KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@ecael wow 200 runs. That's many >.<. Congrats on your Mizuho. :)

@Fire Congrats on E5. I think if you are low on resources like me, then do E7 easy. A medal doesn't worth. Most priority is Teru-teru chan. Think, you should sortie to debuff boss few times and then sortie for killing boss. Remember the compass is random. The easier enemies, the easier to reach boss and clean kill.

@pichu you have how much resources left? It's confirmed the event end on September 2. So rush with easy and grab new girls if you don't have much resources or you will regret.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

E-6 clear. It wasn't so hard after all. :whistle: well, only Medium.
My heavy uchuu fleet - 8 runs, 8 sweep clear thanks to FCF. All runs used node support and final use both supports. My boss support is a waste like usual.

Uchuu Senkan Yamato MVP!

but 2nd shelling dealing ROFL damage cause no AP shell.

This ain't hard.

I now feel the E-7 chills with RNG trolling.
- First E-7 run with Carrier Task and gets SOUTH node, RNG sh8ting me already.
- Went BXDFGJYL, and manage to sink all 3 princesses.
- But Maya-sama fked up at L node. I don't blame them. Everyone at 0 fuel.
- Total resources cost per run with 2 supports = Roughly 1.5k++ Fuel and Ammo.
- Escort flagship won't sink. Ran halfway with Tone on red.


With easiest route (double Wo-KAI nodes) having 50% chance of making it. I think E-7 is gonna suck big time.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

^ Congrats :).

I finished with the debuff and already do 2 sorties with kidou butai. 1 goes X, retreat at J due heavy damage and 1 goes E, used FCF to retreat my waifu (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ at pre boss, also Kaga is medium. The boss is minor at the start of yasen. Choukai is able to DA her to 34 HP left. The rest ( Haguro & Yukikaze ) target the BB.

Here the information about to debuff and branching rule.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Nice info but I'm not gonna bother with weakening until Final. I'll most probably go SOUTH most of the time anyways.
Problem now is resources

I really salute those who complete E-7 on Hard. How much sanity must one have?
Wo-KAI in Diamond formation already has sniper accuracy. But J node has her on Double Line, seriously..devs. Why is Teruzuki so hard to get?


Whew, I couldn't reach the boss at all.

2nd run goes EAST but went to Airfield then rekt at L node again.
I think it's best to snag the kill at Y and retreat cause you will never make it pass BB princess and 2 RUs with the amount of fuel left.

3rd run same bullsh8t, this run even worse with Airfield opening strike manage to taiha Yukikaze (sparkle and 100 EVA) even with Maya-sama AACI triggered, WTF RNG?

I'm done for the day. Resources wasted. Seriously not gonna bother with debuffs if I go there naturally.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Done with E-7 easy... I could do med but it will take me 2 or 3 days to clear so I give it up. I'm tired with this event...
Defeated node X and Y around 5 or 6 times, went to C 3 times. After that I decided to clear boss.


You hit my precious waifu and you're dead


and after that BB hime is KIA too.


Her pose make me think she is saying: "Teitoku, let's do night battle with me" :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

[MENTION=110737]wind_zero[/MENTION]; Congrats on saving Teruzuki.
Say, how many times you got diverted from J > Y with 1 CVL in fleet?

I'm gonna try 1Maya, 2BB, 1CV, 2CVL for better J > M chance.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

^ Thanks :D now I can sleep well, no more salt and pain when waking up and thinking about this event.
I went to node Y 2 times in total around 14~16 runs using 2CV 1 CVL. While using 3CV it's 2 times in total 4 runs.
I think Maya + 2BB + 2CV + 1CVL is the best setup for main fleet. You'll get enough air power and bomber to blow up some enemy DD. Sometimes you'll go to B but B-X-D-H-J-M-Z route is not bad and you get 1 debuff at node X.
And good luck with your fight. ^^
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@Fire debuff or not is your choice but i think it isn't waste resources for it. It's really easier to deal damage to boss.


Well i plan to take a ss when my hoteru cutin boss daytime when boss have only 65 HP left ( that's the 2nd shelling phase, the 1st phase, hoteru deal 16x damage with CI ), well but she only deal 55 damage. Choukai finish her with DA total 12x damage. This run, i have to withdraw Kaga at preboss with Yukikaze.
That's my 9th run ( exclude debuff run ).

@Wind Congrats :D. I'll end soon :P.





E7 Report:
- 7 sorties to debuff: 3X 3Y 2L 4C ( 3 attempts XYL, 4 attempts C )
- 18 sorties for main operation, total 3 retreats, Dead end 5 times ( 3 start E then go Y, 1 start B go C, 1 start B go Y but heavy ).
- 6 clean kills including last dance, 4 times non clean kill ( 1 in final ). 3 last dance sorties, 1 non clean kill, 1 J to Y, 1 clear )
- 1 time go zig zag BXDFGJ...
- Debuff while attempting boss: X 4 more times, Y 4 more time, C 1 more time.


GOOD LUCK on E7 everyone. Now i can sleep in peace. :P
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

OK I'll just spam Easy then

How do I go from C to E? I have 2 CVLs but I still end up at D
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Reached boss 2 times but failed to take her out, Dyson on full power! Stop please, as if AA princess's armor isn't hard enough. Yamato with AP > 19 dmg:eek: Need to pray to RNG for critical.
Princess FP isn't joke either, she manage to chuuha full HP Musashi during day shelling, my RNG side is fked up.

1CV + 2CVL = 2 times J > M. This seems to be higher, well until I got routed to Y.
3CV = 2 times J > Y , it's like 50/50 Y or M

@pichu; E-3?

- Minimum of 2CVL needed to branch from C->E, otherwise D.
- Having more than 1 CLT will send you from node C->D, forcing 2 aerial nodes, decreasing ammo and fuel for boss battle.
- Having 2 or fewer BB(V) + CV in a surface fleet will route from D -> X.
- A is a choice node
- LoS check at H node
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I only have 1 CLT in my escort fleet...

2 CVLs in main fleet + 1 in escort fleet

How many BB(V)s should I have in my main fleet? 3? I tried 3 in main fleet + 1 in escort but ended up C-D-X
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@pichu; I ran 2BB, 2CV, 2CVL + 2CA, 1CL, 1CLT, 2DD and never went to D node at all.

I hate how E-7 doesn't alert you when you land on a SS node. I kept choosing the wrong formation.:( So-class is a total bit*h, she can actually chuuha/taiha someone if RNG favors her.

Pre-boss EASY! I need to remind myself this is EASY. :rolleyes:

I wonder if this is enough to tell you how many times I got off course? Never once bother to setup a debuff fleet.
Tone DA alone is overkill for Princess.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

OK i'll try that formation

Oh gosh is E7 that crazy? I don't think I'll be able to get Teruzuki...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Kinda, E-7 doesn't have a fixed route to boss. If you don't have a nice amount of resources, it's gonna be tough.
The pre-boss nodes are either Double 160HP Wo-KAI or Airfield node + BB Princess pre-boss. Both nodes are pretty brutal for EASY difficulty.

Anti Air Princess is the 2010 Akizuki-class while we get the crappy 1942 Teruzuki. :D You can't complain she have thick armor now.
Also, her guns have CIC (Combat Information Center), I don't know about WW2 Akizuki having those.

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Oh dear I wonder if my fleet's good enough...

I have about 45k of each resources but I'm not through E3 yet
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Do you guys think that about 25k fuel should suffice for E-7?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

E-7 clear! I guess my 40k+ resources manage to pull through after all. Now close to soft cap. 20k+ except Baux and Steel

My waifu heard my agony and saved me from this fking hell-hole a.k.a E-7.


Pre-boss fked me up as usual but thanks to FCF no retreat and push on like a boss.
Major thanks to Nagato and Yamato awesome RNG teamwork and finish off Dyson (fk her) daytime.

- Used only node support for all runs as getting pass them are the hardest part. Never bother with boss support cause princess escort isn't a big deal except Dyson and my supports will probably MISS anyways.

I recommend those who are challenging E-7 to go with Carrier Task - 1 Maya-sama, 2BB, 1CV, 2 CVL + 1BB, 2CA, 1CL, 2DD
The CVL really have high % of going J > M node with a slight chance to go L node (90/10). I never reach Y node after changing my fleet.

Also without Maya-sama AACI, you'll eat more pain. Most of the time taiha/red from Wo-KAI.

@Dream - I'd said barely but try to gather some more for a few days. Look at moe's resources before and after.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@Dream did you see my resources before and after E7? About 23k fuel, 25k ammo, 20k steel and 8k bauxite are burned. Total 25 sorties including debuff. So i think with 25k fuel you will be fine. But to prepare for the worst, you must be ready to use your present box and mochi. You will at least decrease HP bar to 2~3 more clean kills with those fuel. Just restock and try again after few days.

It's your choice but i recommend you to debuff at node C at least 3 times. For the other nodes such as X Y L, you can debuff there the compass isn't on your side. As my experience on E7, those nodes ( X Y L ) decrease other boss starts: The boss can do 1 hit to heavy damage my BB at 1st but she can only do it to CV in near end.

FireShark said above, Maya AACI is recommended in F1 ( with kidou butai ), also FCF is recommended to. If you use this route: EGJMZ or BXDHJMZ, then if your ships don't get taiha on J or no more than 1 ship get taiha on M, FCF will help you reach boss. Retreat when 2 or more ships get taiha, you will waste your resources with 12 - 4 = 8 ships. If get taiha on J then retreat too, process to M with 10 ships will increase chance to get taiha.

@Fire Congrats on finishing E7 :P. You use that much resources. How many sorties? I thought i have bad luck at 1st since my 1st 5 runs: 2 retreat, 2 dead end and 1 reach boss but can't kill, but i manage to finish E7 in 18 sorties. With that much resources burned you must do more sorties than me. :)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@moe Thanks! I lost count. The last few set I suck up and cheat, close/refresh KCV whenever I go B node.
But hey, I did man up and press on even after using FCF on final run. That final run with only 4 escorts is really cutting it close.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

If i well remember, in 2 of my clean kills, i have to withdraw a heavy damaged girl. Fought boss with 10 girls.


Withdrawing 2 girls at preboss isn't too bad at all. 10 girls still have good damage. Even withdraw 2 in escort. As long as F2 can clear trash to let F1 focus on boss and BB hime.
But 8 girls is another case :). The chance to deal damage to boss is low. I think it will waste resources and buckets so i always retreat on J when 1 of my girls is heavy damaged. :D
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Definitely sounds like I won't be getting Teruzuki... D:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@Moe & Fire: Congrats on cleared E-7, you guys did well.:nekopara_omedetou:

I guess my 40k+ resources manage to pull through after all
That's a lot of resources :o. You must be really fked up...
@Dream I spent about 20k+ fuel and 15k+ ammo, around 10k bauxite for E-7. You'll be fine, and like Moe said, prepare your mochi and present box went you run out of resources just for last dance. Otherwise you can restock for 2 days and try again.

Definitely sounds like I won't be getting Teruzuki... D:
Just do easy only and you'll be fine, you'll have enough resources (maybe). Fire could do E-7 med if he wasn't so unlucky, and Moe finished E-7 easy with below his softcap.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I guess I have to beat her in 1 day so I wanted to make sure. I guess I'll stock until tuesday. Don't want to have to debuff her more than once, seems like a waste of time and resources.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I summon thee, almighty [MENTION=29996]ecael[/MENTION]

I'm suddenly really busy preparing for something so I hardly had time to research this event, could you please give me a list of ships/class recommendations for E1-E4 (I believe those are the locks?) branching please? I only wanted to make sure I'm not using ships that I shouldn't be early on and lock them by accident (I remember briefly seeing all 4 Kongou class need to be saved for E4 being discussed). Thanks and I owe you one ;)

P.S. Either tag, PM or VM me since I don't have much time to scroll around to find your post :P Quoting works too!

And for those hard working TTK who are cracking down the event, I wish you more Luck in your voyage and hunt!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@pichu just go every map with easy, E3 and E4 may be a barrier but E5 and E6 is easy. Umm... E6 medium has the flight deck so you may have to go medium.

@Dream I think about 30k fuel is enough for u to start E7. About 3~4k to debuff and the rest for clear. You'll be fine. :)
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; i write here from E1 to E5, E6 use girls from E3 + spare girls. E7... you should do easy... :P
The format is: [Ex] [route] [setup]

E1: [A-D-Z] [Kikuzuki, CL, DD, (F)BB(V), CLT, CA(V)]
- You can use BBV instead of CAV, using both is ok. I suggest to use FBB so you can use it for E2.
- 5 sorties - 5 kills.

E2: [ABEGZ] [F1: 2 (F)BB(V) 2 CA(V) 2 CVL] [F2: 1 CL 2 DD 1 CLT + (1CA 1 FBB) or (2CA)]
- easy map, use your low lvl CVL.
- I suggest Kiso for F2.
- Save your best DD ( Poi, shigure, ayanami, yukikaze... etc ) and CA for other map.

E3: [A-C-E-H-Z] [F1: 2 BB 2CV 2CVL] [F2: 1CL 2DD 1CLT + (2CA) or ( 1FBB 1CA)]
- Use your best girls here: Hoteru, Bisko, Mushashi...
- Because E4 may need a CVL ( depending on your route ), you may want to save a kai ni CVL.
- Recommended 1 CA is Maya with AACI setup.
- Recommended CL is Abukuma.

E4: There are 2 routes for E4, both have pros and cons. You should read more on wikia.
[B-D-E-G-Z] [ (Hiei + Kirishima) or (Kongou + Haruna) + 2CV + 2CA]
- 2 CV is need to have AS+ at final, normal form you go with 1CV
- You will go to dead end at pre boss if BB+CV > 4 ( 4 is fine ). So you can use CVL to increase BB. The more BB you bring, the more chance to pass 2 yasen, the more resources cost to repair.
[B-D-F-I-H-Z] I didn't go thi route so nothing to say. But i think this route is the same. You will face Wo hell, Ta....

E5: [B-E-D-F-I-K-Z] [Akitshushima + DD, 1CV, 2BB, 1CLT]
- You can replace Akitshushima + DD with 2 DD.
- For 2BB: whatever is fine
- For CV: Unryuu class is fine
- It's easiest map, no need to worry.

In the end, i suggest to use: http://aircalc.net/ to calculate AS for each map. Because the new system and new enemies ( boss, red aura tako... ) the info on wikia is wrong.

Hope it will help you quickly clear those map. GOOD LUCK. :)

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