Heh, I think a trollfacejpg version of the minister is much rage-inducing for other ppl LAWL considering the minister promised there won't be internet censorship last month. But now? HUEHUEHUE
heheheh =)
i blame hollywood. and action movies.
my friend got his comp disconnected from the school net for being too curious about firesheep ==
feel sorry for him...
are you saying that hackers don't carry guns around to shoot the good/bad guys? and that you can't make a computer explode over the internet? and that they don't get the girl in the end? or drive around in trucks that have a whole control center inside?
my childhood is over... nooooooooo =(
I have some exams so I'll be off till mid January, sorry for not answering or not being active right now. I'm not dead, just busy^^ See you all later in January and Happy New Year everyone! PS : I got a few new things to upload, look forward to it^^ (Anime, Games, Books)