Anyone care to enlighten me why she's one of the characters most will not forgive? I've only seen the anime and I don't see why she should be higher then Sekai.
Edit: Oh wait, he's the guy. Yeah, I see why now. Excuse me...
@Coco- Makoto is a he and i agree withwhoever said that... HES A FUCKING A** HOLE. Read the manga (and will prob play the VN someday too). AND DAAAAAMN, he makes me RAAAAAAAGE so hard.
Well maybe it didnt affect you much because you like NTR? xd
He keeps cheating on the girl (wich i forgot the name now) and you still don't think he's an idiot? :O
It was like in the beggining he had a "crush" on her than when they start dating he insta-cheats on her. Such a...
Altough Sekai is also a ***** it all happened because of him. u.u (Don't want to spoil the end of the manga xd)
You lolicon. xD Isn't she like 10 years old? xd (Im interested on Kotonoha's tough. Remembered her name. She's so cute. >o<)
I don't know why but i really want to read the VN too. When i finished reading the manga (read it all in a single day) i was SOOOO angry and wanted Makoto do die. I guess i'm a weird person. >__>
^What did i import? O.o (I read the manga online. Sorry man. =/ But i told you that i always buy if they release it here even when i already read it before. xp Rosario for example i bought all of the volumes that arrived here. :3)