[LPW #10] Cheers for Anime-Sharing! Yeah!~

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....Why do you want to corrupt me? And how the hell are you even going to do that?
Easy. I get you to play lots of hentai games. Slowly but surely your mind will distort and you will no longer care about the feelings a girl would have towards rape. And that's just the start!
LoL........Just the start?....

Anyway, you DO know that i already play eroges right? '-'
And i also laugh if you think you can stop me from caring about the girls feelings. \o/
Hah. I'll be the demon lord in your dreams! Laugh while you can... :P
LoL. Demon Lord... >_>"

I'm more towards Angels so you won't get to me. =X

Arg, i give up. Can't find the game. I'll sarch more tomorrow. >_>

I see lurkers. '~'
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I'm uploading it, give it some time. The game's really good so I hope lots of people buy it.
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I told you (indirectly) that you did not have to do that... >_>"

Btw, are you interested in the new MK or not? (since you seemd to like fighting games)
...raeps raeps raeps

you guys sure creepy...
LoL... How am i creepy... I don't even like rape.

ANd besides, who are you to say that we are creepy mr. rorikon? xD
@Check: You're one to talk.

Blue is a rapist!

Yeah, well I don't take orders from you. I'm uploading it because I want to. :P

MK? Mortal Kombat? I haven't played it since the SNES days.

LoL I see... xP
The new one is actually quite good. And i actually really liked the story. But meh, i'm one of the few persons that didn't hate any previous MK. (well except for Mk x DC this one sucked)
There there. No need to burst your bubble. Sorry.

Mm... I've heard about it.
AHHH......Sorry Cocona. xD I didn't even notice. I'm looking at some other things in here. '-'

But now that i think about it, i thought i wrote "No Problem" there... Oh well... Anyway here:
"Don't worry about it bro. =p i was just kidding too."
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Well, i'm going to sleep now. Bye Coco and CHeck. (and anyone else that's lurking here)

Btw Coco, thanks for uploading it. :3 I'll dld it tomorrow.
Mm... I can't shake off the feeling something is wrong though... perhaps a work in progress? I need Ignis to check on this...
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