have sex and reason ?
Is this like why do people have sex? For several reasons pleasure and procreation or in a hentai for pleasure and relaxation. In a hentai she don't need to be your girl friend IRL it's different and a much more complex answer.
4. Will you try weird sex like inyouchuu game and why ? (Only the thing that possible! like anal or fisting don't kill your girl bois)
Likely not since this is fantasy and real life is very different.
5. If there suddenly all inyouchuu character appear at your house to investigate the demon case what will you do ?
I'd likely already be under the demon spell so expect a scene like that from the game.
6. Next game after inyouchuu shoku remake you want tinkerbell to create ?
I'll answer this on two levels. One I wouldn't mind tinkerbell to make a game using MILF's but in a more hardcore settign then most of the romance MILF games they make. Two, Aojiru game would be following up on the white cat brigade, I want to see him open up fresh ideas and extended the Inyou world with perhaps newer demons and cat branches with a wider variety of girls.
7. List the charracter oppai size from largest to smallest!
Nah, too much work to look up all the characters and list them when you can see them in game.
8. If you really meet our lord Aojiru and then it's appear she a beautiful jap girl what will you do ?
I will ask the same shit i would ask any hentai creator I like, What influences your scenes, do you find you personally enjoy the erotic elements you use but in other works or is this more towards the fan-base and to sell the product. What direction do you want to go in hentai, while what direction do you think yor fans want to go and does this create a conflict of intrest. What other hentai creators do you look up to. Just to name a few.
9. Best weird fetish in the game you like ?
It an't weird if I like it. LOL But the Pregnancy, birthing and pushing the girl wombs to the limit.
10. Worst weird fetish in the game you hate ?
The gore stuff and the belly stuff, like when they birth or burst out through or into the belly button.

My Question to add:
Of the three main girls Sui, Mikato and Takeru if we had to lose one of them forever to never be in the series again in future works which would you pick?
This will disappoint Echelon but I would have to say Mikato, but if they did get rid of her it would be to pass the flag on to another girl like Hagio Ai.
I want to try to make a questionary as well =P

Also explain your answers if you want
1) Between the main three (Mikoto, Takeru, Sui), you have to choose one to be your wife, one to be your sexual slave and one to throw at the tentacles to watch, which do you choose?
2) Same choosing three from the rest of the girls (including the white cat brigade and other secondary characters)
3) Ouka or Kikuka, which is your favorite?
4) Which was the first Inyouchuu game you played(if you have played them) and which do you like more?
5) You are a demon and you just captured Mikoto, what do you do to her?
6) Favorite tentacle/monster type?
7) You have 30 seconds to invent a new character, go!
8) Is there a character from any other game or series (hentai or not) that you would like to see in inyouchuu with all that implies?
9) What do you think of "normal" sex in tentacle hentai? (normal meaning without tentacles, just sex between humans)
10) Dear Santa, for this year's tentacle christmas i want...
11) flat chest vs. small/medium breasts vs. big/huge breasts vs. "modified into giant milking boobs by tentacles" brests, which is your favorite?

answers to Zesss' questionary
1. What is your dreamed girls spec ? (Personality & Traits)
In terms of personality I like smart, kind girls, it's ok if they are shy it just adds to their cuteness, but I don't like distrutful or mean people, or those who complain for sport.
2. What sex life or style you're dream of and reason ?
mh, I don't really know how to answer this, i guess impregnation sex is something i never did for obvious reasons but wish i could =P
3. If you have a girl friend where do you want to have sex and reason ?
in a private, comfortable place, exihibitionism is not my thing outside of hentai
4. Will you try weird sex like inyouchuu game and why ? (Only the thing that possible! like anal or fisting don't kill your girl bois)
It really depends on the girl, but in general I'm very vanilla when it comes to real life, my hentai fantasies are just that and don't reflect in what i actually do.
5. If there suddenly all inyouchuu character appear at your house to investigate the demon case what will you do ?
My house is not haunted (i think...) so i should make things more interesting for them =P
6. Next game after inyouchuu shoku remake you want tinkerbell to create ?
Definitely the sequel to Goku, continuing from Sui's ending (so basically the status quo) following the storyline they started with Ai in Goku.
7. List the charracter oppai size from largest to smallest!
I mean, this one is not really a question, but if you're asking which boobs i like more it's difficul to choose betweem Mikoto and Sui... I guess I like Mikoto's more because of those big areolas! Ai's are also great, I also love Momoko's from kowaku no toki.
8. If you really meet our lord Aojiru and then it's appear she a beautiful jap girl what will you do ?
get in line with all the other fans asking to marry her?
9. Best weird fetish in the game you like ?
impregnation/birth and womb penetration are my favorites, but I also like when the girls are made super horny because of the tentacle and not realizing it they end up doing something extremely stupid or perverted (like Mikoto at the beginning of goku or Sui in her gaiden episode or Ai hypnotized by nightmare etc)
10. Worst weird fetish in the game you hate ?
Scat, gore, snuff. They don't ruin the game because there is not that much, but they definitely ruined some scenes.
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I feel like Rinko got all the worst scenes in goku, full of gore and snuff, hopefully she gets some better stuff this time around.
In general though I think they should make her talk more during sex scenes, she usually just moans and says "no" which gets repetitive and i think i don't like her as much as i should for that reason.
here is the mikoto pic btw

I'm really agree with that. This usually happen to this kind of girl which including the twins. She already have a bad sex since kyou. There even a scene tentacle penetrate her eye but Goku is the worst her vagina also peeled of in front of her too... (But the twins lost their head)

I guess the reason is her personality and being Gothic lolita. For the twins is because the immortality which mean you can throw anything at them during sex because they can regen. The new DMM card also mentioned about this.

wow we past page 69 so fast :P I will post my answer in the main post. after most of you here create the question already.
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Happy Mother's Day! :rolleyes:


I'll get to the new questions soon.
Happy International Mother Day! But my waifu can't give a birth to human...

Still pregnant anyway...


Um we had mother's day back in March here...But hella nice pictures ;)

progste you skipped my question:
Of the three main girls Sui, Mikato and Takeru if we had to lose one of them forever to never be in the series again in future works which would you pick?

But for your bunch:
1) Between the main three (Mikoto, Takeru, Sui), you have to choose one to be your wife, one to be your sexual slave and one to throw at the tentacles to watch, which do you choose?
All I need is Sui for waifu the other girls can do whatever they like.
2) Same choosing three from the rest of the girls (including the white cat brigade and other secondary characters)
Kokonoe Kyouko waifu, rest again can do whatever.
3) Ouka or Kikuka, which is your favorite?
Neither ;) LOL They are kinda a set it would be like having one sock.
4) Which was the first Inyouchuu game you played(if you have played them) and which do you like more?
I'm including the expansions that are kinda part of the set I guess. but Goku would be first , then Kyou, then Shoku, then the 1st game, Etsu is dead last.
I've previously stated it is the art improvements that have brought me in stronger for the series and how Aojiru fetishes hit the extreme line but the art improvements make them mouch more enjoyable. Goku had the biggest cast too, with the expansions added it really is a great package though Kyou is also very close to Goku it just hods a little less.
5) You are a demon and you just captured Mikoto, what do you do to her?
Kill her and eat her, or turn her into a breeding machine to produce a constant stream of fresh flesh for my demon kin.
6) Favorite tentacle/monster type?
This is a tricky one since I'm not sure of all the types, it more so is the result we get. Nightmare would be my pick just due to how I seemed to enjoy his stuff in the white cat story.
7) You have 30 seconds to invent a new character, go!
Aojiru didn't make Inyouchuu in a day. But I would put forward to him a villain who is a female demon lord who can't get pregnant herself therefore she captures girls to steal there wombs for giving birth to her offspring but she needs strong yokai powers so she would also have a personal interest in corrupting Yamoto for his demon seed. I would also add she can transform already pregnant women's babies into demons in the womb if she let one type of her underlings fuck them.
9) What do you think of "normal" sex in tentacle hentai?
Whatever normal is....
10) Dear Santa, for this year's tentacle christmas i want...
All the money you can get?!?
11) flat chest vs. small/medium breasts vs. big/huge breasts vs. "modified into giant milking boobs by tentacles" breasts, which is your favorite?
Um I don't mind when they pump up a flat girls chest, and I will always go for a glass of milk since sex is sweaty business. But anything big/huge is a stand out to me in most of the cases. I kinda wish Aojiru rather then impregnate the breasts would sometimes let the girls tits swell/slightly darken due to just being pregnant by the demons spawn in the first place, then injecting them and then swelling to become birthing spots.
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Oh right, the extra question!
I hope we never have to say goodbye to one of the main three, I like them way too much, but if I really had to choose one to go it would probably be Takeru... just because I like Mikoto and Sui the most and I would never stop watching them going crazy from pleasure =P

btw by normal sex I meant not involving tentacles, i guess i should edit that
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Took a bit of a break from Inyouchuu-related stuff, and so many things have happened! :akazukin_impatient: And so many questionnaires!

What is your dreamed girls spec ? (Personality & Traits)
Preferably someone with good money and time-management skills. Those are super-important.
What sex life or style you're dream of and reason ?
A normal and stable one.
If you have a girl friend where do you want to have sex and reason ?
In a house or other residental building, behind closed doors. I'm a pretty private person.
Will you try weird sex like inyouchuu game and why ? (Only the thing that possible! like anal or fisting don't kill your girl bois)
Sure, I'd like to try fisting a girl if she feels up for it.
If there suddenly all inyouchuu character appear at your house to investigate the demon case what will you do ?
Leave immediately, because crazy shit is about to happen and I don't wanna get caught up in it :ninja:
Next game after inyouchuu shoku remake you want tinkerbell to create ?
I'd like to see a full game starring the Tsukishiro twins. Where they go to the underworld and experience the tortures of the damned!
List the charracter oppai size from largest to smallest!
Largest > Smallest
If you really meet our lord Aojiru and then it's appear she a beautiful jap girl what will you do ?
Probably no different than if he was an average-looking Japanese man, be vastly amazed that I'm in her presence and gift her some copies of some Dogma titles. The legend and talent of Aojiru transcends the physical container by quite a bit, I think.
Best weird fetish in the game you like ?
Probably anything where there are alot of small creatures swarming all over the girls and crawling into her orifices. The best scene for this is Sui being dangled into the tub of bugs.
Worst weird fetish in the game you hate ?
The weird phasing/organ removal stuff for any girls other than the Twins. It just weirds me out because I can't suspend my disbelief for it and I'm always like 'hey they should be dead now'

Murderous Int
Of the three main girls Sui, Mikato and Takeru if we had to lose one of them forever to never be in the series again in future works which would you pick?
Sui. I've never been all that into her disign nearly as much as the other girls.

Between the main three (Mikoto, Takeru, Sui), you have to choose one to be your wife, one to be your sexual slave and one to throw at the tentacles to watch, which do you choose?
Wife: Sui. Good-natured girl who likes to cook, best marriage material!
Slave: Takeru. Insatiable sexual appetite, professional JAV starlet. And pre-broken, so it's like they say, once a horse is broken to the saddle, any man may ride!
To the Tentacles: Mikoto.
Same choosing three from the rest of the girls (including the white cat brigade and other secondary characters)
Wife: Rinko's Mama.
Slave: Ouka. Chain her up and force her to watch Kikuka, who gets thrown
To the Tentacles: Kikuka. While Ouka is being forced to watch her!
Ouka or Kikuka, which is your favorite?
It switches around alot. Originally they were more or less equal for me, then after Kyou I favored Ouka, but now after Goku I now favor Kikuka.
Which was the first Inyouchuu game you played(if you have played them) and which do you like more?
First was the first game. These days my favorite is Goku.
You are a demon and you just captured Mikoto, what do you do to her?
Use her as a bait to capture Takeru! And then Mikoto gets discarded into the tentacles!
Favorite tentacle/monster type?
The Man of Bugs!
You have 30 seconds to invent a new character, go!
A chaste Buddhist girl who falls into the temptations of the tentacles and gets transformed into a monstrous form, probably something Tengu-themed, who then spawns new monsters by getting impregnated by tentacles and then laying eggs. I guess she'd be in more of a villainous role.
Is there a character from any other game or series (hentai or not) that you would like to see in inyouchuu with all that implies?
Laura Kinney! Been waifuing out over her pretty badly lately. And she's got a healing factor so she could handle the rougher stuff too!
What do you think of "normal" sex in tentacle hentai? (normal meaning without tentacles, just sex between humans)
It can be cute and hot, depending on the context. Like I thought the Kai sex scene in Shoujo Senki Soul Eater was very good, because it was sweet and was a sign that she was recovering from her androphobia after being raped and tortured by Pegasus for months. And of course in the very next scene she immediately gets wrecked by dp from cocks bigger than her torso. erm... but mostly I think without a proper context it's a waste of time and CGs.
Dear Santa, for this year's tentacle christmas i want...
TA Zero! With a young and tender Asagi getting worked over and completely wrecked!
flat chest vs. small/medium breasts vs. big/huge breasts vs. "modified into giant milking boobs by tentacles" brests, which is your favorite?
Small and medium, mostly.

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