Leifthrasir [LPW #147]

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Oh no! One of classic rock's edgiest controversial songs, the Rolling Stones' Sympathy for the Devil, is now being used to sell dog food! :akazukin_rage:

I think that's one of the signs of the Apocalypse! :chuuni_slump:

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Thank you. I’ll find out next week!

Also, I heard about Dwyane Wade signing with the Bulls. I hope he doesn’t get as much crap talked about as DK did. :nekopara_tease:

Well let me know when you hear the good news next week. One of my brothers just recently got hired for a new job, started this week, he did not want to stay in the Air Force any longer.

Yep, Wade is on the Bulls, while he is receiving someone criticism, he is not receiving nearly as much as KD though. Part of the reason is that Wade is from Chicago.
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Not... really?... :akazukin_sweat:

Umm... I guess we could always try frank corp :nekopara_sigh:

But... does that really do much beyond when I want to drink tea? :nyanmusu_dead:

What should we try? :akazukin_wut:

Its alright~ At least we learn :nekopara_patpat:

Frank Bank? :puniko_timid:

Why the Frank Corp? He kidnapped my future master?:nyanmusu_wtf:

That's why we have TEATIME :akazukin_evillaugh:
Any idea Professor?:mini_tehee:

/me hugs samy :nekopara_hug:
Frank Bank? :puniko_timid:

Why the Frank Corp? He kidnapped my future master?:nyanmusu_wtf:

That's why we have TEATIME :akazukin_evillaugh:
Any idea Professor?:mini_tehee:

/me hugs samy :nekopara_hug:

That place is probably filled with money no one will accept :nekopara_puzzled:

Well... frank corp does have similarities with that empire... though I guess the sith did much more :nekopara_sigh:

Teatime isnt just about tea though... :nekopara_confused:

Maybe... use a time machine to keep him from ever joining frank :nekopara_tehee:

/me hugs imouto~ :nekopara_hug:
Because laugh ish cute :miku_dejected:

You sure about that?

B-but ghosts can just float through the floor :lapi_depressed:

Quite possibly

/me gets scrunches and chopsticks and other hair ornaments to play with :miku_glide:

How did you get out here? :miku_wut:

Nu! :lapi_peaceful:

I... I thought I was :lapi_down:

Those are ghosts? :alice_shock:

It was nice knowing you, my friend

/me resorts to glaring at Samy :kurochan_mad:

Sniff sniff :alice_cry: /me waves her shovel at the broken door.

:rr_yay: We rock! /me equips oxygen tanks at the back and at Vel-chan's too

I'm sorry for reminding you the sad memory >< please forgive dawndawn ;_; You are and will always be a kind and lovely girl, cause you're helping people with your kind motivating words :fulfilled:

B-project is good and bishiesness level max :runhappy:

I'll make a love bento for you too :alice_blush:

Wahoo! Thank you, partner!

Oh no, please don't apologise! You did nothing wrong - I'm sorry that what I said made you feel guilty :( /me hugs. Thank you for always being so sweet, kind and just overall wonderful, Dawn-chan. :nekopara_hug:

Yeees, B-project :blushhappy: Does Dawn-chan have a favourite bishie? :bigeyes: (Even though there's only been one episode xD )

I'll get to eat lovely Dawn-chan's homemade food?? :boys2_omg: * Random bishie rushes off to compete in the bishie contest. :runhappy:
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