Re: KanColle Headquarter! 出撃!礼号作戦
Basic gist of the most recent update:
* Spring voices
* More marriage voices
* No mochi gathering this year. However, wording implies that they may do it next year.
* Satsuki Kai 2, remodels at level 75, can equip Daihatsu
* Верный can now equip Daihatsu and Mid-class barges
* New Duties involving Satsuki Kai 2
* Ro.43 can now be manufactured.
* More stuff can be upgraded at Akashi's workshop. Of particular note is that Seaplanes are now upgradable, and Ro.43's can be upgraded to Ro.44.
* Ro.44 is now classified as a new category Seaplane Fighter. Seaplane Fighters apparently have the same general use as Zuiun, though the equip restrictions (in addition to anything that can already equip Zuiun, Nagato class, Yamato class can also equip it; post-model Italian ships can also equip the Ro.44) means it's theoretically possible to get air superiority using Battleships and Heavy Cruiser/Zara now (this probably explains why Zara has such a low torpedo stat). Note that ships equipped with a Ro.44 will not attack submarines.
The tradeoff is that the Ro.44 (currently not certain if all Seaplane Fighters will have this trait) by itself does not allow Artillery Spotting, but equipping another Seaplane will enable it again.
More Seaplane Fighters are slated to be added.
Looks like Zara suddenly got a new role as a make-shift Aviation Cruiser for maps with class restrictions.
* Android version registration. There's an menu item with red highlight in the top toolbar where existing players can register for the android version that's going to come out (iOS version is currently "undecided"). Clicking the item will show you a lever which you can click to register yourself.
Note that registration is a lottery, and only at most 100,000 players will get the privilege of playing after release.
Registration will close when the next scheduled maintenance is performed.
* Mizuho now drops in area 5. According to the current data from wiki, she drops from the boss of 5-3.
EDIT: missed a few things