KanColle Headquarter!

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

I can try a balance drum + weapon or all weapon but drain slower,

Just 3 drums on each DD on main fleet. They cannot do anything other than miss and 10+ dmg even with 2 green 1 radar.:whistle:


Current S rank Graf drop rate from poi. Many farmed her on Easy. ;)
甲难度 28 (2.460%)
乙难度 55 (3.574%)
丙难度 259 (2.861%)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Just 3 drums on each DD on main fleet. They cannot do anything other than miss and 10+ dmg even with 2 green 1 radar.:whistle:

Ah I see, any specific ships I should save for E4? I've been thinking this is a god damn event where Cruiser + DD is spotlight for E2-E3 and E5 because of the new mechanics, yet CL is also one of the weaker side of KanColle...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

That's fast @fire :D. Congrats. I still level up Hamakaze for E2. Did you do E2 with the 5 girls?

@King For farming, easy mode is the best. Although dev said that higher difficulty has higher drop rate; but easy diff still has far higher chance for reaching boss and S rank than med and hard.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

I finally began an event.

E-1 Hard
1st fleet
Tone: 57, Bismarck: 42, Shouhou: 62, Houshou: 56, Kinugasa: 55, Furutaka: 65
2nd fleet
Kawakaze: 51, Takao: 62, Jintsuu: 70, Hamakaze: 51, Yukikaze: 75, I-168: 86

It was the fleet mainly composed of reserve forces, but the first sortie was S victory. (route: BEHJ)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

mmh.. Tone is my only high level CAV and I don't have any AV above level 40.. I should have 7 high level DDs, though.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

I swear every single time there is a new event the Combined Fleet mechanics get nerfed to no end, first the accuracy got hit, now the damage got hit, like god damn BB either don't hit or hit for scratch damage >_> My Atago and Takeo actually hits more and harder than BB >_>
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Isn't Combined Fleet mechanic always like that :P? Using STF: fleet 1 hit rate is low, BB do scratch damage even CI or DA...
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Yes and no. When combined fleet was first introduced during Operation AL/MI there was just "Combined Fleet", accuracy was beyond insane which made the event rather friendly and easy (Apart from the EO I think) provided you have a reasonable amount of resources.

Following the next event (or the one after?) Combined Fleet making its return and it was now split into two option, Suijou Butai and Kidou Butai. If I remember it correct Suijou Butai have decent accuracy and damage compared to the Kidou Butai which rely on a heavily broken CV mechanics and also what I felt to be a massive ninja nerf to CV where they don't hit anything, so generally Suijou Butai is favored over Kidou Butai unless Kidou Butai give better branching rules and survivability, otherwise generally people use Suijou Butai, then there comes the events that follow onward where they start introducing more mechanics such as shiplocking, noding picking branching...etc but what is really weird is that is when Suijou Butai accuracy got massively hit and ships that rely on artillery just no longer hit anything, but when they do it dealt the damage you normally expect. Then we have what we have now, high inaccuracy, low damage for ships that rely on artillery and we now all bet on our cut in DDs to finish off the boss since the rest of your fleet just doesn't hit anything.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

That's fast @fire :D. Congrats. I still level up Hamakaze for E2. Did you do E2 with the 5 girls?
Yeah, I ran E-2 with the 5 girls + 1 wild. Only manage to properly sink Abyssal Jintsuu 2 times out of my 10 runs. Curse that searchlight she have.

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; I haven't properly started E-4 yet. Now restocking a bit more resources before jumping into Graf/Pud farm.

Current Graf drop stats from poi.
甲难度 48 (2.943%)
乙难度 67 (3.283%)
丙难度 416 (2.953%)
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Spent about 1/3 resources on E-4 easy, still no count.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

E-1 Hard cleared.
Sortie: 7 (retreat: 2) / all BEHJ
1st fleet: FBB, CA*3, CVL*2
2nd fleet: CA, CL, DD*3, SS

used ships
FBB- Bismarck: 43
CA- Furutaka: 65, Takao: 63, Tone: 58, Kinugasa: 55, Choukai: 48
CL- Jintsuu: 70
CVL- Shouhou: 62, Houshou: 56
DD- Yukikaze: 75, Mikazuki: 53, Kawakaze: 52, Hamakaze: 51
SS- I-168: 86

Kirishima*2, Jintsuu, Satsuki*2, Mikazuki, Hamakaze*2, Yayoi :(

good night... :sleepmoon:
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

[MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; How good is the damage against SS princess without armor debuff? Also which combined fleet formation you use against her? :D
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; I haven't properly started E-4 yet. Now restocking a bit more resources before jumping into Graf/Pud farm.
Current Graf drop stats from poi.
甲难度 48 (2.943%)
乙难度 67 (3.283%)
丙难度 416 (2.953%)

Ah fair enough, for "Easy" farming which I never done before, what do you do? Repeatedly spamming between easy/normal boss node until you get your desire drop and then go back to the difficulty you want?

Also from those statistics it seems like normal might be worth trying? Seems like Hard and Easy have similar drop rate then there is no point on doing Hard yet.

[Off Topic:] I'm so close yet so far from my favorite ship of all time...I cannot wait until I get my hands on her...at least I don't have to RNG my chance of getting her in WoWS :P

Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

[MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; How good is the damage against SS princess without armor debuff? Also which combined fleet formation you use against her? :D


I failed to kill her twice in her final form, but otherwise it's not that hard. You should probably do normal or higher, I couldn't because I don't have enough buckets or resources. It's easy to farm her while not in her final form.
As for the drops... you'll probably get all the subs twice before zeppelin... i cri :'(
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

[MENTION=26]KingArturia[/MENTION]; Yamato! Congrats!
Yeah, I switch between difficulties to reset the gauge.
Farming best do Easy / Medium. I'm sticking with Easy now cause being able to use locked E-1 ~ E-3 girls.

[MENTION=73341]DreamCa7ch3r[/MENTION]; You just reminded me that I can use locked ones on Easy mode. :eek: I locked my ABKM for green. Having 2 opening torps for farming are better than one.:whistle: Thanks!

No point gambling with an extra 1 or 2% on Medium+.
If I can get Akizuki on Easy, why not Graf and Pud. I on the assumption that new ships will have higher drop rate than returning ones.
Farming for Pud will be a pain cause of the PT Imps.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Yeah I tried going to M once. Was not good.
Also I just noticed that Graf Zeppelin can launch planes at night, so even with the low plane count she could be pretty useful.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

- the buckets are REAL!

Yukikaze lucky CI - 406 dmg overkilling Mizuho.

I leave this up to your imagination.

Could be easier if I ran boss support as well but I'm not gonna bother cause I'm fine with A-rank.

12 Drums + 1 Landing + S rank = 121 points
12 Drums + 1 Landing + A rank = 84 points

And I ran both support for final. Finish off with a BANG!
Notable drop : Asashimo

- Replace Akitsu's landing/daihatsu with another fighter to gain AS on final.



Devs are now reworking on Graf's night damage calculations and she will be using her yasen guns instead of planes.
Screenshot her launching planes at night now for keepsake if you have her.
She can DA at night with 2 secondary guns???

Graf drop rates. About 2%
甲难度 71 (2.737%)
乙难度 101 (3.018%)
丙难度 752 (2.963%)

U-511 drop rates. About 0.4%
甲难度 10 (0.386%)
乙难度 25 (0.747%)
丙难度 106 (0.418%)

Roma drop rates. About 0.04%
甲难度 13 (0.501%)
乙难度 0 (0.000%)
丙难度 0 (0.000%)

Prinz drop rates. About 0.6% Node M only.
甲难度 13 (2.519%)
乙难度 44 (1.880%)
丙难度 98 (0.645%)

Yeah...returning ships have abysmal drop rates compare to new ships.


The PT Imps has been nerfed. They made a mistake by making them having god-like evasion.
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

There are reports that Ro-500's graphic errornumously shown as Kashima's and Ooshio's text label errornumously shown as Kaga Kai Ni A after this update. Apparently clearing cache will help fix this.

It's happening. They sure slip up there.


Graf drop rates. E-4 boss
甲难度 96 (2.730%)
乙难度 133 (2.950%)
丙难度 1047 (2.944%)

Akizuki drop rates. E-3 boss
甲难度 59 (1.726%)
乙难度 28 (1.640%)
丙难度 1020 (1.733%)

These are all drop recorded by poi users. The have a plugin that automatically sends data to their db server if the user/player allows. No more "she doesn't exist". Gotta believe.
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

E-2 Hard cleared.
sortie: 8 (S-Victory: 2, A-Victory: 5, retreat: 1)
route: all ADFIJK
support expedition: Normal and Boss

used ships
Jintsuu: 71
Yukikaze: 76, Satsuki: 66, Mikazuki: 54, Hamakaze: 52, (Kawakaze: 53, Wakaba: 68)

Jintsuu*2, Sendai, Tenryuu, Natori, Tama, Mikazuki, Haguro :(:(
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

I bloodly hope Kaga Kai Ni doesn't need a Catapult...or they better give me another one or Shoukaku aren't getting one xD
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Grinding Akitsu Maru to Kai for E3... so boring
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Grinding Akitsu Maru to Kai for E3... so boring

I need to grind another 295k for my Yamato...just out interest what Tier are you at for the IJN BB line?

[EDIT] E1 Hard Complete, as per usual things will go up later but I'm sure all of you have got past it already xD

Any suggestions for E2 equipments?

[EDIT2:] English Wikia suggests that Eugen is E4 Medium+ only, any confirmation on this?
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Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

I need to grind another 295k for my Yamato...just out interest what Tier are you at for the IJN BB line?

40k from Amagi sincei i'm taking it slow and grinding 6+ lines at the same time
Re: KanColle Headquarter! 突入!海上輸送作戦!

Curses I tried to expand ship slots but for some reason DMM says I can't use my card to pay... any ideas why?

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