Leifthrasir [LPW #147]

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Welcome Champ, I wish much success for tomorrow!

a legal job huh? yeah..... i guess i should get a legal job :sowwy:
Hu?! Did an weakpoint hit at you? I'm sure that you'll get one.
Fam, it's all good and fun, it's not like I bought it myself :alice_blush:

(which is true though, like, I got it as a gift from a friend during Christmas, as a joke, but I ended up using it)
Hmm... You have/had indeed an "funny" and "smart" friend, I had in your place with at him as Xmas-gift some stars above his head created.
/me wanders into LPW

/me huggles tightly
/me reaches for your...
Whatcha caught so far?

I've tried catching the starter Squirtle, but he just gets pissed :/ do I tap the ball then the Pokemon? Some tutorial of how to play the game would have been nice :/

i don't get pokemon go, do you battle like in regular pokeymang games or do you just throw that ball whilst walking around in town?

I think it's just collecting Pokemon while you walk around. Guess they made so fat kids will walk around for a while and get some exercise lol.
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