Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

Actually it says Inyouchuu complete edition and on the back it says inyouchuu shoku and inyouchuu etsu, so it's brobably both. I wonder if it includes the first anime as well, the writings on the back says something like "complete edition of both milky's titles" so it probably doeasn't include the first, now that i think about it the first anime wasn't by milky, was it?

Anyway, i wouldn't hope for less censorship as japanese law is still as dumb as always, and thhis version you posted is on dvd so no HD either, but maybe they'll do a blu-ray version as well?
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Well we've seen before that alternate releases can have different censorship. But Milky is probably lazy and wouldn't do that. Plus both are already uncensored (although that German release of Shoku is crap haha). My curoisity is too strong here hehe. I guess I wouldn't be surprised of Shoku is included, kind of weird they wouldn't have screencaps.

There was a two year gap between Inyouchuu the Animation episode 1 and 2. The first is so old that it came out under the Amour label, same as Ikusa Otome Valkyrie originally I believe. I think it was Himegan > Amour > PoRo. That one seems to have had 20 new reissues over the years, lol. Crazy to think it came out in 2006! Been an Inyouchuu lover boy for a decade. :P

It disappoints me though since Valkyrie got released uncensored, Ride of the Valkyrie here. So I always held on to the chance of Inyouchuu getting picked up by Kitty for another good release... but nope.
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Two years? O_O I wonder what kind of issues caused that delay, I guess that's why the second episode is so underwheling.

I wish kyou and goku would get a proper anime adaptation but it probably won't happen T_T
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There was also a two year gap between Shoku episode 2 and the bonus episode... with that cliffside cliffhanger (lol) of Ouka and Kikuka standing there at the end of episode 2, can you comprehend how painful that wait was for me? Boy did it deliver though... though it's unfortunate it seems like it was supposed to be a full third episode. Kind of explains why Meioki looks different and has a new VA though, but I prefer him in the bonus episode. Seems more evil.

Yeah episode 2 of The Animation sucks. Even my fanboyism doesn't let that one slack.

I don't think it was a delay for that one, as Amour was just a small company. Only put out a few things a year, compared to PoRo's monthly schedule.
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Oh, i remember well the wait for that cliffhanger even though i didn't know the game yet i couldn't wait to get some loli tentacle action and i also remember being kinda disapponted because it was not a full episode, they supposedly had all the material for one so it's strange they decided not to do it, it's also kinda weird they decided to keep the twins stuff separated from everything else when they have an important role in the story, they could have done it more like the manga, instead they went for that werid mix of flashbacks, i remember being so confused when i watched it the first time. I'm not saying i don't like shoku's anime, it's actually the best one they've made, but i can't help but feel they could have done more based on the game, the manga is much better for example.
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Yeah the OVA's in general don't tell the stories well or connect very well at all haha, even Shoku and Etsu don't connect much despite both being animated by Milky.
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Same with Mouryou no Nie's OVA, I think. Repeated some scenes...

I made some more Etsu gifs on my tumblr, I guess that's something for some news. lol
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My Inyouchuu Complete Edition came in the other day and can confirm the complete edition is just Etsu and Shoku all on one DVD disc. 1 Hr 56 Min Runtime total. Just nice to have as part of a collection i guess. The Animation isn't on there sadly.
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My Inyouchuu Complete Edition came in the other day and can confirm the complete edition is just Etsu and Shoku all on one DVD disc. 1 Hr 56 Min Runtime total. Just nice to have as part of a collection i guess. The Animation isn't on there sadly.
Any extras? Is the Ouka and Kikuka bonus scene in higher resolution? Is the censorship different?

I've been looking at AmiAmi but they're still out of stock!
There doesn't seem to be anything new, just a compilation of the two series.
Yeah preordered mine from Amiami, saw it and couldn't pass it up knowing how scarce Inyouchuu products are xD
The DVD is 720 x 480, it looks the same as yours Meioh, in terms of the censorship.
I've taken a screenshot, one from each source to kinda compare
View attachment 13217View attachment 13218

First one is from the DVD, second is from your raws.
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Links don't work, but I believe you. Dang! Always hoping there's a better version... :(
OMG... some girl cosplayed as Ai from Inyouchuu Goku? UM... LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT... I WANT HER

EDIT: OMG, she put a few more pictures up. Check my twitter.

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It's so hot to see someone cosplay a character from this series, yet also the bad girl who's a sex slave cum dump to a horsedemon and gets impregnated and births demons and bugs.

This girl also tweeted out some pics of what I assume are her eroge game pickups, the new TinkerBell game was on there. So... maybe she really is a fan of this dark stuff and isn't just into this outfit. I hope. I hope she knows exactly what happens to that girl she's dressed up as haha. Turns me on.

She pulls off the red well so naturally I want to see some Mikoto haha. I messaged her but no response. Might be a language barrier.
What's fascinating to me is how she has the leg-belts as part of the costume. Note that the dressed Ai character sprite doesn't have the leg-belts, and that the only place they actually appear is in the scene where Ai is strapped to the table.

Meaning... this lady didn't just cosplay Ai because she saw a character sprite and thought it was a cute outfit. She seems to be an Inyouchuu fan, or has at the very least played the game.

And damn, that prospect is hawt. Her Twitter profile says "エロゲ作品メインのコスプレイヤー", which is something like "[I do] cosplay mainly of ero-games?"
I was wondering about the legs belt too. Think she just has one on? But damn... dream girl. XD

I was wondering if she drew on the scars, but nope. The one missing detail I guess.
Leg-belts are goth and chic!

Plus it's hard to draw good-looking scars. Just having a flat band of different-colored skin works in-game because of stylization but if you just drew some patterns on your thigh it'd look pretty crap. Could do an actual realistic scar with the ol' tissue-paper under rubber latex and foundation trick, but then again a good-looking scar is also disfiguring, cause, you know, scars. And that's crossing the line from goth and chic to emo and lame.

Further thoughts on the topic, the more I think about it the more I think e1ght_srnm has played Inyouchuu. Inyouchuu's got a ton of stuff that really shuts most people down, when you think about it. Just stuff like the maggots crawling on the girls is hugely repulsive to most people. So the fact that she picked this character from this game means that at the very least, she doesn't mind the bugs bugs bugs.

Well, that's my speculation anyway.
Fucking boners.


I wanna play with her...


so hoottttt >_<
she wears leg belts already meaning she is ready for it!!!????

Hope she gets her chest pumped as well, should start doing it right now to get as big as Ai in the light novel :D
(???): "Fuh... I have no name, but you can call us the underwear thieves!"
lol I have no idea what is going on

In another tweet she says tghat she liked a lo of the new characters from Goku but Ai was love at first sight... can't disagree with that XD

EDIT: new sets of dakimura for Comic market 91


there seems to be something else

this is their eshop page

I hope we get a lot of new goodies and finally a public release of the new twins DLC, maybe also an early look at the first sketches for the inyouchuu remakes?
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Damnit, not more dakimakura's! The Goku twins one popped up again on SMJ for 30,000+ yen. I can't afford these and they're too rare! >_<

I wonder if that's a pre-order bonus scenario or something for the remake. I hate how fragmented their releases are thesedays. Makes it harder to collect everything lol
Looks like wendybell is introducing another vanilla game

when do we get Etutane 3? D:
Although it would make sense if they start publishing all their vanilla or softer titles under wendybell and all the hardcore stuff as Tinkerbell, I wonder if in that case etutane would become a tinkerbell title
Huh, is C91 already upon us?

I'm really digging those daki designs where the girls are spreading themselves open and welcoming the bugs. Or maybe spreading themselves open after just having given birth to the bugs?

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