Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

that looks scary but also hot. now my dick is confused. @@

Aojiru does it again! haha

Wow, yeah not sure how I feel about those extra scenario scenes. WTF is going on with the other two, Rinko's mother birthing a normal teen Rinko, and Kaori birthing a normal Sora? lmao, it is interesting to wonder what the hell the context and dialogue of these scenes will be. Maybe they will be hot... lol

So, everyone will get that Mikoto poster/card/whatever thingy? I need to make sure AmiAmi doesn't cheat mine.

That gattai scene, :eek::eek::eek::eek: We sure haven't seen everything yet.
Yeah it seems like that might be the normal pre-order bonus, and then maybe a special poster per store. I'm not sure what AmiAmi's bonus was though...
They did have a special edition for PO but I'm getting the normal edition. It's an extra 1k for SE.
Okay, I'm home from work... first off I need to stop checking the boards in the morning before work, lmao. All I could think of was Inyouchuu today and was wanting to get home asap.

Now to discuss...

The other screenshot of the loli Mikoto scene is INSANE! It's almost too much... but still hot. By this I mean, I think lately Aojiru is slipping over the fence on the large insertions, they are so LARGE that it's almost getting silly now. Maybe it's just me? But there's a point where it looks too fake. But... I'm not really complaining, I would just maybe scale it back again a little and make them look harder and more intense, maybe not as big. Always happy to see massive tentacles like that though...

Secondly, between loli Mikoto and the small teacher, makes me even more hopeful for Loliyouchuu haha. But I also just instantly had the idea, how fucking hot would it be to see Takeru dominate her loli sister Mikoto!? She's always longing for Mikoto, but a degressed Mikoto... Takeru would have all the power over her. Holy crap, I want this to happen so badly now. I have a feeling that's the only loli Mikoto scene though. But there's always a chance to get more of that here and there... I still think it would amusing to get their mother back in the mix into situations like this. I'm honestly thinking loli Sui could be the cutest of them all... next up!?

Okay the birthing, WTF... what do we even call this? Unbirth, full birth, human birth vore? The context will be interesting... I'm not turned off by it, but I'm not sure it makes me hot haha. It's weird. I have a feeling the demons are injecting the girls into one another... man I have no fucking clue, holy crap. It's weird... I would still rather see bugs and monsters coming out of them though. But wow, Aojiru is crazy.

The fusion stuff, okay I can't get into this at all. It's way too goofy and weird, but I agree with prog the context might be interest. Prog, it's up to you and others to decipher these scenes for us!

Another thing with the CG's we've noticed, did you guys see how a lot of the tentacles penetrating the girls are string tiny? Despite all the inflation/impreg and other extreme elements. I think this is maybe two things: A) the tentacles are different and maybe doing something else inside them than just fucking them or B) this is a throwback to how the tentacles looked smaller and tamer in the original... maybe it's a combination of both. But it's a weird thing. I suspect the tentacles will fatten up with the Shoku remake.

The Shoku remake is going to be crazy. I think overall that's still where most of my favorite Ouka and Kikuka scenes are, along with Sui (with Meioki) and Takeru had some great ones. It will be incredible. I like that we're getting small chunks of the White Brigade on the side though and assuming we get Shoku remake next, we might get another chapter... so it'll still have more buildup or backstory before Inyouchuu 6! Wonder if we'll see some Ai somewhere in the Remake extras? :)

I'm with you guys... Aojiru has yet again showcased that he is the King of Tentacles and insane stuff, while I think it's almost gotten comical in some areas, these things are better than more guro or something nastier. Although I can almost imagine some of these insane scenes we're seeing are a prelude to some deaths.

In addition to that, I feel like more Inyouchuu OVA's at this rate are literally impossible. Even compared to the original Shoku game, most OVA's are still pretty tame with a few exceptions, Shoku OVA being a good one... but the games still get darker and weirder. But now with Kyou, Goku, and Remake, we would need someone willing to push the envelope again. I still think PoRo did a solid job with Kowaku no Toki in some ways and we haven't seen anything that crazy since then. I still think there's maybe hope we'll get more OVA adaptations, but yeah they seriously can't half ass the extreme content anymore because it's all gotten so much more hardcore.

Dang, my order still hasn't shipped!!! Weird. Well, I actually have several days off the week after next, so I hope I will have Remake by then. :D

On a random note, I'm actually really excited for the busty teachers scenes! I hope we see more than three of her we've seen so far. I think it's just that I've started to love neck length hair like that a lot hehe. Can't wait!
My order also has not shipped but keep in mind it was already friday evening there when we finalized the order and i think they do not ship over the weekend.
Regarding the string tentacles, they are a throwback to the original designs but at the same time they have a reason to be like that: they penetrate the womb and mess with the ovaries, turning the girls into perfect nurseries =p

I'll do my best to tell you what i can once i have the game, i could make a translation of my favorite scenes too.
Hah! Thanks prog, I had a feeling the tentacles were trickier than they looked hehe... as always I prefer big fat ones, but with dozens of them and all the other stuff going on in these scenes and Aojiru's perfect art, it's still amazing anyways. I bet all the different tentacles have their own attributes, lol.

Yeah I had a feeling no shipping on the weekend... I wouldn't imagine they have Monday off like us for Memorial Day. Hopefully I get it before the week of June 5th!

I'm jealous seeing some Japanese people on twitter posting their copies haha. Speaking of that the Ai cosplayer posted another picture I didn't see before:

I still can't get over how much she seems to love this series too... damn what a perfect woman!
I don't believe there is any festivity on Monday so it should be shipped while it's still Sunday for us =)
Each type of tentacles or monster has its own tricks that you don't always see in the CG, it's part of the reason why i like reading the games much more than just looking at them! (that and the girl's reaction and narration/story in general).
I partially agree on the extremely large insertions, i didn't really enjoy most of Syuki's scenes for that reason (and because he was a bit too eager to split the girls apart...)
I don't believe there is any festivity on Monday so it should be shipped while it's still Sunday for us =)
Each type of tentacles or monster has its own tricks that you don't always see in the CG, it's part of the reason why i like reading the games much more than just looking at them! (that and the girl's reaction and narration/story in general).
I partially agree on the extremely large insertions, i didn't really enjoy most of Syuki's scenes for that reason (and because he was a bit too eager to split the girls apart...)
Agreed on Syuki. Although his scene with Rinko is amazing! One of my favorites and the Sui one is pretty good (I don't like the bruised boobs after he squeezed them though). I guess it's namely the Takeru one that was too weird (and nasty in the end...)

Any other thoughts on my post above?

I can't wait to see the multi hole birthing scene with the teacher. XD

I still think we have a lot to discover. I hope we get a few more scenes with the pink teacher. At this rate though, I really don't think we'll see the Momo's at all and they maybe wrote that out? Who knows though. And I wonder if we'll see Rinko or Ai in the White Brigade chapter.
Still waiting on that crack :saveme:

Progste if they changed the engine and what not like in the demo we might be finally able to actual translate one of these games. Might be worth checking if you can de-script the demo files if you still have the related tools? Since we longer have the garbled text issue it might work. It would make a world of differences finally being able to understand the more detailed parts of how each tentacle behaves, to also finally have a plot to follow.

I don't wanna speculate too much on the spoilers we got, the more I see the more hungry I get. I must say Tinkerbell did great on not spoiling the game. I'm not sure what to make of the re-birth stuff or what the full context for the scenes will be, like you say Echelon it is better then full on guro but still confusing. Though I do like how big them bellies get. I feel even if there is something I might not like I will get something else that is bat-shit insane that i will like so it all levels out. I would be surprised to see Ai in these specials, I think we won't get her till 6, because IIRC 5 was where the white cats first met her so it might not have fitted into a small story and we have had no signs of her on any character previews on getchu.

I'm ready for Iny6 but knowing Shoku is coming and how many of you picked it up this new one, it means we can expect some healthy Iny goodness for the next 2 years.

In my experience from shipped it can take between 1-2 weeks, but it really changes based on where you live. EMS is shit where I'm at cuz custom tend to keep it for 2-3 weeks in holding even if it arrives from japan with-in a day, but SAL tends to have be a week or two which is mostly due to the flight being slower but then customs seem to let them through at a quicker pace, that beats EMS. But I know you said you don't have these problems when you ordered before.
there is definitely a lot to discover, the screenshots indicate several new scenes in the main game.
I expect those scenes from the white cat brigade to be unbirth(as in humans being shoved in there lol) but they'll probably make more sense in context, so far even the weirdest scenes in the series always had some kind of logic behind them... Still, it's not something I'm super thrilled about.

Momono's voice doesn't fully convince me in the dialogues, we'll see if it's better in the h scenes. What I'm really excited about is loli Mikoto, I hope she gets impregnated and gives birth and desn't just get stuffed with tentacles... Having Sui as a loli would be equally as exciting, remember that fanart attemp? XD

An entire loli game seems farfetched (as amazing as it would be), but if Aojiru can squeeze in a couple of loli
scenes in each future game I'd be completely happy =)

As far as main characters deaths... I doubt that is happening. Not just because I'd hate it, but it doesn't seem to be in accord with the direction this series has taken since kyou and onward, it's been getting more lighthearted in the true endings and keeping deaths and all the worse stuff for the bad endings where they can go crazy. There was a point where the series tried to get more serious and present a concrete threat to the characters and it was etsu and it bombed and I am happy it did lol

Maybe you are right about the OVAs and in general companies seem to be more conservative about how much they invest in those, but I canstill hope, something on the level of moryou no nie(maybe a bit more) would be great.

Ai in the bonus games? I doubt it, they are probably keeping her backstory for the next real sequel and we would have seen some screens of her but who knows.

Let's see what this game brings to the table!

Might be worth checking if you can de-script the demo files if you still have the related tools?
mh, the tools were kinda specific for the other games but I can try... tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep =P but I bet this is still encrypted.
To better understand the games maybe i can offer some help, we'll see.
I hope european customs don't hold my copy D: EMS said 2-5 days
The only reason the tentacle looks so big in that scene is because Mikoto is now so small ;)

Depends what country in Europe, if anything it should be already in your depo by Monday/Tuesday. Customs is what has always fucked me on fast delivery and the hubs are different everywhere.

LOL just saw one of your twitter re-posts and on the card I see Ai and I think Mikoto to her right, so she might be in the special?!?
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Which card? Oh this one?

Wait a minute, isn't that the girl from Mouryou no Nie on the far right? Maybe not, but kind of looks like her. Or a new character. Yeah I'm guessing these are two bonus scenario cards... let's hope we all get them.

Yeah I mentioned it earlier, my last order from WRE with EMS actually came in 5 days! Pretty crazy. I double checked the tracking. Hopefully this one gets here that fast too.

prog: Yeah I was just meaning deaths in the bad ending... the girl being shoved into other girls (lol) might be kind of brutal if it's too detailed and nasty.

I'm not sure I'm a fan of Momono's voice either. I don't think it's Rinko's VA? All the VA's actually sound a little different to me but it's hard to tell.
I don't think it's the same, i'll double check later.
The new character looks very similar to Ai so maybe it's her sister? Maybe they are in the game after all!

Rinko's VA: ひもりちさ (Himori Sachi)
Momono's VA: なかせひな (Nakase Hina)
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Welcome wario! So are we. :D

Hey so this person re-tweeted me after I randomly tweeted to them and they have solid English! So I messaged them about the Goku second expansion... I'm not sure if they will understand or not, but maybe someone on twitter in Japan can help us out or even just simply show us some screencaps of the scenes lol

Also he posted more of the Kaori birthing Sora scene, XD. It actually looks kind of cute...

Here's the tweet I sent him:
I've been trying to hack the game for a while now for the CG, but I don't think I can without the crack code
If you have experience hacking, is there any chance you could be able to edit the game files of any of the older games so we could make a translation for it?
Damn, looking forward to those unbirthing scenes, especially with Rinko and her mama.

Not sure on the Twins' fusion stuff, but then again there's always been weird content in Inyouchuu games that I was iffy on at first but then grew to love. If you really think about it, it's quite magical of Aojiru-sensei that he's able to spread his fetishes onto others like that.
Nice! I see some big bellies... :D

Another Rinko question, is there a reason for all the goth getup or is that just her street clothes and style?
I wish I was good at hacking hahaha. I just use tools that hack into VN games files and hope that one of them can rip the files from the game. If they don't work then there is not much I can do sadly.

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