I suck at most games too. I believe in the Assassin's Creed that nothing is true, everything is permitted. Therefore I see games as pointless because of the limits imposed by the rules
hmm I'm bad at square enix's rpg which the boss's HP is hundred times more than us
Square Enix's main bosses aren't that difficult. I don't even max out my chars levels. I usually finish the games at around lvl 60-70 and I don't do troublesome legendary equips. although side bosses are hell of a lot more difficult than main bosses.
Hmm for some reason i dont view turn based rpgs as that hard... its just chance items abilities and whatnot which improve with levels and whatnot...
waht?! turn-based isn't that hard?! have you not faced a boss that's 10 levels above you without stocking up on pots? that's the thrill, going head on without preparing for what's to come, that's what's turn-based rpg's are for. it's not chance, it's preparedness.
Which i usually get from just wandering everywhere and searching for all the secret stuff before i do anything else xD Tons of levels that way~
I do that too but I don't search for the really legendary stuff, since I'm just after the story.
you mean looting everything you see? I don't finish those bonus dungeons of the story doesn't require me too. but sometimes I go in when there's free roaming.
Hmm i like completion~ Dont care about achievements since those kind of just come along with messing around but i like killing secret bosses and stuff ;p
meh... I kill them when I see them. err if I chance upon them otherwise I ignore them completely. I'm the type who hates reading walkthroughs
so you tried to explore all of a 100 lvl dungeon? I wouldn't bother with it unless I finished the main story.
Hmm i like finding stuff as i play? I probably would explore it all... unless it gets really tedious and everything is the same.... then ill probably give up and play something else...
Lol /me thinks of pokemon~

Though pokemon is usually interesting enough~ The continual popping up does get annoying though...
the most annoying part? they're all just rattatas and zubats... and not one is shiny
Hmm then theres that pokevirus thats as rare as shinys but you wont know if you found it until you killed a pokemon with it or catch~

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