[LPW #11] (>'-')> <( '-' )> <('-'<)

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^ Huehuehue Chinchanchong.. what the hell? ~> . . its really huehuehue ! . . - contagious laugh..

btw .. what game is that?
@schizo, cosmic break.

@kou, lol~
you still playing that? anycase, you downloading any games yet?
which? o.0

syangrila smart's koi de wa naku is ON for me~ :P
ah that...

you played the previous edition right if memory served right? others on your list??
Yes, Kikokugai, World end, Kamikaze , Vermillion

me mirrors the last 3 titles as stated before~ hmm, but may drop the first. vermillion also a bit not sure, need time. kamikaze is way big~~~
Going to replay kikokugai just for Urobocchi.


And get scare, mind forever horrified by the world's scariest imouto.
no fears on my side, coz me 100% onee-con

any reasons why you playing those? tell me~ :)
Akatoki - cause i like stripping clothes

World end - cause the title looks cool

Kamikaze - cause i like BB

Vermillion - it looks cool

Akatoki - cause i like stripping clothes

World end - cause the title looks cool

Kamikaze - cause i like BB

Vermillion - it looks cool


i quote you for BB (big bewbies).
hmm, most reasons are same as me. me like the games
quoted for truth. :)
tired.. thankfully lessons starts at 3 and test at 5....
huh?? there has to be a side
/me plays deaf

lol, your lessons seem to end early always, still got time for part-time.

/me wants job and money too
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