Inyouchuu 淫妖蟲 / Aojiru fan thread!

I'm always ready for new full PNG rips with the character portraits and whatnot. But yeah the extracting business seemed too complicated to me. The repeated sex voices and sounds could be fun to have.


I know Kaori is the least popular addition to the cast, but am I the only one that LOVES her design at least? I'm always a sucker for the bright hair colors though. She reminds me a lot of Momoko from Kowaku as well and is packing an S rank juicy bust the same too. Biggest tits next to Ai's sister and Momoko's mother right now I believe and I love her inverted styled nipples, bit different from the normal Aojiru girl...

I assume we will get more White Cat Brigade content on the side with the Shoku remake... personally I would rather see more Kaori scenes than Sora. There's a few good Sora scenes I like and her rivalry with Rinko is funny, but for petite girls we already have Rinko, Ouka, and Kikuka (and hopefully more main trio loli scenes in the future hehe). Maybe I'm biased against blondes, but Sora's design is the least interesting to me in all the current Inyouchuu stuff. Would much rather see some fat belly/boob filled pregnant Kaori action. :rolleyes: :D

As for Guignol's style I might be in the minority but I don't love the tint it has or the lightning, kind of kills off the color and looks more like generic CG's out there. I've always loved how bright and colorful Aojiru's games are. But I think this style is intentional for Guignol so I'm fine with it there and the girls still look as amazing as ever. I imagine Inyouchuu Shoku 2.0 won't look like that but that's a guess.
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Yeah. Her role seems odd, like a big sister Sui but she seems like an apprentice to Rinko's mother too.

I LOVE this Sora scene, probably my favorite of hers next to the Ai/Nightmare one. I love when ropes/tentacles are squeezing down and squishing those bellies. XD


Would have been a bit better with monsters of course though.

I do love her cute thighhighs haha.;)


Wish she had pink hair. :P
Kaori is very different . She’s the only one that has pubic hair. Even Rinko mother still waxed it off.
Rinko design os more like stereotypical twintail tsundere girl in my opn.
Takeru's secret twin sister!

Still looking fairly vanilla, but it should be good.
Now that I've had some time to digest the remake and i've replayed a bit of goku I have to say that the latter has a much more interesting art style and the sex scenes have more variety(although too much scat/gore sometimes). I hope they go back to more of that style for shoku remake and future games, especially the softer coloring (and also plumper bodies for Mikoto and Sui but I guess that is because the characters are a bit older).
Guignol seems to play a lot with the lights, I guess to switch more from a happy vibe to horror, I'm not sure I completely like the result and the style does resemble other vanilla games by Aojiru like zettai majiki, although I expect more disturbing stuff in this one.
Yeah I think Shoku is still pretty unique with some great original sex scenes and ideas even compared to the stuff after, so the blueprints for this remake will be better than the first game. I'm still not sure which one I like more myself between Remake and Goku, but it might be Goku. I think Shoku Remake has a chance to be the best though.
There is definitely much more material in shoku compared to the first game, so I expect a lot from the remake, I hope I'm not hyping myself too much =P
I have to say that the latter has a much more interesting art style and the sex scenes have more variety(although too much scat/gore sometimes).

Really agree with Prog here. I don't mind about scat and gore at all but I love to see more variety of H scene instead of load of similar one. Shoku remake must be a really big project for TinkerBell!
Happy Christmas! (And maybe happy new year 2018 ? cuz I'm going to be inactive around that time :P) to every fellow In'youchuu fan here :D

2017 is somewhat an interesting year for me. With a release of first In'youchuu remake, A huge upgrade to DMM game and also some community works start to moving on again. Especially the translation and wiki project.
Hugh thanks to EchelonV, Progste, Murderous Int and Ladifour for helping me (and answer my annoying questions) every time even you guys are very busy at IRL stuff. Without everyone my dumb brain skill to understand jap lang will block me off from Aojiru universe for sure. I wish you guys have a happy life for the next tentacle year!

- Zava (Sorry for my bad grammar though)

I'm also wish to create another community AMA again for this special moment...

...So let's make it happennnnnn!!!

1. If you can move you mind in to any girls from the series and completely control them. (One girl at a time) Who will you choose and what are you going to do with them ?

2. Choose one girl to die horribly in bad-end and explain what happen to her.

3. Choose one girl(s) that you're going to impregnate her.

4. The Tsukishiro twins immortal curse can be destroy via an intense spell. If you manage to caught them alive after this and they going to die in a few hours what would you do with them ?

5. You walking in the park at night and suddenly, Hagio Ai presented in front of you and ask you to bang her up. What would you do to her? (Hint: She need your jizz to stay alive)

6. What do you expect (or want) form our lord Aojiru after Shoku remake.

7. Your new fetish from the game ?

8. Create one short but remarkable H-Scene!

9. Best moment in entire In'youchuu series (Can be H and non-H)

10. Design your own creature, monster (yoma) for upcoming In'youchuu game!

1. Even my love is all to Ouka but I choose to conquer Sui body instead. The main reason is that she got a very feminine and buxom body! I can spend a whole day playing with newly acquire boobs and mess with new "organs" I can use this body to lure men and another girls too because Sui is so innocent! No one think she going to do anything lustful for sure!

2. My waifu! Ouka tsukishiro! Is always interesting to see Aojiru putting new H idea (like belly fusion) with her. So for this bad-end she is spread out in the air with tentacle banded up and pull all her limb, Some also spread her pussy and anus too. Then a huge tentacles that shaped like a drill appear and start to "bang" all of her hold with a crazy speed, in and out until her immortal curse vanished and one tentacle penetrate her vagina through her body and out from top of her head. Finally they release a large amount of cum inside her which overflow from every open hole. She also ejaculate in the last moment too.

3. Since the twins will give only an abortion, My next target would be Rinko because I want to see her small body inflated up by my child XD I want to impreg all the girls anyway.

4. I'm going to hug them and confess my feeling to Ouka. Then have a warm sex with her for the last moment of her life (Dying sex). For Kikuka I will do the same but rape her first XD

5. My first thought would be "This girl must be crazy!" and, honestly I choose to walk away instead but if she manage to put me down I will let my boy inside her for sure! (Of course this time the police can't catch me because I was raped by her XD)

6. A sequel for Goku! I hope the story will set in another interesting location like mountain or seaside but what I want the most is MAKE YAMATO HAVE SOME VANILLA HAPPY SEX WITH ANY MAIN GIRL(S) IN CANON TIMELINE!!! he deserve sex though and then it can conclude most of the story.

7. Rape, Hardcore sex, Tentacle and a lot of wild+weird stuff.

8. Gather every girls in one small room, all naked and tied up and throw one big and most insane tentacle in to that room. Close the door and wait for 1 day :D

9. For the H scene I still like the twins scene from Kyou omake SS when they lay on each other and raped simultaneously, Seriously I love every H-scene in this game except for the character I don't like (eg.Takeru :P) but for non-H scene I like the scene from kyou that most characters go to the seaside and Mikoto fighting with Sui about boob size.

10. I would call this one "The culus bead parasite" It's a sphere shaped yōma with a huge single eye at the front and one large pod containing poison fluid at the middle. This yōma usually live in deep forest and when any girl have a chance to put her ass out. It will enter her body by penetrating through her anus and crawl it way to the stomach, release all it fluid which contain the larva along the way. The girl will get infected. Infected girl will start to get thirsty and drink a lot of water. She also release all her feces and desperately try to have an anal sex. If she manage to have an anal sex and the guy ejaculated. the cum will feed the yōma and it larva that live inside her intestine. When the larva grow up it size start to increase enormously and aligned in her large intestine like a very long and huge anal bead. At this state the mother yōma will perish in her stomach and cause the malfunction of her
digestive system. In some case the yoma will manipulate her to stick any large object inside her ass to make the way for them (By causing
skin irritate) The girl will start defecating the grow up yōma inside her one by one with a very great pain, she also produce more body fluid and urinate or orgasm while release the yōma. Finally after the final large yōma get it way out her anal whole will spread wide open and made more chance for new yōma to get in and make her it new seedbed. The cycle will end after her intestine teared apart or she just dying out by losing blood or dehydration. This yoma may live with others monster boss so they can heal up the girl and repeat the cycle more effectively and the yoma boss can suck out her life energy due to the girl negative feeling and pain too.

Enjoy and thanks for all answer(s)
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Okay, so I'm going to be THAT guy here and call on the third installment of the series. Here goes:

1) I would transfer my mind to Yamato's aunt body -- Demon Princess Azami-san. Mainly to have a taste of her smoking hot body, but also to use my demonic powers to mess around with people in a lot of different ways.

2) Shihouin Yuu (the cat-girl from Etsu) - I would remove her ears and tail and leave her to the angry Sui fans to show her that she can't just waltz in on us and try to take our Teen Milf's place.

3) Shiratori Hatsune, no questions asked. I mean, she can exorcise my little youma all night long and I would be still up for some more action. For her to bear my babies... that's a YES from me.

4) Oh, you know... all kinds of lewd things, like... hand holding, low impact sensual cuddling and patting their heads.

5) Perobably beg her to spare my life and maybe ask her to introduce me to that steroid-pumped unicorn that's been standing behind her (she a Stand user?)

6) I would like to see an origin story of Azami-san or a story centered around Shiratori Hatsune. I want to know more about them.

7) nothing new, really. I'm pretty messed up to begin with, and so are my fetishes.

8) I would throw all of Shiratori family at Yamato together with Azami-san. He would have his way with each and every one of them, and then they would end in one big five-some, milking him dry of his life energy while quarreling on who will do him next.

9) Azami-san's introduction to the series and every scene involving her.

10) a shapeshifting youma taking the appearance of the Kuroneko girls, playing Netori with Yamato and thus destroying their relationship.
1. Mikoto of course for me... I want to see this perfect body in person first hand.

2. I like Ladifour's idea of getting rid of someone we don't like, haha! Yuu wouldn't be a bad idea... I don't think I'd want anyone to die though, how about being cast with an age stopping curse and sent to Nightmare or Meioki's domain hehe.

3. D... all of the above. But really, you all know my answer.

4. Take a bath with Ouka and Kikuka. But then I'll go away because I don't want to see them die in front of me!

5. She seems a little scary... maybe I can befriend her though, hehe. I won't be as nasty as the fat guy, but if she absolutely needs my cum... my tentacle is ready.

6. Inyouchuu 6 to follow in the footsteps of Goku's style and scenario. More White Cat Brigade stuff and an arc with Mikoto vs Ai would be cool.

7. Maybe bring in some tentacle infested demonic monster horses into Inyouchuu sometime. But I am quite happy if Nightmare and Meioki are back again and around more somehow. The spider boss in Kyou was kind of neat though, needed more scenes with it. I'd like to see some collars and ballgags in Inyouchuu. More of this awesome deepthroating and neck bulging too like in some of the new stuff. But ultimately, just give me pregnant bellies in every scene and I'm a happy bug.

8. A scene with Meioki or some enormous monster/tentacle machine fucking a girl pumping her up with so much cum, that her belly HAS to be penetrated by another fat tentacle for excess semen to evacuate through. So there's a constant source of ejaculate flushing into and through her innards...

9. Way too many... any fat pregnant bellies with monsters and tentacles = the best! XD but of course I love the non-h stuff too and the comedy anywhere in the series. Just love these characters.

10. I basically just want to see Aojiru do some crazy monsters again like Meioki with weird infested dicks, with bugs crawling in and around them, bumpy pores everywhere, semen smoke diffusing from the tips, etc. Maybe make a demon that has a huge snake tentacle within the penis(s), almost like a tongue. So once the dick is penetrating a girl... the tentacle can shoot out too and do even more belly warping and stretching from within. Love those bumpy wavy bellies.

On a random note, love these two scenes so much!!!!!!


Well the trio pregnant one is amazing!

Still like half and half on non-h and h scenes. I wonder if this one will be more story heavy.
[MENTION=13953]EchelonV[/MENTION]; Here is a not-Inyouchuu ver of the CG. On a white hair Mikoto :P

exhentai. org/s/d11ce9a0f8/662616-994
Well the trio pregnant one is amazing!

Still like half and half on non-h and h scenes. I wonder if this one will be more story heavy.

Apparently, although from the looks of the promotional movie, there will be some guro, based on the female white skinned ghoul appearing, still, so far doesn't look like it will reach the extemes of Inyouchuu/Fuka no Jugoku.

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