Ohhh thanks for explaining (● ̄ω ̄●)ノ Guess I'll just be sticking around here when I'm bored.
And wow you might need to sleep now (;゚ロ゚) Well, only if you want to.
I see that evil frank is trying to get more people in his cult =/ You shouldnt trust that frank person =/ He will probably have you help him destroy the world or something =/
/me had rice since... rice... xD
Hmm... yeah that one is [ progressbar - *color* = *number* ] [ / progressbar - *same color* ]
Get rid of the spaces and choose a color... or get rid of the "-" and dont choose a color so itll default~
Theres pink, yellow, skyblue, red, orange, green, grey, brown, black... I wonder if theres white... I should also probably just dig up the thread with the features xD