Hmm... i think theres a normal ds emulator... 3ds... need to do the 3d part... and the touchscreen is also hard to replicate....
There are no emulators for the recently released consoles yet (also no xbox360 or ps3 emulator)
must be difficulties
Lol wow xD Have fun? xD Hmm... well... pokemon with cheats actually takes away quite a bit of fun after a while =w=
I'm too bored and tired to play without cheats
I want to see if there's a cheat "EVERY POKEMON GET"
Lol pokemon cheats. I normally don't bother with cheats unless I want mindless fun. :P
Yeah that can be fun sometimes. Normally I just like to beat them and then see if I can make them harder though :D
i miss when you could put in a button sequence and get unlimited health >.>

that kinda shiz was always so fun
i just wanna run around killing ppl and destroying shit without the copz giving me any

hell it would be kinda funny if they started getting friendlier with me the more mayhem i caused lol

there should totally be a cheat for that~

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