KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Yeah, it was an ugly affair. Last boss didn't have a pixel of HP left, but I just couldn't sink her one last time. =/ Also her name comes from the japanese pronunciation of Prinz. Purinsu > Pu-ri-n-su > Purin > Pudding.

I will try to give my best. So good luck to you. And good luck to all the other TTK!

Oh right, so that's where Pudding-chan came from xD

Good luck Shiki, and of course all the best to everyone as well! But from what I can see, most of what we'll be doing this event will probably be farming as this is only 5 map and the map doesn't look too bad at the moment...

@King It's better than in history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_aircraft_carrier_Graf_Zeppelin#cite_note-chesneau-1 :P
Pudding? Just hear her introduction line. :D

Wait, you want another Pudding xD? What for? FuMO or you haven't got Pudding-chan yet? :S

And historically she have 42 (which is very close to her base 43) but still, Kancolle CV power is heavily based on plane slot count, specifically AA where the plane count means the most, yes she does have a decent 30 slot after you remodel her, but she can easily been replaced by other CVL such as Jun'You and HiYou which is frustrating, especially when she cost a fair amount of operate with no equipment on board as well...I'll still try to hunt for her but her status as being a CV is largely underwhelming, especially the fact we recently have pretty much all acquired two very strong CV (Zuikaku and your Waifu) so I don't see a reason to use her other than she's a foreign ship... I myself am waiting for the last historical Yamato sister (I was going to say last but I'm not sure whether they'll actually introduce the A-150 plans, aka the Super Yamato), Shinano to be in game. Even though historically she was only fitting with 46 of her own aircraft, but she have further 120 space for other aircraft and land bases...so that comes to a massive 166 slots, which given the dev's likely increase the number slightly, her Kai might result her to be around 180 spaces which is equivalent of sortieing 2 Kaga...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

@King I don't have Pudding. That's why i want her :P.
Zeppelin: She has 2 good fighters as stock equipment. Anyway, i like her art :D.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Graf spotlight this event.
First CV that can do yasen. This is a huge deal.
My 2nd KC waifu confirm.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Yeah there are some rumors that Zeppelin can do night battle, btw she has medium range and good planes which is good.
@King Congrats! You got Zuikaku kai 2 XD. But why only Zui ? You had 2 flightdecks right ?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

@King I don't have Pudding. That's why i want her :P.
Zeppelin: She has 2 good fighters as stock equipment. Anyway, i like her art :D.

Ah I see, I didn't know you don't have Pudding-chan as well xD

Yeah there are some rumors that Zeppelin can do night battle, btw she has medium range and good planes which is good.
@King Congrats! You got Zuikaku kai 2 XD. But why only Zui ? You had 2 flightdecks right ?

I don't have another blueprint since I have been very lazy for the past few months xD So when I get my other Blueprint I'll remodel Shoukaku as well.

Graf spotlight this event.
First CV that can do yasen. This is a huge deal.
My 2nd KC waifu confirm.

To me, I kind of still feel she is rather lacking. Most of the time at the moment Suijubutai is still the more dominant of the damage fleet, where CV is restricted to 2 but majority of the time you end up taking 1 only. Thus to me when that happens you're also face with another problem, obtaining air superiority, which means you'll fill your only CV with greens + yellow anyway, so being able to attack during night is rather...gimmick than anything. If she's part of a large CV support fleet, her slots (30/13/10/3) which I'm sure with the recent introduction of more enemies wrecking your planes and more chances to see Hellcats, the chances of your 13 and 10 slot being shot down is relatively high, meaning by the time you reach boss node you might not even be able to day attack, let alone night attack...which is why I think the plane count is disappointing and render her unappealing with the way CV currently works.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Is it confirmed that Zeppelin can do night battle? @@

@King I joined on Jan 2015 so i don't have both Aki and Pudding. This is the chance to get both of them :D. It seems this event doesn't hard like summer event.

Now waiting for drop confirm and planning farming fleet. :P
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

@King I joined on Jan 2015 so i don't have both Aki and Pudding. This is the chance to get both of them :D. It seems this event doesn't hard like summer event.

Oh I see, fair enough then xD Good luck with drops!

I myself really like the design of Kashima, I don't quite know why but she's very charming.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Fufufufuf she has white hair o(≧∇≦o). But because she is reward for E3 so no need to worry. ^^
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Fufufufuf she has white hair o(≧∇≦o). But because she is reward for E3 so no need to worry. ^^

Hm...maybe the hair... :P :shock: Wait...I prefer blonde hair ;_;

Though out of interest, have you guys seen the E2-E3 mechanics, seems rather...confusing xD
56 plane counts for Kai...that's worst than Jun'You Kai Ni which have 66 plane counts...(actually just checked Jun'You Kai have 66 plane counts as well...), even Unryuu class have 69 plane counts...and much lower fuel consumption... Historically she is a CV but in game she's worst than a CVL...dev could have at least buffed her up...But is it me or her skin is so pale? :S

Don't really care about the plane count (I thought she was a CA for some reason until I saw this post). And yes her skin is pale. Regardless, the new ships have good art this event. imo.
Don't really care about the plane count (I thought she was a CA for some reason until I saw this post). And yes her skin is pale. Regardless, the new ships have good art this event. imo.

Oh you never even heard of the only CV for Germany back in WW2 before xD? I'm surprised, so you just like whatever that is foreign xD?
Oh you never even heard of the only CV for Germany back in WW2 before xD? I'm surprised, so you just like whatever that is foreign xD?

I like her hair. And the hat. And the the mounds. I don't really know many ships outside of kancolle, and since I live in eastern europe that would mean that all the ships in kancolle are foreign so I don't really get why you think I like whatever is foreign...
I like her hair. And the hat. And the the mounds. I don't really know many ships outside of kancolle, and since I live in eastern europe that would mean that all the ships in kancolle are foreign so I don't really get why you think I like whatever is foreign...

I think most of us actually live outside of Japan, so in your terms that means all ships are foreign to us. No this is not how "foreign" ship is defined in KanColle terms, it is defined as any ships that doesn't belong to the IJN...Not based on where you live.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

E1 clear. Easy as expecting. Got 3 Jintsuu, 3 Mikazuki, 1 Hamakaze, 1 Satsuki; like they want me to prepare for E2 :P.

My suggestion: if you want to save some resources, go with lower than 12 ships. The enemies always are wiped out before fleet 2 start shelling.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

E1 clear. Easy as expecting. Got 3 Jintsuu, 3 Mikazuki, 1 Hamakaze, 1 Satsuki; like they want me to prepare for E2 :P.

My suggestion: if you want to save some resources, go with lower than 12 ships. The enemies always are wiped out before fleet 2 start shelling.

Lower than 12 ships? Do they allow a smaller Combined Fleet?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Lower than 12 ships? Do they allow a smaller Combined Fleet?

Yes but i didn't try yet. At least i saw fleet 2 with 4 ships. You may lower fleet 1 as well. Just try with your fleets, place minimum ships in both fleets and then form the Combined Fleet. You will know you can do it or not. :)
Oh you never even heard of the only CV for Germany back in WW2 before xD? I'm surprised, so you just like whatever that is foreign xD?

Considering it was never finished and was scuttled, can't blame him.

As always i'll post my fleet comps for event. (Starting late like usual)

Main Fleet
Ise Kai 55: 41cm, 38cm, Fumo, Zuiun II
Haruna Kai 63: 41cm, 38cm, Fumo, Obv. Plane >>
Haguro Kai Ni 81: SKC 20.3, SKC 20.3, Radar 22, Obv. Plane >>
Myoukou Kai Ni 71: 20.3 (N°2), 20.3 (N°2), Radar 22, Obv. Plane \
Jun'You Kai Ni 87: Reppu >>, Reppu >>, Ryuusei (601) III, Ryuusei Kai \
Ryuujou Kai Ni 83: Reppu >>, Reppu (601) >>, Ryuusei (601) I, Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron) III

Kuma Kai 50: 20.3 (N°2), 20.3, Night Rec \
Prinz Eugen Kai 77: 20.3(N°2), 20.3 (N°2), Radar 22, Obv. Plane
Samidare Kai 53: 10cm, 10cm, Radar 22
Kikuzuki Kai 55: 10cm, 10cm, Radar 22
Kisaragi Kai 55: 10cm, 10cm, Radar 22
Hibiki Kai 54: 12.7cm B, 12.7cm B, Radar 22
Considering it was never finished and was scuttled, can't blame him.

Wait, pretty sure that's what she is famous for, never finished and the only CV that Germany ever produced near WW2 xD Which actually lead me to another question in the back of my mind, what the heck are they gonna introduced for the German CV line in WoWS xD? 5 paper ships and 1 historical one?
Wait, pretty sure that's what she is famous for, never finished and the only CV that Germany ever produced near WW2 xD Which actually lead me to another question in the back of my mind, what the heck are they gonna introduced for the German CV line in WoWS xD? 5 paper ships and 1 historical one?

Paper line like the soviet CV line, already annouced by devs (That they will be paper that is, no date obviously). There are some designs though you have to dig a bit but some ships were selected for CV convertions after Bisko got rekt Jade-class comes to my mind right now. Even before the Graf i believe there were some british inspired CV plans.

On soviet CV by dev [26/10/15]:
"It's possible. The ships are not the problem - there are enough British-looking carrier projects that are completely in-line with existing in-game carrier lines. They all are "average" with distinctivy similarities in design, some of them were considered for construction, the others were left at the early design stages.
The problem is - there is little known about Soviet carrier-based aircrafts. Several known designs and prototypes were made and tested but this is not enough for complete branch. Additional diggings required.
Conclusion: the time will tell. This branch is not the top priority at the moment - this is for sure."
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Bloody useless new combined fleet, where the girls in main fleet seems to get nerf very badly in firepower, accuracy and evasion.
E-3 Easy in 20+ runs. Gotten 3 rainbow BG girls.
Rainbow #1 Akagi
Rainbow #2 Akagi .. fking troll
Rainbow #3 AKIZUKI!
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

[MENTION=29172]FireShark[/MENTION] ; not doing Hard mode ;P ?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

I am doing Hard E-3 but I think it's kinda not worth it. I don't need the Type 4 Sonar when I already have +4 Type 3 Sonars.
Also, only a madman would farm Akizuki on Hard using that shitty combined fleet.

E-4 Hard is a different story. But first farm Graf and Pudding on EASY :D
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

I am doing Hard E-3 but I think it's kinda not worth it. I don't need the Type 4 Sonar when I already have +4 Type 3 Sonars.
Also, only a madman would farm Akizuki on Hard using that shitty combined fleet.

E-4 Hard is a different story. But first farm Graf and Pudding on EASY :D

Hm...But I heard E3 isn't too bad if you have Akitsumaru...do you not have her?
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Haha of course I have Akitsu. Even on Easy I sometimes fail to get S rank due to T-red.
I'm using node support with the same farming fleet for Hard runs.

There are reasons why I don't farm on Hard.
Ru-chan on pre-boss node + 2 Ta-chans on boss + Mizuho = No thanks. Don't suggest boss support for farming purpose.

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; How far are you? Any tips on E-4 setup?

For clearing purpose, best equip all your DD in main fleet with drums. Akitsu with 1 Landing 2 Reppus.
The girls in main fleet are nerfed, I repeat..they are nerfed. Do as many runs as me and you'll notice it.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Haha of course I have Akitsu. Even on Easy I sometimes fail to get S rank due to T-red.
I'm using node support with the same farming fleet for Hard runs.

There are reasons why I don't farm on Hard.
Ru-chan on pre-boss node + 2 Ta-chans on boss + Mizuho = No thanks. Don't suggest boss support for farming purpose.

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; How far are you? Any tips on E-4 setup?

Me? I haven't even started, whenever I'm not working on my lab report I tend to go play WoWS, considering I'm only 1 Tier away from my Yamato :3 And I'm just considering how I'll tackle E2-3 due to the new weird mechanic, I can try a balance drum + weapon or all weapon but drain slower, I'm not sure how well it drain without drums so I'm kind of waiting on more informations first.

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