Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

So I think it will be different to Fuka but in the same vain.

I expect it will follow the standard of humor slice of life moments in down time places with a turn up to extreme OH MY GAWD what the fuck did I just see and I have a weird boner right now. With a spice of that ruined my enjoyment, it crossed the line.
yes, we found out when goku came out, this girl is the protagonist from chou no yume 2 after all

it's also the same universe as Hanamaru and I'm pretty sure it's also the same as kowaku no toki. I like to think it's the same for Moryou no nie but there is no evidence so far...

I like that Hisao and Aojiru keep bringing back characters from their old games and I hope they keep doing it.
Don't know why but I'm really love that girl! Maybe she should get more scene though :P

Now I'm waiting for the Grand Guignol by start playing Sarai no Me and Fuka no Jugoku. Does anyone here have some critic on this ?
Sarai no me is okay, it has some good moments but too much horror content for my taste, if you haven't played it you should try kowaku no toki.
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Do you think Rinko missed out on her mom's genetics and is done growing up? XD


hmm I don't think so. She still young, right ?
Or maybe her father is short lol because she must inherit the hair color from her father for sure.
Just finished Sarai no Me. I need to admit it that this is my new fav game now. The art and the ero scene is really great! especially the harem ending.
I love to see cute girls getting corrupt in this game.

Is this mean Grand guignol will fit my taste ? :P

I'm not play Fuka no Jugoku yet but I just can't believe this is Aojiru work... Every content is this game is really dark and sad (As I see from CG and reviews) does anyone here play this game before ? I need some advise on the game content XD
Do you think Rinko missed out on her mom's genetics and is done growing up? XD



Well, Momoko from kowaku no toki was part of the momo family but didn't have the loli build, although maybe she's and exception?
I guess if Rinko suddenly grew some curves the whole dynamic of her would change lol
Well, Momoko from kowaku no toki was part of the momo family but didn't have the loli build, although maybe she's and exception?
I guess if Rinko suddenly grew some curves the whole dynamic of her would change lol

Maybe is hard for her. She's the one with most flatted chest in the series. The twins still have larger tits than her XD
Okay seriously... is this young Ouka/Kikuka's mother? XD, looks so similar.

Rinko is pretty envious of Sui's boobs I believe.

I hope she engage in lesbian sex with Sui like you guys mentioned before. Can't imagine if she is the dominate part and fuck Sui with strap-on like a cow. then yelling "gimme your boobs!!!" XD

Anyway here the comparison. Pretty much the same, right ?


New scene leaked! -


Seriously, This game must be the revolution of Aojiru's art style. The game added more and new shading, perspective view and DOF which make the CG look more realistic. The camera angle also changed into new style too.

I don't feel the "rush to finish" feeling like Remake of inyouchuu from this game (By recycling load of CGs). The quality always better then quantity in my opinion.

Can't wait to see the most fav inyouchuu shoku rebooting into more vivid style like this!
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Aojiru is always improving, just look at the difference between kyou and goku
Aojiru is always improving, just look at the difference between kyou and goku

Yeah, that a huge leap. I think TinkerBell might use the Inyouchuu remake for a prototype of FUll HD screen res too and look like its now company standard.
I'm here to bring you guys a good news (At least in my opn) that we finally able to extract most voice data from TinkerBell game!

This include

- Character voice

- Voice actor interview

- Sound FX

- Music

- Misc system sound

And others!

(Total file is roughly 7,000 - 10,000+)

Using suspended Crass program I'm try to reversing the Cyberworks vn engine for more data which I hope I can finish it soon.
We coupd already get the voices and other data with asmodean's tool, but not the script unfortunately, let us know if you have some luck with that!
We coupd already get the voices and other data with asmodean's tool, but not the script unfortunately, let us know if you have some luck with that!

I'm try my best on it and this is the result of every file I "can" extracted

Arc00.dat - Standalone configuration file which contain system parameter, preferences and settings. Doesn't need to extract.

Arc01.dat - Index file for Arc04.dat

Arc02.dat - Index file for Arc05.dat

Arc03.dat - Index file for Arc06.dat

Arc04.dat - Might contain character sprite and misc CG, extractable but still in broken file type.

Arc05.dat - Might contain game CG and wallpaper, extractable but still in broken file type.

Arc05a.dat - Unknow

Arc06.dat - Sound files, extractable and work fine.

Arc07.dat - Unknow

Game.exe - Game program.

Render.dll - Might use to display the game and fonts.
I'm try my best on it and this is the result of every file I "can" extracted

Arc00.dat - Standalone configuration file which contain system parameter, preferences and settings. Doesn't need to extract.

Arc01.dat - Index file for Arc04.dat

Arc02.dat - Index file for Arc05.dat

Arc03.dat - Index file for Arc06.dat

Arc04.dat - Might contain character sprite and misc CG, extractable but still in broken file type.

Arc05.dat - Might contain game CG and wallpaper, extractable but still in broken file type.

Arc05a.dat - Unknow

Arc06.dat - Sound files, extractable and work fine.

Arc07.dat - Unknow

Game.exe - Game program.

Render.dll - Might use to display the game and fonts.

As someone who back in the day was adamant on getting the rips for Ryou Seibai!, I can tell Arc04 is mainly miscelaneous. Arc05 Dat is mostly event/char sprites. Arc05a serves as an extension that mostly contains events.

Now I must mention both, Tinkerbell and Wendybell games nowadaya include an appendix file that is for alternate character sprites.

Unfortunately, exbelldat is too outdated since last game it supported was Guro, the game Fuka no Juugoku.
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