[LPW #10] Cheers for Anime-Sharing! Yeah!~

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A good day starts with HUEHUEHUE. Oh wait, it is almost over......
^ lol

me has second seat occupied in fortissimo~
off for more
me no time play... but tmr's timetable is messed up, so i can play at least another 3-4 hours

Nights all
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What happened Check? >_>

Hi guys. =p

No one around? >__>
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Inugami was reminiscing about her good times during school and college life~

Apparently she was similar to me that she didn't like group work and was lazy when it came to PE wwww.

no one here~~~~

/leaves and will probably be away for a couple of weeks
Yeah, that's who i meant when i said "Rei"... >_>

Meh, i don't like Evangelion. u.u

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@Cocona, why do you make so much noise at night? I stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning but no one in the house ever wakes up, let alone the neighbors. Just keep the volume down on your TV when you play videogames. It sucks you have to move, though. Will your next house be permanent for your parents (even if you have to move out eventually)? I hate moving. Packing and unpacking takes too long and can damage my stuff. Im not looking forward to moving out for that reason (though I will like the peace and quiet of living by myself.)

I skipped 6 pages so I dont know whats going on.
^Nothing's really going on. Today is a quiet today here. =p

And hello alexeon.
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