Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

Thanks for the heads up and the link! I already saw that and downloaded it, one of the unfortunates who just has the program crashing on startup. :(

Started up windows update to look for more language support patches as people said that fixed it for them, but now windows update has been sitting there on 'searching for updates' for over a day now, lol... oh well! You guys seem to be really enjoying those demos though XD
Okay here's mine! Some of these seem more personal and not Inyouchuu related, so I'm a little confused. But oh well!

1. What is your dreamed girls spec ? (Personality & Traits)

Down to Earth, social but likes to stay in sometimes too, spunky and upbeat. Basically... Mikoto. Although something tells me she's a bit of a mess outside of taking care of her bod. Definitely a girl that takes care of herself and likes to be girly. I like em' cute and that's Mikoto, but I might have to scold her sometimes.

2. What sex life or style you're dream of and reason ?

Experimental but clean and refined.

3. If you have a girl friend where do you want to have sex and reason ?

My room? Though I have fantasies of being like an invader in a girly decked out pink room, the big bad man haha.

4. Will you try weird sex like inyouchuu game and why ? (Only the thing that possible! like anal or fisting don't kill your girl bois)

Depending on the girl, anal sure... might use condoms though. I wouldn't mind maybe trying some light bondage, but I'm very dominant. So I want them to be very submissive, but also want them to be emotional, caring, and into it, not just a rock sitting there.

5. If there suddenly all inyouchuu character appear at your house to investigate the demon case what will you do ?

Help them out right away and woo over Mikoto so she can forget about Yamato.

6. Next game after inyouchuu shoku remake you want tinkerbell to create ?

Inyouchuu 6! Can't wait to see Ai and Mikoto battle it out and where things go with Nightmare. After that, I dream of a loli themed Inyouchuu.

7. List the charracter oppai size from largest to smallest!

Well I think Rinko's mother and Kaori have the biggest. I love Mikoto's and Momoko from Kowaku no Toki, and Kaori's are amazing.

8. If you really meet our lord Aojiru and then it's appear she a beautiful jap girl what will you do ?

Marry her. Seriously though I want to know what goes on in Aojiru's mind. But... maybe I don't? XD

9. Best weird fetish in the game you like ?

Any game over scene with the girls completely inflated and pregnant in the belly, still getting fucked, tits inflated and being penetrated, they're basically immobile and look like flesh breeding machines. The best! Also love the idea of straps/tentacles squeezing down on those fat bellies so you can maybe keep filling them in just a little bit more, like one of the Sora scenes... and upside down face fucking with her and Ouka in the gangbangs. And I wouldn't mind seeing more of the dungeon and bondage, like the Ai x Nightmare scene. I'm actually liking the birthing out of any orifice, as long as there's no guro! I love that Aojiru usually draws the girls completely naked, they have nothing to offer but their flesh.

10. Worst weird fetish in the game you hate ?

Guro, scat, piss. Also not a big fan of when nipple penetration gets weirdly detailed with a bunch of tiny tentacles, like they're all bumpy veins. Kurabito had a lot of this.

1) Between the main three (Mikoto, Takeru, Sui), you have to choose one to be your wife, one to be your sexual slave and one to throw at the tentacles to watch, which do you choose?

Wife = Mikoto!
Sex Slave = Wasn't Takeru made for this?
Tentacle Slave = Sui's plump body was made for this! But Takeru might get jealous, maybe I can toss her in sometimes. And Mikoto is a little naive, maybe I can convince her to have us all sleep together anyways.

2) Same choosing three from the rest of the girls (including the white cat brigade and other secondary characters)

Wife = Kikuka! Similar personality to Mikoto a bit, but something tells me she might be a bit more cunning and calculated. She also seems a bit more openly clingy at times or jealous, but I wouldn't mind the attention. I bet she'd be very proud and protective.
Sex Slave = Ai! This idea excites me even more than Takeru, hehe.
Tentacle Slave = Ouka is the cutest, it would be fun to see her get stretched out!

3) Ouka or Kikuka, which is your favorite?

But they're a package!!! How could you... it switches for me too like BoD, but I have always been a big fan of Ouka and sometimes questioned if I like her more than Mikoto. At least, at a glance... she's the cutest! I love that hairstyle and her dark eyes. But she is quirky, and Kikuka being a bit more normal and spunky is a big turn on... I'm not sure I can say. Actually I know, I'd rather jump off the cliff! Can't split them!

4) Which was the first Inyouchuu game you played(if you have played them) and which do you like more?

Inyouchuu 1, 10 years ago or something! Still have a hard time deciding my favorite, especially with Remake upon us... it looks like it could be the best! Shoku and Kyou have some standout amazing scenes, but I guess overall Goku is basically perfect. I was not a big fan of the hospital themes in Kyou or some of the weird NTR elements. Goku took it back in a much better direction sticking to demons/hell/tentacles. If we still truly get the Shoku remake, and Remake is any indication, I think Shoku Remake will retake the throne when it comes out and be the best. I just hope Meioki's dicks aren't censored!

5) You are a demon and you just captured Mikoto, what do you do to her?

Refer to the Ai x Nightmare and or Mikoto x Kyou Spider Boss scenes for an idea... or everything Meioki did with Sui and the twins.

6) Favorite tentacle/monster type?

Meioki takes the cake! But it would be cool to see more humanoid monster boss types. I think a minotaur would be a nice next step.

Tentacle wise this might be an essay...
First off, variety is the spice of life!
But I always loved Mr Blue from the Shoku era and some other appearances. Example 2, Example 3.
Always make sure your tentacle is appropriately sized! Strive to be fatter than their upper thigh/legs. :D
Other awesome standouts: - love this guy! Always wondered, is he a standalone body, or a strange long appendage of a larger tentacle hive?

The variety in this series is amazing and that's how tentacles should be. The nastier they are, the better. The weirder it gets with you wondering if each arm has its own sentience, the cooler it is to me. The more bug or animalistic they individuality get, is awesome.

I really liked the bug mummy in Mouryou, shame we didn't see more. Also wouldn't mind seeing more of these Spider Bosses, actually on screen or something. A giant spider seems ideal and disturbing in a good way, for this series. But some of the giant bugs in Etsu were kind of... weird.

7) You have 30 seconds to invent a new character, go!

How about Mikoto and Takeru have a much younger cousin with very dark, brownish red hair and those cute pigtail ball things... something like Kowaku Ai. She's playful but very shy. Maybe a bit more upbeat than Sui once you get to know her. But very, very scared of bugs and demons. :redface:

8) Is there a character from any other game or series (hentai or not) that you would like to see in inyouchuu with all that implies?

Maybe this is cheating, but there are other Aojiru girls I'd love to see get the Inyouchuu treatment. The Hanamaru 2 flower girl (right) is adorable, but I think Kowaku's Momoko would be my top choice. Basically my favorite Aojiru design outside of the main Inyouchuu Five. However, I have just noticed that the busty brunette teacher in 1 / Remake is pretty similar in the face and hair, so... there is that at least hehe.

Outside of that, I've always loved the idea of seeing Asagi get thrown in this underworld! Her body would definitely be very productive for the yokai.

9) What do you think of "normal" sex in tentacle hentai? (normal meaning without tentacles, just sex between humans)

Well, I absolutely love monster gangbang/rape, bestiality with huge animals, etc too. But this sounds like it's meaning vanilla... not a fan! However since I love these characters so much, I still like it in some cases. Takeru taking control of Yamato in Goku is an amazing scene. I guess if it has a bit of a demented flavor, or a lot of emotion, it can be hot. I do not like NTR, nor do I really harp on incest at all, but this is hentai... and I do love when Mikoto and Takeru start loving on each other. So, girl x girl can be a turn on in some cases in the series. Even the Mikoto x Takeru scene in Shoku episode 1 is quite hot to me.

10) Dear Santa, for this year's tentacle christmas i want...

Honestly I think I answered this above a lot already... Inyouchuu 6, Loli Inyouchuu, and Momoko's cameo. But for another idea, if TB keeps pushing out new merchandise, I would love a good quality figure of Mikoto with her sword, schoolgirl outfit, and the cat boss attached.

11) flat chest vs. small/medium breasts vs. big/huge breasts vs. "modified into giant milking boobs by tentacles" brests, which is your favorite?

Ah boobies, well I love them all! All the flavors, shapes and sizes, it's all good. Flat, inflated, etc, doesn't matter! Like I said above though, Mikoto's are my favorite thesedays. She grew up very well and was blessed. :rolleyes:

Murderous Int
Of the three main girls Sui, Mikato and Takeru if we had to lose one of them forever to never be in the series again in future works which would you pick?

Like my answer to the twins one... I think I'd rather take the cliff. :P
Really though, I want to say Sui, but I still love her and think Etsu is proof that her absence left a bad mark. And that would be the same for any other girl. The trio has been cemented at this point. Obviously, Mikoto would be the first one I'd save though... if we expanded the roster, I think I like Sui and Rinko the same. Goku really made me warm up to Rinko and I love their dynamic. So I have my ranking, but I love them all and Rinko has been a worthy addition.

Phew! I will try to come up with some questions myself.
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EchelonV's Questionnaire!

1) What is your prediction for the Inyouchuu 6 storyline/scenario?

2) What fetishes would you like to see more? Less of? Or expanded upon?

3) What would you change about any of the girls, if you could?

4) Do you like when Yamato is involved, or not?

5) Who do you like more between Nightmare and Meioki?

6) Would you rather be Yamato or one of the Demon Bosses? Your choice wins and gets the girls (Good or Bad Ending).

7) What setting for the dark content do you like most?

8) Battle of the legs! Which stockings style do you like most? Mikoto white, Sui pantyhose, Rinko mismatched, or the twins black knee highs?

9) Two of the girls are lost to lust and fuck one another like crazy, who do you pick and is one dom and the other a sub, or they change it up?

10) Design a Demon Boss!
LOL I misread one of the questions and skipped another.

4) Which was the first Inyouchuu game you played(if you have played them) and which do you like more?
So I didn't really dig the early two games but I did like the SHOKU anime, I think I played the first and 2nd game around the same time so not sure which I played first after seeing the OVA series. And I went off the series even more with etsu but I did enjoy aojiru's other games a little and other tinkerbell games which kept me following to this day.

8) Is there a character from any other game or series (hentai or not) that you would like to see in inyouchuu with all that implies?
This is a tricky question since I fell like other artist might not match up with the world Aojiru created, so much like Echelon V said it would be one of the girls from his other games. Mouryou no Nie milfs and Yakushiji Reika I wouldn't mind or from Hanamaru!2 Marigold and Shion. Though I would say a few of these design could kidna crossover with existing inyouchuu girls.

EchelonV's Questionnaire!

1) What is your prediction for the Inyouchuu 6 storyline/scenario?
Rather then a prediction I would state a direction I would like to see. I want the white cat's to play more a center stage with perhaps the older cast in a more sub role. I wouldn't mind if Ai tries to impersonate Mikoto to set up the group or lure/capture. I also wouldn't mind learning about other branches and seeing a few more new girls. But I would hope if nightmare is back he at least teams up with a new demon lord with a different set of abilities. Perhaps taking control of the bodies but not the minds or something. Opens scenarios to make them prostitutes and wear some more sluttier get ups to get laid and inflate them demon eggs to birthing point or other novel stuff.
2) What fetishes would you like to see more? Less of? Or expanded upon?
Can never have enough pregnancy and birthing. I still think he has room to expand the fetish with more scenarios using them in a pregnant condition like the JAVA stuff and perhaps spreading out the period of pregnancy so it isn't always so instant and repeated in end game scenes but perhaps more gradual over a bad ending. I could do with less stomach bursting births though. While I don't like the gore i do think it plays a part in some of the endings showing the finality of that bad ending, just don't go too berserk with it.
3) What would you change about any of the girls, if you could?
Nothing really but I think it would be interesting scenario if the older girls got transformed into younger loli versions and the loli/younger got aged rapidly to turn more into milfs. Just to seem them at different ages.
4) Do you like when Yamato is involved, or not?
LOL Not really in the sex scenes, but has part of the story it helps for the good endings. But I guess it also adds to NTR stuff too if his one of the girls love interests.
5) Who do you like more between Nightmare and Meioki?
I'm more inclined towards Nightmare. Who was the big bad in Kyou though was it that octopus/frog thing?
6) Would you rather be Yamato or one of the Demon Bosses? Your choice wins and gets the girls (Good or Bad Ending).
A Demon boss sounds good but after you wreck the girls you'd be kinda bored with a endless breeding fest. At least with a Yamato ending that has a longer standing. So it would have to be Yamato if it was me personally living it.
7) What setting for the dark content do you like most?
Mystery, crime sort of settings. Locations can vary from prisons, to urban cities to industrial estates and buildings. But really it depends on how well it is done in the writing and relating to the location, so any could do potentially.
8) Battle of the legs! Which stockings style do you like most? Mikoto white, Sui pantyhose, Rinko mismatched, or the twins black knee highs?
See this is the problem they should all try different stockings and switch it up from time to time, since they are all good in their own ways. I did like when the had the Jav like scene and had on fishnet stockings for those.
9) Two of the girls are lost to lust and fuck one another like crazy, who do you pick and is one dom and the other a sub, or they change it up?
I had two here Rinko and Sui with them switching roles. But then I think it would be more fun with Rinko and her momma being controlled in turns, perhaps rinko can try being born again then.
10) Design a Demon Boss!
I will re-post my earlier answer: "Aojiru didn't make Inyouchuu in a day. But I would put forward to him a villain who is a female demon lord who can't get pregnant herself therefore she captures girls to steal there wombs for giving birth to her offspring but she needs strong yokai powers so she would also have a personal interest in corrupting Yamoto for his demon seed. I would also add she can transform already pregnant women's babies into demons in the womb if she let one type of her underlings fuck them." I wouldn't mind someone who could also shape shift into any other person could make some interesting situations or they can change objects to look like other things.
What is your prediction for the Inyouchuu 6 storyline/scenario?
Probably something to do with the white cat brigade, since that's what we seem to have been building up to. No clue what any kind of specifics might be though. Maybe something with an evil office building? The most mundane of locations! Or a train station.
What fetishes would you like to see more? Less of? Or expanded upon?
More: Bugs, inflation, pregnancy, those huge penetrations!
Less: Organ removal
Expanded upon: Maybe some harder bondage, stuff with heavy-duty metal shackles and stuff.
What would you change about any of the girls, if you could?
Not a damn thing!
Do you like when Yamato is involved, or not?
I'm mostly indifferent these days. I remember back when the 2nd episode of the OVA came out I was pretty rustled by him getting blasted into smoking green chunks, but looking back at it I can't remember why it bugged me :x
Who do you like more between Nightmare and Meioki?
Would you rather be Yamato or one of the Demon Bosses? Your choice wins and gets the girls (Good or Bad Ending).
Demon boss, for sure!
What setting for the dark content do you like most?
I guess it's not Inyouchuu proper, but I really liked the kind of isolated rural cottage thing from Kowaku. Some out of the way place where the girls can disappear into a dungeon and nobody will discover them again.
Battle of the legs! Which stockings style do you like most? Mikoto white, Sui pantyhose, Rinko mismatched, or the twins black knee highs?
Rinko! Not sure if it's because of the overall gothic lolita ensemble, but the striped stocking does wonders for me.
Two of the girls are lost to lust and fuck one another like crazy, who do you pick and is one dom and the other a sub, or they change it up?
Takeru and Kikuka! They've never had a scene together. And obviously Kikuka is the dom.
Design a Demon Boss!
A slug-man! As we all know, slugs have extremely oversized penises for their body size:
And the slime could be an aphrodiasiac or something. Plus there's been cases of people getting brain-parasites from eating raw slugs, so our slug-man could leave behind parasites within the girls after he mates with them, so we can get some nice images of the girls crawling with small weird-looking creatures, and then the parasites could puppeteer them or turn them into a futa or enlarge their tits or whatever you want.
Last edited:
I dunno, the color and the ribbon seems to indicate otherwise

EchelonV's Questionnaire!

1) What is your prediction for the Inyouchuu 6 storyline/scenario?
My prediction and hope is that we're gonna get Ai seeking her revenge on the shiratori sisters and maybe some other demon gets involved to make it more interesting =P
Who knos, maybe in the end they even team up to defeat said demon or something.

2) What fetishes would you like to see more? Less of? Or expanded upon?
More pregnancy and birth (yes, i know there is already a lot), also more of the girls being influenced by the demon to end up into some bad situation kinda like Mikoto at the beginning of goku (the whole AV scenario)

3) What would you change about any of the girls, if you could?
I'd make Rinko be more "talkative" during sex scenes instead of just moaning and say "no" over and over, also I'd like to see Takeru actively trying to seduce Mikoto instead of keeoing her feelings to herself until a demon forces them out =P

4) Do you like when Yamato is involved, or not?
Yes... to an extent. I like his interation with the girls but in truth i don't feel like he adds anything to sex scenes and vanilla scenes don't fit in inyouchuu that much. It's also worth noting that the game which revolves around him (Etsu) is also my least favorite, although maybe for different reasons. In the end I view him as a secondary character who has funny scenes with the rest of the cast (despite the summaries saying he's the protagonist lol).

5) Who do you like more between Nightmare and Meioki?
I think Meioki has more of an interesting concept behind him and his story is more interesting, although Nightmare's "simplicity" makes for some great hardcore scenes and I like his hypnotic powers.

6) Would you rather be Yamato or one of the Demon Bosses? Your choice wins and gets the girls (Good or Bad Ending).
Definitely Yamato, also being still myself I would act much less like an idiot... maybe =P
being a demon would get boring as no girl would actually satuisfy me and i wouldn't be able to have an actual relationship with them other than "demon food and breeding factory"

7) What setting for the dark content do you like most?
you mean as in what location? I wouldn't know as it depends more of how is it used, although in general i prefer a modern city setting

8) Battle of the legs! Which stockings style do you like most? Mikoto white, Sui pantyhose, Rinko mismatched, or the twins black knee highs?
Definitely Sui's pantyhose and i think it often gets too quickly ripped to shreds while it would look much hotter if she had it on. It's also worth noting that Koharu(the teacher) and Kyoko also wear them and I can't wait to see more of them!

9) Two of the girls are lost to lust and fuck one another like crazy, who do you pick and is one dom and the other a sub, or they change it up?
Sui and Rinko! I like how they have been getting closer in goku. I imagine Rinko being the dom and doing extreme stuff like fisting Sui or making her lactate (I don't know how, maybe using her youkai powers or something lol) to suck her breasts since she envies them so much =P

10) Design a Demon Boss!
A faceless demon who can shapeshift into anyone and infiltrates the group to put them against one another and draw them into a trap, when discovered he transforms into some kind of bug-like creature
EchelonV's Questionnaire!

1) What is your prediction for the Inyouchuu 6 storyline/scenario?
Basically what others are saying and hoping we get the full arc for Ai. I assume the best ending would be them "saving" Ai, revealing what really happened in the past (probably a confusion with demons) and that they all get out and Ai can be a cool side chick from here on. Ultimate bad ending is they probably all lose to Nightmare. With the alternate bad ending being that Ai gets her revenge, maybe kills Nightmare, but enslaves all the other girls for torture or whatever she wants. Maybe even becomes some kind of demon herself. Although I like Kaori's big jugs, I wouldn't mind if we don't see her or Sora again, but it would be nice to keep seeing Rinko and her mother.

2) What fetishes would you like to see more? Less of? Or expanded upon?
Kind of what BoD said. Never thought I'd come to it, but I'd like to see more bondage! Like the Ai x Nightmare scene in Goku, super hot seeing legs spread out and strapped down to some table of sorts... and a lot of the extra non-games art lately seems to have the girls in slave collars which I've always loved. Ball gags could be hot too considering these huge insertions they're taking! Granted the tentacles do a lot of these jobs and I won't mind, plus it might be best to keep all orifices open and available, so maybe that's why ballgags aren't used. XD

Other than that, yeah... MORE INYOUCHUU is what we all really want. :D

3) What would you change about any of the girls, if you could?
I wouldn't mind if Rinko keeps changing up her outfits per game. Also, I wonder if Takeru would look kind of cute with longer hair? Maybe even doing a ponytail or a style similar to Mikoto's! Although I guess Ai kind of has that going.

4) Do you like when Yamato is involved, or not?
I'm still kind of neutral about him. But I do like to place myself in his shoes in the scenarios.

5) Who do you like more between Nightmare and Meioki?
Meioki! But yes, Nightmare seems a bit more intense and leveled up big time in Goku, which will probably be the case in Remake too. It would be amazing to see him fuck all the girls this time, including the teachers.

6) Would you rather be Yamato or one of the Demon Bosses? Your choice wins and gets the girls (Good or Bad Ending).
Surprised at the answers... in a fantasy world, demon boss! They would feed off my semen. hehe

7) What setting for the dark content do you like most?
Still love the organic fleshy caves because the possibilities with tentacles coming from anywhere and everywhere is awesome. But yeah I also do like these dark underground dungeons and isolated locations like Kowaku no Toki. I do like that Inyouchuu is contemporary fantasy, magical elements in a modern setting makes the monsters and craziness all the more exciting.

8) Battle of the legs! Which stockings style do you like most? Mikoto white, Sui pantyhose, Rinko mismatched, or the twins black knee highs?
Mikoto does em' best for me, but I quite like white. Though I kind of miss the twins having them still on in the sex scenes, Aojiru seems to draw them less in the newer stuff, but in the old they still usually had the stockings on. I guess I don't totally mind since I like my girls all naked.

9) Two of the girls are lost to lust and fuck one another like crazy, who do you pick and is one dom and the other a sub, or they change it up?
I agree with everyone that there's too much awesome potential with Rinko x Sui, hehe. Maybe one of them can get possessed and go from there. I too picture Rinko being the dom for the most part. She's not shy about punching Sui's boobs! But alas, it would be awesome to see Ai go through all the girls too... in the end though I still want to see mostly monsters/tentacles x girls and not too much girl x girl action in any future stuff.

10) Design a Demon Boss!
A minotaur with a horse cock that's made up of a bunch of twisted coiled up snakes/worms and bugs, perhaps there's a "real" dick underneath it all (haha), so the dick can unravel and be controlled tentacles for the creature. Also really complex nasty ejaculate that shoots out worms, bugs, larvae, eggs, though I wouldn't be surprised if some of the demons in Inyouchuu maybe already do that in some of the context?

Actually seeing one of the spider bosses would be cool too. Spiders have always seemed like a good natural fit for a tentacle hivemind or something.

Man of Bugs and the bug mummy from Mouryou were both cool too. I don't think the fat orange guy from Goku was all that cool, a bit too big even! So the scenes were less interesting or flat out nasty. I hope Aojiru can come up with something cooler like Nightmare and Meioki again, and a demon that doesn't break the girls instantly and is more calculated in their evil pleasures and does more with the girls.

Wouldn't mind seeing more big eyeball tentacles again too. Always liked those weird designs.
Nothing but happy bellies upon us...

Progste need to update your sig then ;)
Better start saving up your stores of fresh cream ready for the inevitable explosion coming soon.
Was hoping for some news on the extra dl content they have, but hell guess it will be even more of a surprise with them not spoiling it!
Progste need to update your sig then ;)
Better start saving up your stores of fresh cream ready for the inevitable explosion coming soon.
Was hoping for some news on the extra dl content they have, but hell guess it will be even more of a surprise with them not spoiling it!

I finally got a new fleshlight for this... sorry for the TMI, lmfao!
i don't think they do updates on weekends, however at this point i think they released everything before the game so we should get no more updates.
I know... but I'm still dying of anticipation!

But yeah honestly I don't want anything else spoiled. Can't wait, hope it doesn't take long for us to get it.
Nice, it's like a summary of the first part of the game + some previews.
it seems they sparkled in some new images as well, I can't wait to finally play the game!
So awesome! Weird dark music for that final preview though haha, they usually have a vocal track or something.

I love how they still haven't given away much with any Nightmare scenes.... hmmm.
Yeah the music is a track from the game, i think from the hentai scenes.
It seems right for them to not reveal Nightmare yet as he only reveals himself halfway through the game
I think this was answered back when Kyou was new, but I can't remember... why does Rinko have the eye patch?
It's part of her powers, she uncovers it to use some kind of magical attack
:) Soon. 2 days + :( x days shipping time.
Then again I'll probably just going to grab it from cat. :eek: And keep my copy sealed. :rolleyes:

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