KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Alright somewhere around 80~100 S clears of E4 later I have umikaze, time to move on and wrap up.

I saw that King poked me for comps but someone already answered that right?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Good Luck with your Hard clearings! E-3 and E-4 are the only real problem for you atm.

E3 is definitely proving to be a barrier at the moment considering I did a sortie before I sleep last night with:

[Kidou Butai]
F1: 97 Yamato (flag), 77 Musashi, 94 Kaga, 96 Akagi, 75 Chitose and 70 Chiyoda
F2: 97 Yahagi (flag), 93 Bisko, 78 Pudding (Eugen), 75 Yukikaze, 80 Shigure, 90 Kitakami

I ran one with their default (what I normally run them with) equipment, that didn't turn out too well as I couldn't get air superiority (though I got air partially, no text), gonna change 2 green into 3 green with Best in slot to try obtain air superiority, hopefully then it would turn out better.

I saw that King poked me for comps but someone already answered that right?

Moemoe-kyun kindly provided me with info from E1 to E5, would like to hear about E6-E7 Hard composition since I suppose you'll be the only few who have cleared E7 on Hard I assume?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Like Icehellion mentioned, you should aim for E-6 Medium reward if possible.

Hmm, I've been clearing the event so far on Easy difficulty though. I suppose we'll see if I can actually get there first :p
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Alright, should I use different setups for debuff runs and kill runs? Also some suggestions would be good, don't really have much room for error.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@Dream did you see my resources before and after E7? About 23k fuel, 25k ammo, 20k steel and 8k bauxite are burned. Total 25 sorties including debuff. So i think with 25k fuel you will be fine. But to prepare for the worst, you must be ready to use your present box and mochi. You will at least decrease HP bar to 2~3 more clean kills with those fuel. Just restock and try again after few days.

It's your choice but i recommend you to debuff at node C at least 3 times. For the other nodes such as X Y L, you can debuff there the compass isn't on your side. As my experience on E7, those nodes ( X Y L ) decrease other boss starts: The boss can do 1 hit to heavy damage my BB at 1st but she can only do it to CV in near end.

FireShark said above, Maya AACI is recommended in F1 ( with kidou butai ), also FCF is recommended to. If you use this route: EGJMZ or BXDHJMZ, then if your ships don't get taiha on J or no more than 1 ship get taiha on M, FCF will help you reach boss. Retreat when 2 or more ships get taiha, you will waste your resources with 12 - 4 = 8 ships. If get taiha on J then retreat too, process to M with 10 ships will increase chance to get taiha.

@Fire Congrats on finishing E7 :P. You use that much resources. How many sorties? I thought i have bad luck at 1st since my 1st 5 runs: 2 retreat, 2 dead end and 1 reach boss but can't kill, but i manage to finish E7 in 18 sorties. With that much resources burned you must do more sorties than me. :)


moe's guide is pretty solid.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@Icehellion Congrats :D. Finishing the event feel refresh, doesn't it? ^^

@FireShark I don't think close the game is a good choice. You still go J because H is a choice node. Passing through X is easy and you still have chance to kill X FS in day time. The problem is going to F from D. Well in that case, just retreat after the battle at F to save resources.

@pichu i think you should at least do E6 medium for the flight deck. I still don't believe it's Gokousen kai ni item ( although there is kai ni words in the description ). But you should try to grab this item.

@Dream I think you should use lighter fleet to do debuff. Put more DD and CA in F2, more CL and CA in F1. Whatever you bring, you will crush node C so just bring more sanshiki for other node. That will save resources.
[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; 1st i suggest you to sparkle your CV/CVL in 1-1 with 3 reppu and 1 bomber. Maximum your reppu 1st. Then use aircal to calculate AS for E3. With reppu max rank, you can easily get AS with 6 reppu.

@ecael Wow that's many @@. I farm total ~40 S rank but no sight of her. I may quit because my buckets decrease like crazy...
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Just wondering, is Reinforcement Expansion a consumable (as in once it triggered it will disappear?) or is it a permanent extra slot upgrade?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

it is a permanent slot upgrade.

Also I just finished up with E4 easy farm so I'll be switching to hard and clearing through, haven't decided what to do about E6/E7 yet far as farm goes but I'll hit it within the week I guess.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

it is a permanent slot upgrade.

Also I just finished up with E4 easy farm so I'll be switching to hard and clearing through, haven't decided what to do about E6/E7 yet far as farm goes but I'll hit it within the week I guess.

I must honestly ask, how did you find E3 hard? I'm not exactly struggling to get to boss most of the time yet when I reach boss I'm struggling to clean sink her. This is a huge resource sink considering I'm running Yamato with Musashi and I still can't clean sink her yet, I wonder how people will manage with Nagato class or below....
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I didn't find E3 exactly easy but I facerolled last dance with Yamatos without much problems. All in all it is more annoying than hard.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I didn't find E3 exactly easy but I facerolled last dance with Yamatos without much problems. All in all it is more annoying than hard.

Just had my first clean kill of the boss...E3 is not exactly very friendly, remind me a bit of E6 Truk 2 Dyson, except this is 2 CV Princess...and dafuq why does AV Princess have such high hp >_> Even higher than CV Princess...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I just devoted a high level clt and multiple cutin dds and bismarck for the job, honestly doesn't feel like it would be a particularly big problem as long as you suck it up and run supports for last dance.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I just devoted a high level clt and multiple cutin dds and bismarck for the job, honestly doesn't feel like it would be a particularly big problem as long as you suck it up and run supports for last dance.

I've used KTKM (90) with Yukikaze, Maya and Shigure in my nightbattle team. Bisko is also there as well. I can see this would be a lot easier with support during Last Walts but I'm not running support before Last Walts due to the fact it cost a hefty amount of resource running Yamato/Musashi combo already xD (and I don't have like 250k resource to spare)...Last Waltz I guess I'll sparkle all my ships and support ships as well I guess...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I only used Nagatos while chipping, Yamatos only came out for last dance.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Heard event was extended to the 7th or something, but I'm not sure if that's still enough time m amass the resources to clear E-7
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

@FireShark I don't think close the game is a good choice. You still go J because H is a choice node. Passing through X is easy and you still have chance to kill X FS in day time. The problem is going to F from D. Well in that case, just retreat after the battle at F to save resources.

But you need to pass through an extra SS node, with a chance of chuuha/taiha and lose extra fuel. Also making the Wo-KAIs even more accurate.
It's a waste of resources cause it's a guarantee fail run. 2 fuel bars at Double Wo-KAI / Dyson+2 RUs and 0 fuel bar at boss isn't good.

@pichu; just focus on getting to E-6 Medium first. Event now ends at 7th Sept.

Now wait for kuso players to complain this event is EASY. :@
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Getting taiha at E-7 E node easy makes me flip my shit.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Getting taiha at E-7 E node easy makes me flip my shit.

Don't yet. It's the next nodes where you need to flip. A Wo-KAI node follow by 2x Wo-KAI + Ta FlagShip in Diamond pre-boss.
FS protection on 160HP and your girls all wanted to be MVP by aiming DDs. Feel the pain we felt. :rolleyes:

Always run Node Support with 6 ships sparkle. Chances of you failing is quite high without them. Boss support is only needed if you find Princess node hard.

Go with Carrier Task. Roughly 90% chance of going to boss without detours if you have one CV and 2 CVLs in fleet. 3 CVs will have about 50% chance to Isolated Princess detour, making this a fail chipping run but a nice debuff run. Only do a debuff run when you are at your final kill. Surface Task is only for those doing Hard Mode only.

It is better to refresh your game if you go B node to save your resources.
Kill boss at X and Y nodes only once per day is enough for Easy Mode. You can take a chance and kill off pre-boss BB Princess too. Passing her with 20% fuel is quite hard and you will have 0 fuel at boss node.


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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

I've done all that already, I'm at the last dance. Rather I was until no resources left. Spent 13k just on the last run, did the sparkles, support, still no kill. Thank god the event now ends in 11 days so I can restock and try 1 more time.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Done the debuffing of mini boss nodes? X and C is pretty easy Y is tricky due to random branching.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Done the debuffing of mini boss nodes? X and C is pretty easy Y is tricky due to random branching.

Yeah, but if you use Akitsu Maru you have a higher chance to end up at Y. The first thing I did was debuff, those 3 nodes 3 times and node K 1 time.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

wtf E4 Easy Final is harddd
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

wtf E4 Easy Final is harddd

Bring type 3 shells and sparkle your fleet. You just need a bit of luck not to get taiha on pre-boss. I used 2FBB 2DD 1CA 1CVL and it worked pretty well.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 反撃!第二次SN作戦

Yeah, but if you use Akitsu Maru you have a higher chance to end up at Y. The first thing I did was debuff, those 3 nodes 3 times and node K 1 time.

Didnt bother with Y. Last Dance I debuff X and C. After which I went with both support runs reached boss with full fleet.

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