[LPW #126] Come, Join us, along with our friends and neighbors!

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....... /me should probably be asleep since... only got 3 hrs... =/

Hihi anon~ Lpw is last post wins... aka a chat thread xD
Ohhh thanks for explaining (● ̄ω ̄●)ノ Guess I'll just be sticking around here when I'm bored.
And wow you might need to sleep now (;゚ロ゚) Well, only if you want to.
Lol... ehh... somehow made it to dinner without dropping so think ill just last a bit more before doing so... xD
Hmm.... I wonder... /me plays with features


It works o.o Hmm... ill just run off to eat nao =w=
Wait, there's something like that? ∑(゚д゚;ノ)ノ
Eh I'm eating noodles right now... or more like eating the crab there (*・▽・*)
Good, good. Remember to trust Frank and only Frank, who is most trustworthy. =\
Only you...? Σ(´゚ω゚` )
I... uh... |ω・; )okay...
I see that evil frank is trying to get more people in his cult =/ You shouldnt trust that frank person =/ He will probably have you help him destroy the world or something =/

/me had rice since... rice... xD

Hmm... yeah that one is [ progressbar - *color* = *number* ] [ / progressbar - *same color* ]
Get rid of the spaces and choose a color... or get rid of the "-" and dont choose a color so itll default~
Theres pink, yellow, skyblue, red, orange, green, grey, brown, black... I wonder if theres white... I should also probably just dig up the thread with the features xD

/me slowly sneaks off with some crab :breakin:
Thank you \(^ω^\) I'll prolly use it next time.
So confused now( ̄□ ̄;; ) need someone to help me out here hhhh
Should totally trust me :korokke_nice: Would this face ever lie to you :bigeyes:

/me wonders if this works.... xD

Its over: 9001%

Also posteds linky to the guide in previous post if you didnt see~
Those eyes won't have any effect on me! (。´ノω・`)
Over 9001? (=゚ω゚=; ) what
Hellos coins and leggy leggy~

Just seeing if it accepted numbers over 100 xD

Hmm... eyes dont work... :nekopara_dizzy: needs a new tactic... :nekopara_puzzled: but ill get around to that tmr :nekopara_dead:
You ok? You really need to sleep. ( ̄□ ̄lll)
And hello to you guys! ヽ(=´▽`=)ノ
Hello anon~

There are plenty of new stickers here. Onions are rarely used anymore :dispirited:

Later sam :bye:
Goodnight~ ヾ(´▽`* )
I need to leave here now too since I'm going out. ( ̄ω ̄; )
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