That's probably the main factor why I always quit playing minecraft after 10-30 minutes into the game
That was after a few months of not playing it (I believe I built it somewhere near the end of 2012)
I got some weird "anticipation" for it after watching some youtube vids
I was playing around.. 2 hours a day or so
took me around 2 weeks (there's the mining part that takes some time)
Up to whether you think 2 weeks is a while or not, for me it feels rather short w (around 2 hours per day only)
Same, but this is minecraft- a game that makes me bored easily
after playing that I would just browse the net
Lol i guess you didnt make any of those random large things which people with tons and tons of time on their hands could? ;p
Ah, those pixel arts of characters and such?
No way I would do that, I will have a hard time XD
More indeed
Will be hell if people make it not on creative mode (making the colored wools and such) >_>
Though for the fun of it I did made a "roller coaster" XD
Well yes, though I can only make a simple one XD (You can make a spiral tower and put some tracks there and such)

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