[LPW #11] (>'-')> <( '-' )> <('-'<)

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I am a little girl actually!

You been missing Nemu chan!
A wild nemuru Loli-imocon appears!

Fight Pokemon
Bag ->Run
@AC: Why?! You can have any wish granted!

@Kou-chan: Really?? I thought you like little girls!
Sorry, was very busy the past few days >_>

@Teruteru: /me uses blizzard!
Anti is living the dream!

@Nemu chan - No! Don't mistook yourself with me. I see, you are busy storing lolis.
@Teruteru: How can I miss blizzard?!
/me captures Teruteru back

@AC: It looks like you have fulfilled your own wish :3

@Kou-chan: But you told me you like little girls...
No! I wasn't and definitely ain't.
blizzard accuracy low.
/me breaks from poke masterball

/me runs like entei/raikou
@Nemu chan - you are confusing yourself with me! I like older girls HENCE ONEECON
/me wants games desperately

gawd i hate school~

nights out, bye bye
huehuehue ~ thanks kou for this ~ huehuehue ~

must sleep. .. imouto will kill me if she discovers i m using her laptop~ ...

huehuehuehue ~

oyasumi ~ . . .。o○Zzz…
@Kou - Not really, I just finished Licia's arc. Haven't play much this weekend.
By your reaction, I will rage over Eustia/Tia' arc?
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