Let's Create a VN!!!

Hmm im thinking about characters and scenes randomly~ The characters will take priority though and change scenes after they are created~ The scenes are just vague atm~
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hmm how do i apply to be a visual novelist [MENTION=17020]~SnowAngel~[/MENTION]; ?
[MENTION=25364]Decalcomania[/MENTION]; hmm dialogue writer sounds good to me
[MENTION=34114]redcat[/MENTION]; I'm waiting aexiel's response.
at the top there's "usergroups"
in there you'll see the group.
then you apply~
if you have a username, i can just add you x-x


i might need help with colors and stuff soooooooooooo
let me know if you're willing to try and listen for admin stuff~ XD
have registered.
me as kitsune there [MENTION=17020]~SnowAngel~[/MENTION];
[MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION]; I need to change the UI CP too?
[MENTION=29831]thecoins[/MENTION]; last time, you told me to add some feathers on CP UI for buttons? Did you forget? ;p
I don't know sam.. that was your idea to change boxes into feathers
Okies.. Hey.. so the name is Ethereal Hearts right?
And how about the chara? we can make the banner if we have those 2 already.
lol we never even really talked about the name ;p But names really should come after the story? Kind of like how you should title an essay after youre done writing if you want to make a decent title~
Hm... everyone seems to have different perspectives about this project....
How about I set up a meeting room in irc and ask you all (at least the core staff) to come and discuss about the project boundaries? Just tell me what time you could go online (GMT+00 time)
We are still amateurs. If we get good enough hits with this Visual Novel, then we may expand and do other genres with other project leaders.
um... nevermind... I just found out that ushio had already set up a room in irc.

Tossing some ideas during the initial stage is good.
In fact, why don't we all do a brainstorming session and discuss it in chatroom? :3

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